Friday, April 6, 2018

Random Tid Bits

  1. Marketing flaw: Not having kid's jean shorts out before Easter. Every year I want to buy some jean shorts for my boys, but they are never out at this time. They go with everything. 

  2. I've come to a plateau with the "freelance" job search. There's 3 different ones, but nothing is promised. 

  3. My nephew Emerson had scans done this week. He has fractures on his spine. :( The poor boy can't communicate what's wrong. I feel for him!

  4. My student that attempted her life, attempted again. This is the same one that thinks I don't like her, when I do. :(

  5. Isaak's been off for a few days. He's snotty, headachy, doesn't want to eat, and is just lagging. He felt slightly warm, but didn't have a fever. I'm not sure if it's sickness, or allergies. Today (Thursday) he has NeSA testing, and school pictures. :( I sent him to school, but gave him an allergy pill first. 


  1. What a week for you.
    Hope Isaak gets to feeling better soon.

  2. Poor Isaak! Glad he's not running a fever, but still crummy he's been feeling down :(

    That makes me sad to hear about your student. I really hope she gets the help that she needs.

    Weird that there are no jean shorts out. Swimsuits have been out in full force for 2 months already!

  3. Sounds like a rough week. Hope Isaak is feeling better soon!

    Also, come down to Georgia if you want shorts this early in the season. I feel like they put them out in January here! ;) That and swimsuits. Gotta be ready for the Florida spring break trip!

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your student. I'm hoping your son's all better now. Something's going around, for sure over here too. I hope I don't catch it.


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