Sunday, July 14, 2013

Steam Clean

Just a reminder you can go HERE to enter to win a HomeRight Steam Cleaner. The giveaway has fairly low entries. ENTER now!

I've been using my HomeRight Steam Cleaner every few days it seams. It cleaned my kitchen trash can really well! It was super dirty after demolishing our old kitchen floor and installing a new kitchen floor. I forgot to take pictures of that. Trust me the trash can was gross; now it's clean!

I cleaned our red stool chair today. It's a chair that Isaak stands on daily, and I stand on whenever I need to reach things that are high up. You can imagine on the step parts of the chair it gets dirty. It's hard to clean in the grooves.

 Before Steam Cleaning

Although it's not perfect, it's pretty darn close. I'll show you the rag at the end of the post. The steam kind of gets in the way of some of your cleaning view. WOW it still does a rocking sweet job! I was able to get inside and under the chair as well. Since it sits in our kitchen grease gets in some spots.

After Using the Steam Cleaner

I still had water left in the steamer, so I cleaned the dust pan. I thought about getting a new one; ours looked so bad after getting tape glue up off the old floor. But all you can buy now a days is plastic. I like that ours is metal. It sits closer to the floor.

Before Steam Cleaning

After Steam Cleaning

The one spot you do see on the dust pan is not dirt. It's just where the paint was previously off the dust pan.

Here's the rag after I was done. YUCK! It was white before I started cleaning.



  1. Amazing little machine! I am super impressed with the stool. We have a few that look like your before picture that could sure use a good cleaning like that!

  2. ha ha ha...
    i was just looking at our sliding glass door and said "I sure hope i win that steamer! we NEED IT!"

    that stepstool looks AWESOME NOW

  3. Good Job Alissa.. I love my Steam Cleaner.


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