Thursday, January 15, 2015


The Influenza I had hated me. I think it's gone. 

I have a lingering dry cough that I just can't get rid of. I've tried drinking it away with a lot of water, tea, and Emergen-C drinks. I've did the neti pot twice a day, and the cough just lingered.

I think my sickness I had aggravated my asthma. It's happened before. Now I'm puffing my inhaler, and taking some allergy meds just until I can get it under control. I don't have asthma all the time. I just get it in the cold, if I'm sick, or if my allergies are really bad. The sad thing is that since I don't have asthma all the time - when I do need my inhaler it's expired.

I still haven't gotten my new insurance cards - we switched insurance. From what I understand, the inhalers don't really go bad, they just weaken. I've only puffed the thing for 1 1/2 days, and it's helped. I coughed stuff up, and can breathe again without sounding like someone that's smoked for years (when I don't smoke at all).

Isaak has been great for a week now. He's all over Influenza.


  1. Hope you feel better soon. Cort has had a terrible time with his asthma this winter. He just started a second maintenance med.

  2. My boys always seem to get this nagging cough every year, but theirs lasts from October until April :(

  3. That must be hard :P But at least you don't sound like Darth Vader anymore.

  4. Feel better soon... and I think this flu bug hates us all!

  5. Hope you are better now...
    Yes, you are right about the inhaler... they just lose their potency...
    So, I would not go and buy a new one if there is plenty left in that one..

  6. My illness has been gone for a while, but I find it hard to breathe and my lungs burn when I try to exercise. I just wish it would all go away!

  7. I think the flu hit us all hard this year. I hadn't had bronchitis for years....


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