Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Snow + Rain = An Icy Mess

It snowed.

It's not too bad yet. It's supposed to snow more overnight. Then we heard thunder and saw lightening. Snow + Rain = An Icy Mess.

Schools are closing.

I have an important training meeting at work tomorrow. I'm not sure what we'll do as of yet. If I can't get out to go to work, they'll have to suck it up. Possibly maybe Daddy can take off the morning to watch the boys and I the afternoon. Grandma and Grandpa can watch them, but it all depends on traffic if we can get there to drop the kiddos over there, or not. A dilemma.


  1. Oh no, you did get snow. It stinks when it's the icy, slippery kind of snow. Around here, they don't cancel stuff for anything less than 3 or 4 inches, so we'd still have to venture out in what you got. Sigh.

  2. I knew it was going to hit us at some point. We are suppose to get it today or the next.

  3. Well, the world is gonna end on Friday so this is just a way to prep us for it ;)

  4. Looks like it'll be fun for the boys at least.

  5. Not a site I hope to see here any time soon, but it's supposed to hit us tonight. I am NOT looking forward to it.

  6. a "White Christmas!"
    Yay... yall be safe... I know ice is no fun.. but lets be real.. those pictures are beautiful


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