- Mica was in the bathroom for 5 minutes with the door closed. Travis said, "Mica are you almost done brushing your teeth?" Mica said, "I haven't started. I was too busy looking in the mirror." What is he going to be like when he's a teenager?
- Mica and Isaak have been into dancing. They make themselves laugh when they watch each other dance. I'm pretty sure Mica was dancing, and watching himself in the mirror. We got stopped at the store the other day. A man said to me, "Your boy's should enter a dance competition. It's my every day world, so I didn't find it as amusing as he did.
- I went to the dentist the other day. I have one sister that loves the dentist, and another that hates it. I don't love it. I don't like it either. I think it's crazy that I along with many others go to the dentist more than we go to the doctor. Dentists take x-rays more than doctors to. Our teeth are just a small part of our whole body. I've never had a cavity until I skipped going to the dentist. I'm not about to start skipping it.
- Isaak's so cute! He told Grandma, I love those things! Mom loves those things to. Daddy and Mica hate them though." What was he talking about? Pomegranates. I think they are tasty!
- Mica has a friend that moved. They were buddies. Mica insisted on writing him at Christmas time. He thought for sure that this kid would write him back. Well he hasn't. His Mom called, and they are in town, and taking Mica to the Amazing Pizza Machine today! Mica is happy about that. He still wants a Pen Pal. If you know someone that is interested in being a Pen Pal (old school) let me know. Mica WILL write them back. Even if postage is going up another 3 cents.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Random Tid Bits
Thursday, January 2, 2014
What's Your Favorite Board Game?
I have two favorite board games: Scrabble and RummiKub. I like them because they are games filled with thinking. Daddy said to me, "Why do you like those games so much?" I said, "Because they work the brain, and they're fun." The types of games I like help reduce Alzheimer's and Dementia. I say
this, but my Grandma played thinking games all the time, and still got Alzheimer's. I still can try, and keep my brain active.
I'm not good at Scrabble. In fact I loose almost every time to Daddy.
I still enjoy playing the game because it's a challenge.
Growing up I loved RummiKub. Have you ever played that?
Great Aunt Becky introduced us to the game. Great Grandma Kent loved to play it with us. I grew up playing with the leather case, and all. Fancy I know. Now I have a cheaper set, and it's just not the same. If you like playing cards, you'll love playing RummiKub. This is one game I'm great at. If you've never played, I wish I could teach you the strategies. I'm the Queen of putting the game in total disarray, and being able to put it back together again.
Travis and I taught Mica how to play RummiKub the other night. I should have helped Mica. I bet then he would have won. ;) Daddy was his right hand man. Daddy is great at Scrabble, but I can kick his butt in RummiKub.
Mica still needs help, but he's getting the game.
Where was Isaak? In bed. The little curious punk decided to have a bubble bath in the sink. We've told him before that he only needs 1 squirt of soap. Somehow my soap dispenser has to be filled up a lot! He filled the sink with enough soap to cover his whole body. I know we should be happy that he's at least washing his hands. We didn't get on him too hard. It was pretty close to his bedtime, so off to bed the little tike went. RummiKub is for ages 8 and up anyhow. If he were up, he'd help me with my hand.
What board games do you like?
I'm not good at Scrabble. In fact I loose almost every time to Daddy.
I still enjoy playing the game because it's a challenge.
Growing up I loved RummiKub. Have you ever played that?
Great Aunt Becky introduced us to the game. Great Grandma Kent loved to play it with us. I grew up playing with the leather case, and all. Fancy I know. Now I have a cheaper set, and it's just not the same. If you like playing cards, you'll love playing RummiKub. This is one game I'm great at. If you've never played, I wish I could teach you the strategies. I'm the Queen of putting the game in total disarray, and being able to put it back together again.
Travis and I taught Mica how to play RummiKub the other night. I should have helped Mica. I bet then he would have won. ;) Daddy was his right hand man. Daddy is great at Scrabble, but I can kick his butt in RummiKub.
Mica still needs help, but he's getting the game.
