Tuesday, June 2, 2015

WW: Friend Party {Linky}

This year I was bound and determined to have a fun, inexpensive, and less stressful friend party for Isaak. Last year I spent time, money, and creative juices on a party, and 1 kid showed up. I didn't want that to happen again. The problem is, inviting only a handful of kids limits how many will show up. Not having it at a fun expensive venue also limits how many will show up.

I only sent invitations out to 5 of his closest friends.

I let Isaak pick a movie or a place to eat. He said, "I want to go to that place that throws food in your mouth, and makes fires on the table." I said, "Think less expensive then that Isaak."  I gave him options, and he went with Pizza Hut.

Instead of going all out I went simple. We go all out for the family party anyhow. By making cakes that look fancy like this:

4 of his closest friends showed up. The one that didn't show, Isaak just started talking about at the end of the year. I know all their parents, or grandparents.

I was going to put Gifts Unnecessary, or to Bring Canned Goods for Donation on the invitations, but I forgot. I learned that even though parents cringe at gift buying, unwrapping gifts is a highlight to any kid's party. Even the kids that give them love gift time.

Note that there are 2 hands in the gift bag.

I felt guilty taking up tables, but we really didn't. There was a limited amount of kids. The place wasn't busy. It is a family establishment, so we weren't too loud.

The kids loved the pizza. We only ordered cheese and pepperoni because that's what kids seem to like. We ordered a combo for us adults.

I bought a few dessert options.
We ate, unwrapped presents, colored, balanced crayons on our noses, taught Isaak's friends how to play Skip-Bo (everyone had a partner that knew how to play), I showed them how to make hand puppets, and Isaak handed out his giveaway bags. The giveaway bags included: A 5x7 sketchbook I found on clearance for $.99, an ink pen, an I'm Cool pin they could attach to their shirts, and a small box of Glee Gum. I told Isaak to draw a Thank You For Coming to My Party picture on the first page in each sketchbook. Each kid admired his drawing. They all started drawing in their sketchbooks when they got them.

Everyone was happy the whole time. There were a lot of giggles. Isaak did get sad over losing Skip-Bo, but happy that one of his friends was there to pick his spirits up. It was fun!

We offered to take all the kids home. We did hear one kid say, "I never ride in one of these." It was a booster car seat. I said, "It will help you see out of the window better." ;)

What's a birthday party that you've had, that didn't cost a fortune?

Enter my new low entry Easy Peasy Patches Giveaway!

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  1. Sounds like the perfect kid party to me. I love that he drew a picture in each kids sketch book! Excellent idea. Happy birthday to your son!

  2. Happy Birthday to him :-)
    It looked like everyone had a lot of fun I love the faces Isaak pulls LOL

    Have a tanfastic week :-)

  3. Looks like a great time. Sometimes the cheapest solutions are the best.

  4. SO happy that he had a good party :) He's getting so big.

  5. That looks like a great party. Much better than making them go to summer school. Do the boys like logic problems? I have a lot of those at my store. I'll send you some if you email me with their grades.


  6. I love small parties. You really get to talk and interact with your guests :) That is an awesome birthday cake btw!

  7. What a great party! Inexpensive is key for me!

  8. Wow, that cake is a stunner! Good job Mom.Thanks for joining OMHG Wordless Wednesday!


  9. Looks like amazing party. Thank you for joining our Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday Link Party.. Have a great day, co-host Evija @Fromevijawithlove xx

  10. That does sound like a great party. I'm glad it was economical and that it was a fun time. :)

  11. That is one impressive cake! It looks great!

  12. Great party idea! This year (9) we invited Boo's close friends to come over & play video games. I ordered pizza. They had fun. Very low stress!

  13. Sounds like a great time... love that it was low key. When my brother was younger we had many a party at the house... that's the best way :)

  14. looks like fun indeed, Alissa..the kids look happy...and not stressfull..that's one important thing for us..:)

  15. Looks like a fun event! Happy birthday to your son!

  16. I never went all out for my Daughters parties. We just had kids come over.... You know what. I lied.
    One year, I had her Dad take her on a small airplane ride. When she got back, she was surprised with a party.
    The problem was... the airplane made her sick to her stomach.


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