I personally had a lot of trouble with breastfeeding when it came to both of my children. Mica was born with a cyst under his tongue, which made his tongue misshaped. Then Mica got a life threatening staph infection in his neck at 7 months; I nursed him to health.
I thought Isaak would be a breeze since Mica was so difficult. Isaak wouldn't latch right. I had to supplement with formula. Then Isaak got meningitis at 2 months. Both boy's have no long term effects from their major illnesses!!!! ;) I succeeded in nursing them into early toddlerhood and worked full-time.
It is my goal to help new Mother's through Milking the Issue. I want to continue to support them even though my two boy's have grown past babyhood.
I'm excited to say that Cora Carolina is Milking the Issue's new sponsor!
Their sale items for Cora Carolina are going to be donated to Save a Child's Heart foundation. Their mission is to focus on improving the quality of pediatric cardiac care for children from developing countries who suffer from heart disease and to create centers of competence in these countries. They are dedicated to the idea that every child deserves the best medical treatment available.
Cora Carolina is a woman owned and operated business that cares about the safety of children. I encourage you to also check out their blog!
A few positive things they like to enforce:
- Imagination
- Exploration
- Creation
Dolls and Plush: These high quality dolls are made to increase creativity.
Toys: Toys that are meant to last, heighten creativity, joy, diversity and family interaction.
Mommy and Me: Products that are safe to use on babies, children and grown-ups.
There are a lot more products that fill the imagination at Cora Carolina! Please like them on Facebook!
Disclaimer: The opinions on this post are my personal take on the products. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. If you have questions about this post please contact me at: alissa4illustration@hotmail.com