Where was Isaak? In bed. The little curious punk decided to have a bubble bath in the sink. We've told him before that he only needs 1 squirt of soap. Somehow my soap dispenser has to be filled up a lot! He filled the sink with enough soap to cover his whole body. I know we should be happy that he's at least washing his hands. We didn't get on him too hard. It was pretty close to his bedtime, so off to bed the little tike went. RummiKub is for ages 8 and up anyhow. If he were up, he'd help me with my hand.
What board games do you like?
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Quinoa Crunch
I had left over cranberries at Christmas time.
Shortly after I saw on a website a snack that had Quinoa Crunch. I decided to type it into google to see if I could find my own recipe to make some. There was a recipe.
I had mine on Plain Greek Yogurt, mixed with homemade cranberries. You can eat it plain to. You could break it up and put it in trail mix with nuts, and dried fruit, unsweetened coconut, and dark chocolate.
I love Quinoa, but don't always know what to make with it. I've added it in soups, and put it in salads to. It's a grain that is considered to be a super gain. It has protein in it. Most grains do not have protein in them.
Shortly after I saw on a website a snack that had Quinoa Crunch. I decided to type it into google to see if I could find my own recipe to make some. There was a recipe.
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
- Mix all the ingredients together.
- I had the kind of quinoa that had to be rinsed. It works just fine. Try and drain it as much as possible.
- Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper, pat the quinoa mixture flat on the parchment paper.
- Cook for 15 to 20 minutes, or until brown.
I had mine on Plain Greek Yogurt, mixed with homemade cranberries. You can eat it plain to. You could break it up and put it in trail mix with nuts, and dried fruit, unsweetened coconut, and dark chocolate.
I love Quinoa, but don't always know what to make with it. I've added it in soups, and put it in salads to. It's a grain that is considered to be a super gain. It has protein in it. Most grains do not have protein in them.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
WW: New Sweaters {Linky}
Monday, December 30, 2013
Cheez-It Grooves Review
We had a surprise come to our house last weekend. Awhile ago I was contacted by Cheez-It. They asked if I'd like to try out some of their products. I said, "Yes please!"
They sent a card with a key in it, letting me know that I'd be able to unlock the box when it arrives. I had no clue, but I'm glad I kept the key.
Daddy said, "There's a package on the porch."
I said, "Mica can you go get the package?"
He of course wanted to get the package. He came in and said, "I can't pick that package up! It's too heavy, and it won't budge!"
That's unlike Mica. He's Mr. I Can Lift Anything. I went to get the package. He was right, it was heavy. A trunk was in that box! Printed on the trunk is:
This is where the key came in handy. I had to find it among the other Christmas clutter.
Inside the trunk were the softest shirts. There were 4 of them, all different sizes. I'm not exaggerating when I say, "Soft".
Below the shirts were boxes of Cheez-It's. Four Sharp White Cheddar boxes, and four Zesty Cheddar Ranch boxes.
We're taking some to go see Grandma and Grandpa Apel, and maybe we'll have a party after that. In the mean time we had left over Chili with Sharp White Cheddar crunched on top of it. The boys were in heaven!
What kind of Cheez-It's would you like better: Sharp White Cheddar, or Zesty Cheddar Ranch?
Cheez-It Grooves!
Disclaimer: The opinions on the post are my personal take on the product. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review. I did get products to help with the review.

They sent a card with a key in it, letting me know that I'd be able to unlock the box when it arrives. I had no clue, but I'm glad I kept the key.
Daddy said, "There's a package on the porch."
I said, "Mica can you go get the package?"
He of course wanted to get the package. He came in and said, "I can't pick that package up! It's too heavy, and it won't budge!"
That's unlike Mica. He's Mr. I Can Lift Anything. I went to get the package. He was right, it was heavy. A trunk was in that box! Printed on the trunk is:
The Best of Cheez-It and a Chip in One."
This is where the key came in handy. I had to find it among the other Christmas clutter.
Inside the trunk were the softest shirts. There were 4 of them, all different sizes. I'm not exaggerating when I say, "Soft".
Below the shirts were boxes of Cheez-It's. Four Sharp White Cheddar boxes, and four Zesty Cheddar Ranch boxes.
