Saturday, February 28, 2015

Business Card Holder Review

Since Travis is looking for jobs he needed a Business Card Holder

It's lucky for him, I got one to review.

He was happy to get it.

It holds 12 to 17 cards depending on the paper stock.

Other Things about the Business Card Holder:
  • Stainless steel & leather case keeps Business Cards clean, crisp & looking brand new.
  • Soft velvet material lining protects your cards while inside the case.
  • Sleek & Light to fit easily into your pocket or purse.
  • Unlike metal, the leather won't smudge or scratch.
  • It's made with quality materials & a sleek design.
  • It's light & slim yet strong & sturdy.
  • It's suitable for men and women.
  • It's $24.97, but on sale for $17.97. It has a lifetime guarantee.  

Take Care of Your Business Card Holder:
  • Keep it out of direct sunlight, so the leather doesn't fade.
  • Clean it with a damp rag.
  • You can keep the leather looking fresh by adding beeswax, or something similar.
  • Avoid polishes that have a lot of strong chemicals.

  • I got Dad's Business Card Holder in black.
  • My choice would have been red.

Dad looks so sleek!
 The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel'sThe Apel's

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Cavity Zapper Fluoride Rinse Berry Blast

You may remember I did a review | giveaway of The Natural Dentist Oral Care Products for Kids
Not only do I love their products, I also love their company. They read my review, saw that I wanted my kids to try their mouth rinse, and sent me some.

Mica and Isaak love it! Cavity Zapper Fluoride Rinse Berry Blast helps prevent cavities, strengthens teen, and freshens breath.

It’s because he believes your child’s teeth need hardening and strengthening against cavities.When that happens, we know you want to choose a fluoride rinse that doesn’t use alcohol, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors or other potential irritants, and one that has a not-yucky taste that your kids won’t hate. Our Cavity Zapper Mouth Rinse is American Dental Association approved and recommended for kids 6 and older. - See more at:
It's not meant to swallow. This product is for kids ages 6 and up. Unlike their toothpastes for kids this does have fluoride in it.


Brush teeth thoroughly after each meal, or twice a day. 

Shake well before use.

Follow with swishing with Berry Blast.

WNP90 web
Enter to win some of their toothpaste here.

 The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel'sThe Apel's

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free from Natural Dentist. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. 

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday is all about me discovering something that is different. I don't want to post things that you and I have more than likely heard before. I want to find something different. It could be from another country, someone singing from the streets of NY, and more.

I saw this really sweet video where someone was drawing the whole time music was being played.

A Still From the Video
I know different people have different theories of global warming. Regardless of what you believe about that the video is super cool!

“With the composer Matteo Negrin, we decided to make a video for his song ‘Lacrime di Giulietta’, experimenting a new technique that we called ‘Music painting’, a sort of music animation, painting notes on a score, telling a story. We wanted to tell a story giving a civic and environmental message, in a soft and kind way. The video took only one take (15 hours long), painting on a 12 meters of sheet paper (obtained joining together on the back 30 A3 sheets). Then, with a long editing work, the 15 hours became the 3:30 minutes of the video, synchronizing each painted note with the played one.”


Music Painting: Matteo Negrin Music: Lacrime di Giulietta

Visit Music Painting.

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Preamble

Mica came home all excited last week because he found out that his class gets to sing School House Rock - The Preamble for a spring Art and Music Festival.

I was certainly familiar with the song. Dad taught Mica how to say The Preamble when he was two and a half years old. He said to me, "If your sister is going to teach him The Lord's Prayer, I'm teaching him The Preamble." So Mica learned it.

Crappy video alert! It's still cute though. I've posted this video before, so some of you may have already seen it.

Mica's been singing School House Rock - The Preamble often. Very often! He said, "Mom capture me singing it. I'll get my puzzle globe, and point to America, while I'm singing. You can publish it, so everyone can see. I think I want to be a singer if being a Lego maker doesn't work out." 
I captured the video, while laughing to myself the whole time. Mica's good at a lot of things, but singing isn't one of them. His voice cracks, and he's not even going through puberty yet. 

