Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Best Breakfast Cookies

I'm always trying different things for breakfast that will also work great for snacks. Last weekend I made breakfast cookies. I made 2 batches because they sounded so good. Then I kept them in the refrigerator to last throughout the week. 

I knew this week would be draining for me, since I started teaching a new semester.

I have to say that these are the best breakfast cookies I've ever made! They were a hit with the whole family! They are gluten free, egg free, filled with protein, and yummy!

Breakfast Cookies

These cookies work great for a snack to! The boys are always hungry after they've been at the Y. These cookies are loaded with protein, and don't have a lot of sugar! I kind of think of honey similar to sugar. It is local honey I used. I didn't use peanut butter, or almond butter that is made with added sugar. Bananas are more of a starchy fruit, which turns to sugar, but do contain potassium.

I used a coffee grinder to grind up my flaxseed. I've read that it's better to eat flaxseed that is ground up right before you use it. I don't have almond flour, or oat flour on hand, so I just ground both of them in my food processor when a recipe calls for them.

Of course we had other things with them: A Green Smoothie, Steamed Kale, A Fried Egg, Pomegranate Seeds (for Isaak and I), Blueberries (for Mica), A Banana (for Dad), and Black Coffee (for Mom and Dad).

These were a hit!

They do have a banana taste to them, but are harder like a cookie. 


  1. These look delish! Pinning for sure.

  2. Cookies for breakfast! That sounds awesome...I really think my kids would like this!

  3. You can't go wrong with cookies for breakfast! I think my kids would really like these.

  4. These look great! I will have to see if my boys like them!

  5. These would be great for after workouts! I am printing off the recipe now and going to whip up a batch this weekend. Thanks for sharing!

  6. How fun! My kiddos would think I was the best mom ever if I fed them breakfast cookies!

  7. Really - only 1/2 teaspoon dark chocolate chips - or is that a typo?

  8. Anonymous,

    That was a typo. I fixed it. It's a 1/2 cup of Dark Chocolate Chips. Sorry about that!

  9. Mmm yummy! I need to start baking more again haha..

    Hope this week back at school went well for you. Yay to the weekend :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  10. Those sound so good. They'd be very filling for those mornings when I workout.

  11. I bet those would be really great with coffee in the morning!

  12. I would happily have those for breakfast (minus the chocolate chips)! They'd be great to carry in one's purse on a busy day. Might prevent a regrettable trip through the fast-food drive-thru!

  13. You know, this would be great for you to post and link with my Friday Feast :)

    (I want to try these... maybe the "cookie" part will get Marc to try them!)

    Here is my post if you want to link up ;)

  14. My Daughter makes me something like this sometime.

  15. These look good! I like the flavor combination and the high protein content.

    Stopping by from Noelle's linky. Have a great day!


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