We're taking some to go see Grandma and Grandpa Apel, and maybe we'll have a party after that. In the mean time we had left over Chili with Sharp White Cheddar crunched on top of it. The boys were in heaven!
What kind of Cheez-It's would you like better: Sharp White Cheddar, or Zesty Cheddar Ranch?
I'm bound to like Cheez-It's. When my mom went into labor with me, she had to yell at my Dad to put the Cheez-It's down. He wouldn't stop eating them.
Cheez-It Grooves!
Disclaimer: The opinions on the post are my personal take on the product. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review. I did get products to help with the review.
Packing Up the Tree
This weekend I packed up the tree. I was just looking around, and there is STUFF everywhere. Legos are taking over my house. The tree had to go earlier than normal.
Imade had Mica help me pack things away, while Daddy built a Lego Spider-Man set with Isaak. Isaak can do the sets, but he does better when Daddy helps. Mica wants to jump the gun, and do it for him.
I was happy because I found out that all those Hallmark ornament boxes actually have a spot for two ornaments to put in each box. I did just that, and saved tons of space. If I can consolidate, I do just that.
After the tree was packed up I decided it was a good time to wash ALL the bedding, and drapes. I sprinkled the mattresses down with baking soda, and vacuumed them good. I saw that it's a good idea to sprinkle your mattresses with baking soda and vacuum them because it gets rid of dust mites. Dust mites are everywhere. Even if you wash your bedding often.
Then I sprinkled the inside of our couches down with baking soda, and vacuumed them to.
Now many things are cleaner, but while I was doing that the boys got out all kinds of toys. There is still just STUFF all over.
Do you have any good hidden cleaning tips?
I was happy because I found out that all those Hallmark ornament boxes actually have a spot for two ornaments to put in each box. I did just that, and saved tons of space. If I can consolidate, I do just that.
Then I sprinkled the inside of our couches down with baking soda, and vacuumed them to.
Now many things are cleaner, but while I was doing that the boys got out all kinds of toys. There is still just STUFF all over.
Do you have any good hidden cleaning tips?
Caramel MATCHAccino Review
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
I think I'm hooked to Red Leaf Tea. They sent me a Caramel MATCHAccino to review. Oh my goodness it's good!
Make sure while you are visiting the website to check out a few other great teas.
You can purchase Caramel MATCHAccino on Red Leaf Tea's website. The small 5 oz 10 servings is$13.99 $6.99, or their large 16 oz 30 servings is $29.99 $14.99. You can also find the large size on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Caramel-Matchaccino-Latte-frappe-Mix/dp/B00CDBI7PY for $29.99.
Caramel MATCHAccino is a flavored green tea matcha latte that is decedent, delicious, and full of caramel flavor. Some say that the flavor matches that of a crème brûlée, or caramelized sugar. Others are reminded of the old fashioned caramel candies their grandparents savored.
The large size saves you $3 over Starbucks per cup. It's healthier than the average coffee place. You can see all the perks below. I like all the No's: No Food Coloring, No MSG, No Artificial Sweeteners, and No Preservatives.
How did I have it?
I had it cold. When I think about it I can taste the caramel flavor. Just like all their other drinks, you can have it warm to. Sometimes I'm in a warm drink mood. It's great that there is the option of drinking it both cold, or warm. There are a lot of substitutions where you could change your drink up. Try different types of milk, have it with water, add coconut oil, add vanilla, and so on.
I don't know that this is something I'll drink everyday. It is something I'll drink when I'm craving something on the sweet side.
I like it with 1/2 a frozen banana, 6 to 8 oz of unsweetened almond milk, and one scoop of MATCHAccino. Blend and bam it was good to go.
Do you like cold, or warm drinks?
I have a giveaway going on for another Red Leaf Product. Go here to enter.
Check Red Leaf Tea on Twitter and Facebook.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Make sure while you are visiting the website to check out a few other great teas.
You can purchase Caramel MATCHAccino on Red Leaf Tea's website. The small 5 oz 10 servings is
Caramel MATCHAccino is a flavored green tea matcha latte that is decedent, delicious, and full of caramel flavor. Some say that the flavor matches that of a crème brûlée, or caramelized sugar. Others are reminded of the old fashioned caramel candies their grandparents savored.
