Saturday, March 20, 2021

I Wear This #shirt Periodically

Mica’s a science geek + I think puns are funny, so I picked up this shirt for him. It says: I wear This Shirt Periodically. Mica likes it. He did say, “Mom next time don’t get me something that’s so punny.” That’s what I liked about the shirt. Considering he goes to a science magnet school, the shirt fits his courses. 


It’s unisex. 

The shirt comes in sizes Small to 3X. Good size range. 

Lately I’ve been trying to get Large Tall, for Mica. In that size range there isn’t a lot to choose from, except flannel or just one solid color. Also Large Tall shirts are much more expensive. No fun pun shirts for Mica in his near future. 

He’s well over 6’, and not done growing. In t-shirts, where he doesn’t need sleeve length Larges seem to work, for now. 


It comes in black, red, blue and dark blue. I got dark blue. I like the red option to. I could see the print on other colors. 


It’s $21.95 + options of shipping. It did ship out fairly fast. 

Where to Get it:

Are you a science geek? 

Disclaimer: I got this product for a discount for review. All opinions are my own. 

#beekind Shirt Review

In a world where you can be anything bee kind!

I’m not the best at always being kind. Ever since I found out I am going through this change in life, I find myself getting impatient, frustrated, and tears eyed. With working remote there are great things. I can take, pickup Isaak from school, do laundry in the middle of the day. There there’s the flip side. Communication is really hard, I do projects that I feel really good about, others are happy with them too, then others are not. AIM has a lot of groups. I actually work more than 40 hours. I can’t understand how people are so difficult to get ahold of. When others contact me I’m there. I begin to wonder, am I the problem? I don’t feel like I am, but from others perspectives maybe I am. 

I do think of myself as accepting to all races, cultures, men, women, and sexual orientation. That’s where kindness comes in. 


This unisex shirt is pre washed, so made to fit. 

It comes in small, med, large, XL, XXL, and XXXL.  


black, blue, grey and green. 

I liked the design on black best, but could see it on a tan, chocolate brown, or yellow ochre. 

We need more kindness in the world + I’d love to save the bees 🐝. I believe that if we all could be just a little bit kinder, the world would be a better place. What do you think would make the world better? 

Where to buy this shirt:

Disclaimer: I got this product for a discounted price in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Monday, March 15, 2021

Random Tid Bits - Doctors

  1. The boy's pediatrician is moving far, far away! He's been a most excellent doctor! I'm sad we won't get to say, "Goodbye!". He's seen them through 2 c-sections, meningitis, a staph infection in the neck, many ear infections, scoliosis and more. 

  2. I decided to switch the boys to a more adult doctor; that can take us all in. I HATED my primary doctor, and have really have only seen my allergy and asthma one the last 2 years. He's the doctor where I went with a head full of polyps and he prescribed me with antibiotics and cough syrup. I even said, "There's things in my nose, and I can't get them out." After that I saw my hottie allergy asthma doctor; on my own accord. Then that doctor put me on a rigorous plan, and had me see an ent doctor as well. Then that doctor said if they weren't treated I would in fact die. He gave me the, "You might go blind, or get meningitis with this surgery...bit." Hey all I lost was smell. Where there's a negative, there's also a positive. I can now breathe through my nose! Damn right I'm changing doctors right along with my sons. 

  3. We will miss Doctor Harrison! The only reason I know he's moving is because my sister told me so. She had it worse than me, and had to find two new docs. Her Trisomy 18 kids have a lot to be covered, and her older kids are my kid's ages, so they are getting bumped up as well. 

    A most recent picture of Margaret. She's my niece that has Trisomy 18. Sadly Emerson doesn't smile at all these days. He has seizures most days. His meds make him out of it all the time. :(

  4. Doctor Harrison is the boy's profound pediatrician, and they are switching to Doctor Hare. When I told Isaak this he said,

    "What is this? Is Doctor Hare a rip-off of Doctor Harrison?"

    Ha! Possibly so. Doctor Harrison was a great doctor in the community. He along with my allergy asthma doctor; I wouldn't have traded either for the world. I even sent Doctor Harrison our Christmas cards. 

  5. I got poked many times last week. One Johnson and Johnson shot (vaccine), and three allergy shots 24 hours later. I don't mind the poking. It's the reactions that are worse than the poking.

