I'm going to make this post about my odd quirks.
- I dislike drinking milk, or in my case almond milk from my bowl of cereal. I put in very little almond milk. Just enough to barely see it. Travis puts in way too much in for my taste.
- I dislike when people refer to a potato and corn as only vegetables. According to many nutritionist they are starches. It acts as a starch inside the body. Schools that think that potatoes or corn as being the number 1 veggie on a plate is just plain silly. Especially French Fries. Come on! That's like saying real bacon is a full fledge protein when it's clearly a yummy fat. They should have something green on their plates besides corn or potatoes.
- I can't stand when students fixate on the wrong thing. For example I have one student that did 10 logos that all looked the same, but had a slightly different font. The logo its self wasn't very good. The fonts were nearly the same. He was thinking about the font for 1/2 the day. He could have made a much better logo in the time he was fixating on the font. I told him that too. He just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders.
- Being a Mom I know I have to repeat myself. As a teacher I can't stand it. Everything is on a handout - that's on a server, I write all the specifics on the board each day - and verbally read it out loud. Anymore when I'm asked questions I don't know if I should answer nicely, or just say, "You're in college. Go look it up on the handout, or on the board." It takes just as many words as repeating, but I want them to learn to be independent. They shouldn't rely on their boss to repeat things over and over again for them.
- I can't stand it when people don't put their grocery cart in the return stall. Wind could push it around, and knock it into cars. When I get out of my car I take a random cart with me that was left when it shouldn't of been left. Mica's job is to collect ones he sees. He loves pushing the cart, so why not collect them?