The large size saves you $3 over Starbucks per cup. It's healthier than the average coffee place. You can see all the perks below. I like all the No's: No Food Coloring, No MSG, No Artificial Sweeteners, and No Preservatives.
How did I have it?
I had it cold. When I think about it I can taste the caramel flavor. Just like all their other drinks, you can have it warm to. Sometimes I'm in a warm drink mood. It's great that there is the option of drinking it both cold, or warm. There are a lot of substitutions where you could change your drink up. Try different types of milk, have it with water, add coconut oil, add vanilla, and so on.
I don't know that this is something I'll drink everyday. It is something I'll drink when I'm craving something on the sweet side.
I like it with 1/2 a frozen banana, 6 to 8 oz of unsweetened almond milk, and one scoop of MATCHAccino. Blend and bam it was good to go.
Do you like cold, or warm drinks?
I have a giveaway going on for another Red Leaf Product. Go here to enter.
Check Red Leaf Tea on Twitter and Facebook.
Disclaimer: The opinions on the post are my personal take on the product. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review. I did get products to help with the review.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Lost Civilizations: 10 Societies that Vanished Without a Trace Review
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
I like mystery and history. The book Lost Civilizations: 10 Societies that Vanished Without a Trace By: Michael Rank is fascinating to me.
Where to Purchase the Book:
You can purchase the book on Amazon by getting a paperback for $7.19, or Kindle for $2.99. I'm still old school with books, and prefer a hard copy.
Who is This For:
Anyone that is into in history. I really enjoy art history. Lost art really is interesting to me. I know Daddy and Grandpa will really get into this book. I wanted to make sure I read it first to review it. Grandpa is glued to the History Channel much of the time.
Lost Civilizations 10 Societies That Vanished Without a Trace Description on the Back of the Book:
From the #1 bestselling author of History's Greatest Generals comes an exciting new book on the greatest societies in history that vanished without a trace, and why their disappearance still haunts us today.
Whether it is Plato's lost city of Atlantis, a technological advanced utopia that sank into the ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune"; the colony of Roanoke, whose early American settlers were swallowed up in the wild forest lands of the unexplored continent, or the Ancient American Explorers, who managed to arrive to the New World 2,000 years before Columbus, the disappearance of these societies is as cryptic as it is implausible.
This book will look at cultures of the 10 greatest lost civilizations in history. Some were millenia ahead their neighbors, such as the Indus Valley Civilization, which had better city planning in 3,000 B.C. than any European capital in the 18th century. Others left behind baffling mysteries, such as the Ancient Pueblo Peoples (formerly known as the Anasazi), whose cliff-dwelling houses were so inaccessible that every member of society would have to be an expert-level rock climber.
It will also at explanations as to how massive societies that lasted for centuries can disappear without a trace. Did the builders of the pyramids handy craftsmen whose method of transporting massive stones are still unexplainable simply disappear or were they part of an advanced alien race, as conspiracy theorists assert? Was the Kingdom of Aksum really the keeper of the Ark of the Covenant, and did this lead to their downfall?
Whatever the nature of their disappearance, these lost civilizations offer many lessons for us today -- even the greatest of societies can disappear, and that includes us.
Table of Contents:
It's an easy read. I like that it's not too long. It's 97 pages. For some reason after having kids I just have trouble reading long books. I guess I just have a lot going on in my life. This book was the perfect length.
I took many years of Art History. To be truthful I found most of it to be boring. Slide after slide with monotonous talking didn't interest me when I was a young college student. Then when I moved to Savannah, Georgia for a few years I was hooked with history. They have so much history there. I think I just needed to live in a spot that was filled with it, to be into it.
I loved the chapters on The Pyramid Builders and The Nabataeans. I just find it fascinating that pyramids could be built so long ago. They didn't have much of the equipment that we do today. There was/is so much detail in pyramids. It crazy that some still stand today. The Nabataeans were interesting to me because I'm an Indiana Jones lover.
What about you? Do you get interested in history?
Disclaimer: The opinions on the post are my personal take on the product. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review. I did get products to help with the review.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Where to Purchase the Book:
You can purchase the book on Amazon by getting a paperback for $7.19, or Kindle for $2.99. I'm still old school with books, and prefer a hard copy.
Who is This For:
Anyone that is into in history. I really enjoy art history. Lost art really is interesting to me. I know Daddy and Grandpa will really get into this book. I wanted to make sure I read it first to review it. Grandpa is glued to the History Channel much of the time.
Lost Civilizations 10 Societies That Vanished Without a Trace Description on the Back of the Book:
From the #1 bestselling author of History's Greatest Generals comes an exciting new book on the greatest societies in history that vanished without a trace, and why their disappearance still haunts us today.
Whether it is Plato's lost city of Atlantis, a technological advanced utopia that sank into the ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune"; the colony of Roanoke, whose early American settlers were swallowed up in the wild forest lands of the unexplored continent, or the Ancient American Explorers, who managed to arrive to the New World 2,000 years before Columbus, the disappearance of these societies is as cryptic as it is implausible.
This book will look at cultures of the 10 greatest lost civilizations in history. Some were millenia ahead their neighbors, such as the Indus Valley Civilization, which had better city planning in 3,000 B.C. than any European capital in the 18th century. Others left behind baffling mysteries, such as the Ancient Pueblo Peoples (formerly known as the Anasazi), whose cliff-dwelling houses were so inaccessible that every member of society would have to be an expert-level rock climber.
It will also at explanations as to how massive societies that lasted for centuries can disappear without a trace. Did the builders of the pyramids handy craftsmen whose method of transporting massive stones are still unexplainable simply disappear or were they part of an advanced alien race, as conspiracy theorists assert? Was the Kingdom of Aksum really the keeper of the Ark of the Covenant, and did this lead to their downfall?
Whatever the nature of their disappearance, these lost civilizations offer many lessons for us today -- even the greatest of societies can disappear, and that includes us.
Table of Contents:
- How Does a Civilization Disappear?
- Atlantis (9000 B.C.): Recovering Plato's Dream of the Fabled Lost City
- The Cucuteni-Trypillian Culture (4800-3000 B.C.): Building a Better Society Through Creative Destruction
- The Indus Valley Civilization ( 3300-1300 B.C.): A Civil Engineer's Dream, Lost to the Ages
- The Pyramid Builders (2700-1700 B.C.): Skilled Craftsmen to Some, Visitors from Another Planet to Others
- Mycena (1900-1100 B.C.): The Nemesis of Troy and Forerunner to Classical Greek Civilization
- Ancient American Explorers (500 B.C.-1500 A.D.): The Unknown Adventurers Who Arrived a Millennium Before Columbus
- The Ancient Pueblo Peoples (1200 B.C.): The Ancient Rock Climbers of the American Southwest
- The Nabataeans (37-100 A.D.): The Lost Civilization That Mystified Indiana Jones
- The Kingdom of Aksum (100-940 A.D.): The Trade Empire That Hid a Lost Tribe of Israel and Guarded the Ark of the Covenant
- The Roanoke Colony (1585-?): The Ghosts of Colonial America
- Some Closing Chapters
It's an easy read. I like that it's not too long. It's 97 pages. For some reason after having kids I just have trouble reading long books. I guess I just have a lot going on in my life. This book was the perfect length.
I took many years of Art History. To be truthful I found most of it to be boring. Slide after slide with monotonous talking didn't interest me when I was a young college student. Then when I moved to Savannah, Georgia for a few years I was hooked with history. They have so much history there. I think I just needed to live in a spot that was filled with it, to be into it.
I loved the chapters on The Pyramid Builders and The Nabataeans. I just find it fascinating that pyramids could be built so long ago. They didn't have much of the equipment that we do today. There was/is so much detail in pyramids. It crazy that some still stand today. The Nabataeans were interesting to me because I'm an Indiana Jones lover.
What about you? Do you get interested in history?
Disclaimer: The opinions on the post are my personal take on the product. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review. I did get products to help with the review.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com