Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Isaak wanted to build a fort earlier this week. He showed Daddy where I put his fort equipment. I thought it was funny that Isaak remembered I put his fort stash in the linen closet and Daddy forgot all about it.

Do you see Isaak's little clothes line?

Isaak claimed that he want to sleep in that spot on the loveseat. We let him. It lasted about an hour before he wanted to go to his real bed.

Here Isaak is! He said, "Mom I'm transcendent." I said, "Isaak do you mean transparent or translucent?" He said, "What is transcendent anyway?"


  1. He called himself a word he didn't even know. LOL!

  2. That's a kickass fort! My kids have built forts out of blankets in the house before, but the one you guys made is hardcore :)

  3. lol on the conversation. :) The fort is cool. We do forts once in awhile too, but they never have a cool clothes line. ;)

  4. Ahhh, the joys of homemade fort building! My daughter tries all the time to make one, but the dogs knock them down.

    The clothesline is genius!

  5. Thats a pretty cool fort!! hahahaha.... transcendent, transparent or tranlucent... they all sound the same.

  6. Thats a pretty cool fort!! hahahaha.... transcendent, transparent or tranlucent... they all sound the same.

  7. Oh my gosh that is freakin awesome! I'd want to play in it too!

  8. that is too funny. we love forts around here too :)


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