    Vaccine: I worry about an uprise with covid because of the many people that are getting the shot. Seriously! It was packed! Very little social distancing. In Nebraska, they almost didn't take me. Yes I'm a teacher, but no I don't teach at a union school. It's hard...who decides who should get shots, and who isn't up. It was medical professionals, then older people, then people that had health risks, then first responders, then teachers (but they weren't specific on what kind of teacher would get it). They never did go back to health risk individuals. Really store workers, work more with the public than others, but who am I to have an opinion? It's a crap shoot for who is more worthy of a shot. 

    I just had a headache and a was warm. I kind of wish I had more of a reaction. Then I'd know it worked! 

    I had more a reaction from allergy shots. Man they've been bad, since I found out I'm going through menopause. Itchy throat, uncontrollable sneezes, snot just dripping from my f-ing nose, huge Popeye arms, that are red, itchy and hot! The arms stay like that for a good 24 hours. I can't even keep ice packs cold. It's horrible! Pictures show a few hours after my shots, and then five hours after my shots.

    Are you afraid of needles? That's the topic in our house lately. Isaak's afraid of them. I'm not at all.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Hampton Kinetic Ice Review

Travis and Mica were outside digging up branches from a bush they dug up in the fall. This thing has branches that go and go. They were digging so much that they lost a shovel. 

Now Travis' mid to lower back is killing him. He always works too hard, instead of spacing out his work time. I guess I'm the same way with tasks. He gets back, neck and elbow pain from hauling things. I think we all have something. My is allergies and asthma. What health issues do you have?

Hampton Kinetic Ice to the Rescue:

Travis does do back exercises, rolls his back on a basketball, he lays down on a Spoonk Mat, and Mica or I rubs Hampton Kinetic Ice on it. 


I like triangles lately. I've been using them a lot for work. 


The bottle was covered in plastic, and foam was put on top.  Usually I don't like waisted plastic, but I have gotten products like this in the mail where it was messy because they didn't package it well. I was pretty happy with the way this came. 

The rip of the foam came from me. 

The product is clear, and feels best when it's massaged in. Some products like this has a residue when it's put on. Not this. It does have a menthol scent. 

This product is fast acting, has cooling relief, is not sticky, fast acting, and made in the USA. 

Where You Can Get it:

You can pick this up on Amazon: for $29.95, and get more of a deal if you buy more than one. It's get 3, for the price of 2. 

I feel like a 4 ounce container goes a long way! The deal they give is great for getting yourself one, and others gifts. 

Disclaimer: I got this product for free or a discount in exchange for an honest opinion. All opinions are my own. 

German Christmas Decorations

A traditional German Christmas tree requires traditional handmade German Christmas Decoration.  

I happen to love other cultures! 

On my side it's primarily German, Danish, and Swedish. My Step Grandma on my Dad's side was from the Philippines. I think the culture I connect with the most are Swedish and German. My Great Grandma came to America on a boat from Sweden. When my Grandmother passes away, I inherited a red Swedish horse. 

On my husband's side it's Mexican and German. He has a relative that came from Germany to Herman, Missouri. Half of Travis' relatives records are in Spanish. He has a furniture designer, a book binder, and a shoe designer on that side.

Both of our last names came from German decent: Spiehs and Apel. 
I shop for other culture merchandise, and artist items. It is just special to buy things that are different. Then my house has diversity and inclusion. They are things I want to keep. 

Schmidt Christmas Market has many choices to choose from! I really love their Music Boxes, Nutcrackers, and Ornaments. 
  • Baby's First Christmas
  • Baubles
  • Bells
  • Blown Glass
  • Christmas Clothing
  • Christmas Pyramids
  • Coca-Cola
  • Containers
  • Elves
  • Gift Baskets
  • Handmade German Smokers (Incense)
  • Handmade German Wood Decorations
  • Hanging Ornaments
  • Hubrig Art Folk Art
  • Jewelry
  • Kurt Adler Collection
  • Music Boxes
  • Nativity Scenes
  • Natural Wood 3D
  • Nutcrackers
  • Patriotic Ornaments
  • Pets
  • Poinsettias
  • Reindeer
  • Santa Claus
  • Snow Globes
  • Snowmen
  • Tabletop
  • Texas A&M University
  • Wreaths

If you were shopping in their selection, what would you shop for first?

I buy for Christmas all year around. It's not just a November and December things for me. If you want to buy from Schmidt Christmas Market shop here:

They have free shipping, when you spend over $20. I know that many places have free shipping much of the time, but these Christmas items come from Germany.

Where is your family from?

What are some special holiday items you have in your house?

Disclaimer: This post may have been exchanged for money. All opinions are my own. 


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.

If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: