My Sister Angela and Her Sister Carla
My Sister Angela and Her Sister Carla
My Sister Terra and Me
My Sister Terra and Me
- Aunt Angela (my oldest sister) is adopted. She contacted her birth family 6 or more years ago.
- Her biological mother passed away, and her biological father died a long while ago.
- Her siblings didn't even know about her when she called to talk to them. They were really accepting of her, which is great!
- I've only met her biological sister, and she has a lot of other siblings.
- Tonight I get to meet my sister's, sister's husband. Kind of confusing when you think about it.
- I'm so glad that something that could of turned out to be a negative situation, is positive for Angela.
- If I think about it, I'll get a photo of my sister, and her sister together tonight. They look a lot alike.
- Years ago my parents flew from Nebraska to Oregon to get their baby Angela. They went to make their return flight, and they wouldn't let a newborn on the plane. My parents had to go from Oregon back to Nebraska on a bus with a newborn baby. My mom got her watch stolen along the way. They almost didn't get their money back from the airline. Times have changed.
- In someways things are better, in someways they are worse.