- I think Mica might be a little under the weather today. He is acting very tired. As you can see he fell asleep on the couch.
- He also didn't eat lunch really all that well. He kept saying that his tummy hurt and that he tasted yucky eggs. Sulfury burps, I get those too. They are awful! I wish I knew what caused them. The only thing I've been able to link them to is stress. There is nothing too stressful on his end lately. Just fun.
- We went to the store to get some apple sauce and a few other things. He wasn't his crazy self as usual. He was really mellow and wanted to sit in the cart.
- Yesterday my sister Terra said that Isaak and her son Elijah (about the same age) had a contest.
- A contest to see who could say, "Ball" the loudest!
- Isaak certainly doesn't talk as much as Mica did at his age. But...he does makes a lot of sounds with syllables and sound effects.
- His latest sounds are the the sounds that "S" and "T" make.
- It's been a rough year for my Grandparents.
- My Grandpa fell this week on the cement.
- He's ok, but he did have to go to the hospital via ambulance. His glasses were shattered, so my mom took him to get new glasses.
- His wrist is in pain, and as you can see in the photo's his eye is sore!
- In the photo is my Grandparent's with my cousin's daughter Kensley.
- I think it might be difficult in the classroom this year. I have 2 Hannah's, 1 Henna, 1 Jenna and 1 Brenna.
- The most interesting names this year go out to Wanda (I've just never heard the name for their generation) and Sion, which is actually pronounced Sean (not so strange said). Sion's real name is Gareth, but he's one of those students that goes by his middle name.
- We went shopping last night at Kohl's. I really like that store! I ended up getting two shirts, a few bras and Travis got 1 shirt. It's been awhile since we've bought something for ourselves and not the kids.
- I lucked out and found a peacock shirt. I thought Mica would like seeing the peacock feathers on me, since that is his favorite animal. Plus I just plain liked the shirt.
- We went into the bra area. That's always pretty interesting with boys. Mica stopped and stared at a photo of a lady in lingerie and said, "Hey look at that, that looks like Daisy Duke!" We all started laughing, including a lady standing near by.
- Mica used to say, "Bottle's" when we walked in this section. That's what I called my breast's while he was nursing, so he wouldn't ask for anything else in public. He's given up the term, "Bottle's" and now calls bra's "Bra's". I was beginning to think that he was going to hold onto the term "Bottle's" for breast's and bra's clear into adulthood. LOL
- Isaak stayed with me and Mica with Travis. In the dressing room Isaak was babbling rather loud! There were kids, a little older then him with their Mom in the dressing room besides me. They would talk loud, Isaak would follow. This went on for at least 5 min. Their mom and I both thought it was funny. A little conversation among toddlers.
- So at last I found a great boy's clothing store that isn't super expensive! Of course it's online, but that's fine.
- It's: The Boy's Store.
- There is a giveaway for a gift certificate: $25 for the store at: Feisty, Frugal, and Fabulous.
- I'm hoping I win this won. But I want you to have the opportunity to win as well.
Please donate to help find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma and melanoma by clicking on this link:
My sister has to raise $4,000 and is running a race to help find a cure. All the money goes to the leukemia and lymphoma society, not directly to my sister. The money is 100% tax deductible.
- We went to ShopKo tonight. I had the boys with me. Daddy was at home.
- We were in a line where the cashier kept having to call managers and departments to have questions answered, and no one would call her back. Ya, it was annoying. Seems to happen to me all the time. Especially when it's close to the boy's bedtime, if I'm in a hurry, or if I only have a few items and think it's going to be quick.
- Mica was acting silly in line, and Isaak was being extra cute. Isaak waved at the people behind us, kept giving me hugs and kisses.
- I asked Mica, "Are you being silly?" He said, "No Mommy I'm just being a brat!"
- The people behind us and I had a good laugh.
- This morning I saw Isaak walking around with a wet spot on his butt.
- I told Travis to check him because I had to go to work.
- It was a massive poop blow out! It took him 5 wipes to clean him up. The changing pad and all his clothing went in the wash.
- I felt bad leaving Travis with all that clean up. It's nice to have someone else there to help.
- Travis knocked a few pumpkin's off their vine.
