Saturday, July 11, 2009


  • The bad part of having a big brother, is that he teaches the little brother all about the toy aisle.
  • Isaak now goes down the toy aisle, whimpers and points to everything he wants to play with.


  • They can play in them too!
  • I gotta watch that ladder, Isaak wants to put it in his mouth! I ended up taking it away. I feared he'd fall, and it would go down his throat. Not something I want to happen!

Mica the Firefighter

  • I found a raincoat for Mica at Costco that was a firefighter.
  • Mica was asking where his hat was? I may have to find him a hat one of these days.
  • It's really well insulated. Great for cold, rainy fall days.

Isaak the Firefighter

  • I got this firefighter raincoat at Target yesterday.
  • Notice the back of it. Too cute with the monkey firefighter on his back!


  • Travis also grew potatoes this year. He plants some potatoes that grew eyes, and potatoes grew from the eyes.

Watermelon Patch

  • We have a watermelon patch that has taken over our compost pile.
  • It's kind of neat to see though.

Flying Cars and Motorcycles

  • Mica's latest flick is E.T. He never really gets scared, but his cousin Evan does.
  • Everytime the movie is on, Mica runs to his room to grab a car or motorcycle to have it fly like E.T. does on his bike with Elliot.

Is it My Birthday Yet?

  • Most of the kid birthday's in the family are around Christmas time and spring time.
  • Mica's is in Aug. He's been asking for two or three months when it will be his birthday?
  • Now that I have his invites sent out, he's asking everyday first thing, "Is it my birthday yet?

Friday, July 10, 2009

  • Every once in awhile I play games with Mica on pbs's website. He loves Caillou games (the train one and dino dig)!
  • We also played Sid the Science Kid (rolly polly and jar estimation games)!
  • I have to admit that it was pretty fun. I even got Travis involved. Isaak likes to watch the train go down the track at the end of the game. He also likes to try and push buttons on my computer, so I have to watch him like a hawk. Mica also gets after Isaak, "No Isaak, don't touch Mommies computer!" He's a toddler, so I don't expect anything different from him.


  • Isaak's cutting more teeth!
  • He's been snotty, whinny, sleepy, poopy, and has bitten me! I had to get after him for the biting part.
  • He's also been rubbing food in his hair and eyes at meal time. I gave him a shower with me this morning, and I felt like he was dirty by the end of the day.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Another Busted Lip

  • This must be the season for busted lips. This time it's me. Mica jumped up on the bed to hug me. He lunged upward, and his head hit my lip into my teeth.
  • It doesn't look nearly as bad as the boy's busted lip's, and I did not cry like them. did hurt!
  • We did have to get after Mica because he is sometimes very careless. But I know he didn't mean to hurt me.

Fussy Bucket

  • Isaak's been a major fussy bucket before meal times. He must be going through a growth spirt.
  • As soon as he smells or sees food he is cranky until he gets it. Trust me I'm not starving him!


  • I'm trying my hardest to wean during the day time. It's hard because Isaak wimpers, and tries to lift up my shirt.
  • I've been handing him a cup of milk, and he sometimes tosses it aside.
  • I'm ok with nursing in the morning and at night, but I'm ready to stop the during the day feedings. This way I do not have to pump at work.
  • Weaning is hard.

Pop Up Tent Fun

  • Isaak was so excited about this tent being up! He was crawling in and out of the tunnels laughing. It's been awhile since I've put it up.
  • Cousin Elijah and Isaak tried crawling out of one tunnel at the same time. Both toddlers were fussing.
  • Later in the day Isaak crawled into the tunnel. I heard grunting noises; I knew it was a big load of a diaper.

Watching E.T.

  • I had fun watching cousin Evan watch E.T. He hid behind Mica much of the beginning. Evan kept saying, "Mica this isn't scary. Mica what happens next?" Lots of questions for Mica.
  • Funny thing is, is that Evan has the movie. I knew he had seen it.

Dishwasher Help - NOT!

Car Ride Home

  • Nether one of my boys are too much of car sleepers.
  • On our way out of KC I made sure Isaak was comfortable. As soon as I put his glow worm beside him, he looked satisfied! I knew he was going to fall asleep soon, and he did.

Plaza Fountain

Plaza Penguin

Holding Hands

Friend Niko and Isaak Holding Hands.

Trip Down Memory Lane

We walked around our campus, Kansas City Art Institute. What great memories.

Nelson-Atkin Museum

Off to Kansas City

  • In Kansas City we met up with the Nakahodo's, and later saw Mark Bacon and his girlfriend. We didn't get to see all our college friends, not enough time, but it was fun! It was fun seeing some college friends.

Fire Crackers

Chasing Smoke

Mica kept chasing the firecracker smoke. He'd run up to it and punch it.

Daddy on the 4th

Travis laughed when he saw the photo's because in every photo I got a shot of his butt. LOL

Grandpa Apel and Isaak on the 4th

Mica on the 4th

4th of July

  • I took photos of the boys on Grandma and Grandpa's red couch. I love their couch. Such a great color!

Boy or Girl?

  • Travis met up with someone from high school, and Mica asked her, "Are you a boy or a girl?"
  • Totally embarrassing!
  • I covered really fast by saying, "Oh he gets boys and girls mixed up all the time". This is sort of true. At least I wasn't lying to cover up.
  • 3 to 4 year old's are just too blunt!

Hey You

  • Mica kept refering to everyone on vacation as "Hey You". We had to get after him several times about this.

Moberly, Mo

Isaak Reading Books with Daddy
Mica Putting Together a Thomas Puzzle
Mica Watching a Movie
  • We headed off to Moberly, MO to visit Travis' parents, sister and our nephew over the 4th of July.
  • Mica put together lots of puzzles.
  • Isaak mainly walked around with a ball or a book in his hand.


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.

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