I've been trying for some time now to add social media buttons to my
Blog's Facebook Page.
It sounds easy enough, but for some reason I was struggling with it. I realized quickly that I'm not the only one struggling with this attempt. I looked on several blog and business pages, that do not have social media buttons.
I was told about an online app site that you can use for free. It sounded so easy in the meeting I went to, but the speaker just told us about. She didn't show us how to use it. I'm a see and do kind of a person, so I came back to do it on my own and failed. I emailed their support team, and they were like, "You want to do what again?" I must not have known what to even ask them. If I didn't know what to ask these people, then I asked myself, What do I google to find answers? Somehow I got it.
I wanted these buttons up for selfish reasons. They are handy if people want to go from you Facebook page to your Pinterest boards without having to search all over for them. I also wanted to figure this out for work. I'm posting weekly for them, and wanted links to the student portfolios, their website and so on. Most importantly I wanted to be able to teach it. Many students have their own FB page for their art, and have FB pages for their clients. Someone should teach them this stuff. It might as well be me.
Finally I got it! I don't know how, but I got it. Once I got it, I got it. I'm going to walk you through step by step as to how I did this.
1. You have to be
logged into your own account. Your admin account. For me it would be Alissa Spiehs-Apel, not my blog page. If you do not know how to switch to your personal admin account this is where it's at:
This whole process will not work if you are on your blog or business page.
*Just an FYI I'm using my work page to do this. It's more of a pain to undo what I did on my blog page, only to add it all over again.
2. Go to
www.WooBox. I'm sure there are other sites, but this one is so user friendly, and got the job done!
3. Just click on the green button that says,
Get Started for Free.
4. It will take you to FB. Make sure that you have the business page, or blog page selected where you want the social media buttons to be on. Below you can see where I changed that. Most of you probably only have 1 page, so it will show up automatically.
5. Now you have to decide what you want to add: Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube? I'll show you how to add Pinterest. The process is the same for the others.
6. Click on
Pinterest on the side bar.
7. It will ask you if you want to add Pinterest. Go ahead and click on it. You can always delete it if you change your mind.
8. Put in the last part of your Pinterest address. Leave all the other stuff as its default. Again you can go back and change, or delete this all together.
9. Click on the green box shown above that says:
Save Settings.
10. You have to manually go into Facebook. Then change over to your business or blog page.
11. Click on the arrow if you do not see your Pinterest icon. It's where I have the red dot.
12. Once you clicked on that arrow you should see your Pinterest Icon! YAY!
13. Click on it and it will take you to your Penterest Page via Facebook.
All done!
Now there's another step if you want the Pinterest Icon to be customized like I did. You can stop if you like it how it is. Repeat this process for Twitter and others if you like.
Customizing Your Button:
1. In the upper corner of your Pinterest Tab there is a pencil. Click on it and go to Edit Settings.
2. Go to Custom Tab Image and click on Change.
3. Click on Edit.
4. This is where it gets hairy. Facebook will only let you upload a certain size of photo. I'm coping straight from the source:
You can upload a JPG, GIF, or PNG file. The size of the image must be
111 x 74 pixels. File size limit 5 MB. If your upload does not work try a
smaller picture. Some of you may or may not be good with file sizes and Photoshop. It's understandable to me. If this is over your head, stick with the icon they gave you.
5. Choose the File you made to fit their size requirements. I just added white on the sides because their image is thin horizontally.
6. It shows up automatically without having to save it.
7. Go back to your Facebook page and see that it's changed!
*If by chance you don't like it. Click on the pencil and go to Remove from Favorites.
See how pretty my Blog Page looks.
Now Excuse me, while I clear my desktop of my many screen shots.
If you like this I can show you next week how to add website links. Google + is one and I have more than one blog I featured this way. I tried over and over again with Blog Lovin'. I could not get it to work at all.