It reminds me of the time when my older sister decided she wanted to play the French horn. It hurt my ears. Everyone was happy when she quit. 

Isaak said, "Stop singing that Mica!" Dad said to me when we weren't around Mica, "You better not publish that video. His singing isn't the best." Well maybe he said something worse than that. Travis really thinks he should practice. He's hardly into music class at school. It's good to hear that he's excited about a song they are singing. 

I said to Mica, "You better keep singing Mica. You need practice." With a smile on my face. :)
Do you encourage your kids to do things that they are not very good at in hopes they will get better? 

Do you gently let them know that in this case singing is not his thing? 

He has to take music, so I'm encouraging the practice. He hardly gets into music class, so it's nice to hear his enthusiasm. Even if it's not what it's all cracked up to be.
If my Mom would have told me, "Alissa ball sports are not your thing." I wouldn't have tried as hard in gym class. I knew ball sports weren't my thing without her telling me so.

Random Tid Bits

This post is all about taking a trip back down memory lane.
  1. I had The Sunshine Family when I was little. They were, Barbie sized, and I got paper dolls of them to. My sister Terra AKA Aunt Terra and I played with them with our Barbies.

    I was envious of a family friend who's Dad built her a doll house for her Sunshine Family. The Grandpa in the set was a bit scary, maybe that's why I didn't have him.

  2. Terra had The Heart Family. They to joined our Barbie clan. I think they were only out on the market a few years, but we loved them. They were a little more wholesome than the Barbie line up. We loved the twins! She got a Valentines dress set for them one year to.

    Terra's is 5 years younger than me, but I played with her all the time. Playing with her was an excuse to stay young. I think I played with dolls and Barbies all the way up until 6th grade. 

  3. The scariest doll we had was the Ronald McDonald Doll. We loved the red whistle on that thing!

  4. One doll I always eyed, but never got was My Buddy. I don't think I ever even asked for him. He came out past my doll playing days. They had Kid Sister, which was an added coolness!

    I remember when Mica was itty bitty I said, "I need to get him a My Buddy doll. My Buddy was long since off the shelves. I wanted him to get used to having a baby around to roll play with because I was pregnant with Isaak. I ended up getting a cheap generic doll, which was fine. I still wanted a My Buddy Doll for him - or maybe for me.

  5. Whenever we took baths we played with 3 Men in a Tub and Seaweed Dolls. We looked forward to bath time. Bath time meant playtime. My boys never really got into bath toys as much as I did.

What were some lost, but not forgotten toys that you had when you where little?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

More Good Things Have to Happen

I believe in the Yin and Yang. When bad things happen, good things happen to. It just seems like the bad is out weighing the good right now. We need balance.

Travis lost his seemed like good things were coming up. Then the good things sort of went no where. I know that happens when one looks for a job. 

Up until this point Travis was feeling upbeat. Then last night he was like, "February just sucks!" I couldn't agree more.

He wrote 2 proposals for art displays in our area. 

One was specifically for artists that are for parents. They offered a stipend, childcare and space to do your work. It takes awhile to think, and write up a proposal! He submitted it, and sent in his fee.

He got an email yesterday that they were cancelling the the proposal. They didn't do their research, and weren't equip to watch children. He gets his $40 back, but doesn't get his time back for writing the proposal. He doesn't even know if anyone looked at his proposal. He was really excited about it. Now he's pissed.

The other proposal he wrote...that one is on hold because the business decided to move. Yet another disappointment. 

Job leads seem to be on a stand still. 

Our YMCA membership is on a 3 month hold after this month. 
Isaak was supposed to test this month for his next stripe in Ju-Jitsu. We showed up last week with our $25. Sensei said they'd test this week. 

