- My boss sprung this job on me yesterday. I'm going out of town for a few days, and will be off of work for 2 weeks. So...I rushed to get it done.
- He wanted a collage of portraits student's have done. But...he wanted more then 50 heads in it. It took a lot of work. He wanted it to be more of a pattern that will go on the back of the schools letterhead; that can be viewed from all directions.
- A couple nights ago Isaak was standing by the kitchen table. He was stretching his head up to chew on it. Travis and I both said a firm "No!"
- He got the slanted eyebrows and started to pout a bit.
- Travis then said, "I saw saw dust under the table a few days ago, and wondered where it came from." We have a little beaver in our house!
- Mica's been trying oh so hard to kill flies with a fly swatter. I had to take the fly swatter away from him the other day because he was trying to swat in our window that has a bunch of plants in front of it. He knocked a couple leaves off the plants.
- Yesterday when we got done running errands, Mica was waiting inside for me to bring up stuff from the car. I got in, and he said all excited "Mommy I killed a fly with my hand!"
- I looked over to where he was pointing and there was the dead fly. Before I picked it up to throw it away, we rushed to the sink to wash his hands.
- Lately, Mica has not been wanting to finish his orange juice. He says, "Ooooowh, there's something disgusting in my drink!" When I point out that it is orange pulp, he refuses to drink it now.
- He has gulped down orange juice for several months until recently noticing the 'gross' sediment floating in his cup.
- Mica likes a lot of nursery rhymes. He has a book of them, and know just about all of them.
- I tried capturing him saying, Humpty Dumpty.
- This is how Isaak looks when we put him down. He's a lot easier to put down now. I'm not sure what changed. Maybe he changed.
- He's much better. Doesn't cry nearly as much.
- Everything is a race to Mica now.
- At the dinner table he says, "I beat you!" when he's finished before one of us.
- When we walk, he runs ahead and says, "I'm the leader! I'm the train".
- We've had to get on him about this. Not everything needs to be a race. It's not healthy eating fast and I certainly do not like the idea of tripping when he cuts me off to run ahead of me.
- We went to Walmart to get some new underware for Mica. At the front enterence, Mica told the greeters that he came to Walmart because his butt is so big. One of the ladies was laughing really hard. I had to explain that we came to get new underware for Mica because he outgrew his. His butt is actually tiny.
The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com