My parents had their 45th wedding anniversary this weekend. My oldest sister said, "I need your help cutting some bushes. I'll fix you dinner."
Then we all surprised them by having dinner.
We even invited my Grandpa, and Aunt Becky (which both come to a lot of events). We all parked a ways away, so they couldn't tell we were there.
The boys hid in the hallway to jump out at them. My Mom had Polio, so they don't walk super fast up the steps. The boys were like, "Come on Grandma and Grandpa!"
They were surprised. My Dad said, "Man I wore crappy clothes because I thought I was doing yard work."
Even the youngest in the clan was in on the surprise.
The cake was a big part of our conversation. I guess a 7" was $20, and an 8" cake was $55! WTH!? They went with a 7", cheap cupcakes for the kids, and a pineapple upside down cake for the groom's cake.
Everyone seemed to have fun. The bigger boys kept busy. I had to laugh because I went outside to pack the car up, and there they all were. They looked like they were getting ready to play football.
Upon further investigation I saw that they were huddled around their cousin Evan who was playing a Jurassic Park game.
Have you even been part of a surprise party?