Sunday, July 14, 2013

He Won't Let Me Take a Picture

I know every kid goes through phases where they just won't let you take their picture. That's Isaak right now.

Me, "Isaak let me take your picture." Isaak, "Ok Mom. You can take it now."

Me, "Boys let me take your picture." Boys, "Ok go ahead Mom." That's Isaak behind Mica.

Me, "Come on Isaak get in the picture!" Isaak, "Ok Mom. You can take the picture now." He's crawling out of the picture, and laughing.

At that point I was annoyed. Now I'm laughing about it.

By the way we're about out of room for new patches. Do we A) Ask for a new apron? or B) Get long sleeve shirts to iron on more patches?


  1. It is always great to see pictures of your sons Alissa. I smiled when I saw the ways that Isaak hid from the camera though! Real cute! Enjoy the rest of your day.

  2. I have girls and they are the opposite. Always WANT to be in front of the camera lol.

  3. Yup, I have one of those, too. My little guy is very stubborn about letting me take pictures of him.

  4. i was just noticing the patches have taken over...
    i say ask for another one ;)

    broxton makes dumb faces whenever you want to take his picture these days...

  5. Haha Reminds me of my 15 yoa son. It's like pulling teeth to get his picture taken.


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