We went in to have him get tested last night, and Sensei wasn't there. He was at school conferences. You can't tell me he didn't know about that last week. His helper said, "It will have to happen next week." Well...we're on a 3 month hold after this week is over. They knew that. Travis and I were both upset.

I swear I'm thinking of sneaking into the Y to get him tested next week.

We already were told by one Y instructor to just come to sneak into her class anyway.

We were supposed to get our $600 back from our Health Insurance for the kid's Tamiflu.

We got a letter saying that we didn't mark down how many days they took it, so they cancelled the claim. We took it to the Pharmacist. They submitted it, but told us it can take up to 10 weeks to get that money. What a mess!

Two doctors told my sister that they think my nephew Emerson has a tethered spinal cord.

That means he will need spinal surgery ASAP. It doesn't show up until kids start growing. The success of the surgery is usually pretty good. But it's major.

Now on with the good. We need more good. It needs to be as heavy as the bad for balance.

My Dad is healing with his heart surgery.

Mica won 1st place in his story, and will get awarded next month. 

Travis' old boss said, "If we have someone buy into us, which someone is interested - We want you back." He doesn't know that he wants to go back. Sometimes a job is a job. He doesn't know if this will even happen. He's frustrated. He said, "If that happens the boss man and I will have a long talk before I accept."
  Travis does have job leads - they may be going no where right now, but they are leads none the less. That is both good and bad.

The boys are doing well in school. 

Baked - Dark Chocolate Doughnuts #Recipe

I like to eat healthy. At the same time a little sin with the healthy isn't bad. If I'm going to sin it's at breakfast time. Then my body has a chance to work it off during the day. Mica helped me make Dark Chocolate Doughnuts. 

They aren't totally bad for you. They aren't great for you either. Better than the ones in the stores.
Click on the link to win Tap Dancers Specialty Coffee. You won't be disappointed.

I couldn't get a picture before both boys took bites out of their doughnuts. I wanted a photo of their doughnuts because I didn't put the toppings on Dad's or mine.

I didn't make a special topping recipe. I just melted a little fountain chocolate, added it on top of 2 doughnuts, and used some toffee sprinkles on that I had in the cupboard. There are recipes online for the topping if you want to add it to all the doughnuts. You can try and glaze, or go for a chocolate topping like the boys had. You can use whatever sprinkles you want. 

I'm telling you that it's good without the topping to!

There is coffee in the doughnuts, but not a lot. We didn't have wired children after eating them.

If you don't have a doughnut pan, you can use muffin cups to make them.

I like that this recipe is for baked doughnuts. 

The boys said it was the best breakfast ever! Do you like doughnuts?

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Virgin Argan Oil Review

This time of year I get dry skin on my hands, and forehead.

I'm using NorthCoast Argan Oil on dry spots. Dry hands, dry forehead, and dry scalp. Yep you can even put it on your scalp.

  • NorthCoast Products 100% Virgin Argan Oil 

  • The oil is shipped via air freight from Morocco

  • It's cold pressed

  • It's certified organic

  • It's hand-made by the local Berber women in all-female co-opts

  • It's $49.99 and on sale for $23.97 - Try one of their products at a 15% discount with coupon code: 3I9ZC95V

  • It has been receiving rave reviews online for the past year - on Amazon they have an overall 4 1/2 star rating - with most ratings at 5
  • Apply 2 to 3 drops onto your hands and massage into your skin, nails, or scalp until it's absorbed. You can even massage into damp hair starting at the ends
  • You can mix essential oils with Argan Oil to give it a different scent and other health benefits
  • NorthCoast does send out a PDF book after your purchase - it explains how the product can be used

The ancient organic oil has been used for centuries to work wonders for aging skin, brittle hair, and dry hands as well as a softener for nails. 

Used primarily by women as a beauty/health product to add luster to their hair, however men have used it as a beard product as well.  

 The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel'sThe Apel's

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.