- He doesn't look too happy in the 2nd photo.
- Isaak kept calling the pumpkin he was caring a "Ba", which is "Ball".
- Mica said, "We're having pumpkin pie!"
- I thought the kids did pretty well for dinner.
- Mica gets a little crazy, and we have to tell him to tone it down a bit every once in awhile.
- Mica got pop corn shrimp. He ate every one of them.
- They came and sang Happy Birthday to Mica, he put his hands over his eyes.
- Today is Mica's offical 4th birthday. Happy Birthday Mica!
- We had his party in advance with school starting, a family reunion, and work schedules, it just worked out to have it on the 1st.
- This time 4 years ago all the c-section stuff was happening. I was nervous and ready to have Mica Zachary Apel join us in the world.
- Tonight we're going out to dinner. We had a toss up of The Outback and Red Lobster. We have a free meal card for The Outback, and I found a coupon for Red Lobster in last weeks paper! Mica always talks about wanting to go to Red Lobster. He loves their food on their commercial. So...Red Lobster it is. I've never been there, but I do like seafood.
- Then we'll have cake I froze from his party, and open Grandma and Grandpa Apel's gift, Isaak's gift, Frisbee from us (we already gave him a big Team GeoTrax gift), and he'll open a few cards.
- Driving to work this morning reminded me of Savannah, GA.
- It was foggy there a lot of the time. Between the fog and the history, it's no wonder why Savannah is considered to have many ghost's.
- I was irritated this morning by the number of drivers that did not have their lights on!
- In some areas I couldn't see 1/2 a block ahead of me.
- Travis wanted a glass of wine tonight.
- He had it sitting on a little table. I didn't know it was there.
- Then it happened. Isaak took it down to try and drink it. It spilled all over him, the floor, and sides of our chair and love seat.
- Daddy was cursing, Isaak was crying, and I was laughing on the inside. I cleaned up Isaak, Travis cleaned up the mess on our furniture.
- Daddy blamed me for not watching Isaak. I blamed him for putting his full glass in Isaak's reach and not telling me it was there. Who's really to blame? Isaak of course! LOL
- I'm just glad it all got cleaned up!
Here's Travis saying, "You take too many photo's".
Some of the family.
Where did Isaak go? Surprise Mommy's watching him through the camera.
- I have to admit I was a little worried about how the reunion would go. Isaak wouldn't take a nap all morning in the hotel. Isaak gets cranky when he's tired, and Mica gets crazy. But...they did good.
- We ate right off the bat.
- I snuck a photo of my sister Angela while the intro was going on. She never wants her photo taken.
- I snuck a photo of my Grandpa while intro was going on too.
- This photo is in the feeding line. Megan, my cousin is about the same age as Kailey, my niece.
- My dad was off talking to someone. This is how he usually looks. Here he's bragging about his camera, and probably telling the relative about how he can't see the camera screen outside. I'm only guessing by the way, because I was across the room when taking this.
- The food was good. Isaak ate really well on Daddy's lap. Mica didn't eat much.
- My nephew Elijah sitting on the table waiting for his grub.
- Right after we ate I took the bigger boys for a walk. Colton is my cousin Brad's kid, Evan is my nephew and Mica. In each photo one kid is looking away. None of them look really all that excited to be on the playground equipment. I think they were a little bummed that there wasn't a slide. I called these photo's Boy's in the Hood.
- We walked pretty far, I gave them a work out!
- When they slowed down I told the bigger boys that I was a Wicked Witch of the West, and Colton was my flying monkey. "I'm going to get you my little pretty's" is what I said. That sped Evan and Mica up!
- When we got back from our walk, Isaak was being passed around by strangers as far as he was concerned. He didn't know any of my extended family. I was surprised because he was ok with it. I let him be until he passed out in someone's arms. Then I went to take him away to hold him. I can't remember the last time he fell asleep in my arms. He must of been really tired!
- This is my Aunt Becky playing with Kensley who is also my cousin Brad's kid. We haven't had a girl born in our family since Megan and Kailey, so Kensley will get a lot of attention from our side. She's cute!
- The day was over time to go home.
- It looks like Travis is thinking "Hum, is it time to leave yet?"
The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com