Saturday, May 23, 2015

Radha Tea Tree Oil Review

I really love Tea Tree Oil. There are so many uses for it! 

In the past I used Tea Tree Oil to remove a wart off Isaak's foot, and on a skin tag I had. It did well removing both.

This time I wanted to try making my own cleaner using Radha Tea Tree Oil.

All Natural Cleaner:
Makes 3 1/2 Cups.
  • 1/2 Cup White, or Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 3 Cups Water
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Tea Tree Oil - About 10 Drops
I use a big spray bottle to put the ingredients in. You can add drops of essential oils to give your cleaner a certain smell if you'd like. Shake the bottle us before you start to clean. 

I use it to clean the counters, floors, and sinks. Any hard surface can be cleaned with this cleaner. 

About Radha Tea Tree Oil:
  • 100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil Therapeutic Grade
  • The best Tea Tree Oil on the market produced through steam distillation of fresh leaves
  • 4 ounces in a bottle
  • $13.99 and on sale for $14.89 on Amazon
Works on the Following:
  • Skin Tag Removal (tried and works)
  • Acne Removal (tried and works)
  • Dandruff
  • Toenail Fungus
  • Yeast Infections
  • Cold Sores (tried and works) 
  • Wart removal (tried and works) 
  • Soothes sunburns
  • Home cleaner (tried and works)
  • Prevents Lice Naturally (if you know it's going around at school)
  • Helps Keep Fleas Away (Add a few drops to your pet's create)
  • Soothes Insect Bites  
There's many more uses! I simply love this stuff! Have you used Tea Tree Oil?

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free from Radha. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Random Tid Bits

  1. Mica told me, "Mom I want my hair to look like Harry Potter's." I said, "What hair style? He had lots of them." He showed me this style:

  2. Source
    I'm all fine with the boys experimenting with their hair. There are many things I'm picky about. Hair isn't one of them. Heck it grows back, and can be cut at any given time. The trouble that Mica head sweats. It's getting to be summer time. Mica's hair is thick! Travis refers to Mica's hair as bear fur. Mica's hair has always been relatively short. Mica's bangs also grow in diagonally. No hair dresser that we've ever been to can keep them straight it seems.
    After Mica showed me Harry Potter's hair, he followed up the conversation with, "My goal is to be able to have my hair in a ponytail by next year. I can't picture that on him. Isaak said, "I don't think that will look very good Mica." I had to laugh, and slightly agreed.

  3. When Isaak had a little longer hair it looked pretty good. His hair is fine, and he has a cowlick in the back of his hair. If it's short it has to be cut all the time. Otherwise it turns into a tail back there. If his hair grows out a little then there's no constant cutting needed. He prefers his hair short.
    It will be a summer of hair experimentation.

  4. Travis has been working in a dental lab a few days a week, or whatever they need help with. The job isn't stable, but it's work, and maybe we don't need stable right now. He wants time to be with the kids during the summer. He need to make more sculpture. He's sold a lot of his pieces, and other pieces are on display.

  5. It seems like once a week something majorly bad happens here. It used to not be that way. Omaha, Nebraska is a good place to raise a family. Lately I think everywhere is getting bad crime wise. We finally have an African American president, and racism is higher than it has been in a long time. Cops are thought of as the enemy to some people. Sure many have power trips, but most are in the job for the right reasons. This week a lady cop was killed. She left behind 3 children, one of which is in the NICU. She was expected to begin maternity time when her preemie was released from the hospital. In my opinion she should not have been out on the streets at all. She should have been with her newborn, and letting her body recover. 

  6. The US is going backward in terms of maternity care. You can read an article here about it. UK, France, the Netherlands, China or South Korea rank higher than the US for maternity leave and care. A study by NCBI showed that women given longer maternity leaves suffered less depression and lowered infant mortality rates. While some may shrug off depression, it costs the United States half a trillion dollars per year to treat. I could write a whole post just about this topic. It pisses me off that new mothers are treated so shitty by the work place. I had to take vacation time to have each of my kids. I had to take short lunches to make up for pumping time. Here another co-worker that isn't full time, but taught none the less smoked more then my pumping time. To even compare the two is down right disgusting. I'll never be ok with the lack there of, of laws in support of pumping for a baby, and paid maternity time. My middle finger goes up to the US for that!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Last Week of Classes

Not only is it my last week of teaching classing, it's my boy's last week of school to. I'm getting rid of papers at work, and gaining papers at home. 

Dad has been out of town since Sunday. He was crazy and decided to go up to Portsmouth, New Hampshire to deliver his sculpture. He wasn't able to go to the opening, so I hope it's worth it to him. He drove down there, he installed it, and he drove back. Yesterday he drove 14 hours to give you an idea of his trip. He left on Sunday, and came home late last night (Wed.). Two people volunteered to have him stay with them. I suggested he rent a car to go there. Put the wear and tear on something else besides one of our vehicles. 

I was worried about the timing of Dad being out of town with the last week of school, but things were ok. I even asked the boys, "How did you think I did with Dad being gone?" They both said, "I think you did great Mom." 

When does school end where you are at?

The Last Stretch

The last few weeks of class is always just as hard as the first few weeks. It's stressful with the students that are near the bottom of the class. Trying to catch up students that have struggled the whole time, or who saved most things to the last minute is a drag. 
I just like things to run fairly smooth. Last week, and the week before all major projects were due. 

I have one student in my first year class that is bright and gifted. He hardly shows up to class, and shifts most assignments to be what he wants them to be. Guidelines go out the window. His ego is too strong. That happens a lot with artists. Some artists know they are good, and refuse to conform to what's needed to really get the job done. I hate that an A quality student is getting D's from me. It is what it is.

I have another student in first year that begged me for extra credit last week. I had some that I had already given out. I reminded him of that extra credit. Then I said, "Really what would help the most for your grade is getting your main projects in." 40 points extra for going to an art movie is nothing compared to the 100 points for getting this illustration in, and another 100 points for getting that illustration in. 
I have a third year student that spins his wheels. I really think that he's working, but he hardly gets things turned in. Then when things get time sensitive he wants to turn in things that are half done to receive some credit. Well that works in some cases I suppose. With a website I kind of need it working to grade it. Especially at that level. He was pissed at me. I could see the fire behind his eyes when I said that I wouldn't grade his website that is 2 weeks late, and is 1/2 done. He was mad that our web guy wasn't here to help him. I reminded him that it was supposed to be done 2 weeks ago. He's still not passing.

At college level I'm not for the No Child Left Behind policy. If they don't do the work that everyone else is getting done, then that's on them. I try. Trust me I try to get them caught up. I printed out every critique sheet, every handout, and every grade slip they were missing to give to them at the beginning of the week. I think they want a passing grade just handed to them. That's not how I roll. You kind of need to work for a degree. 
I've been unpopular the last few weeks with a select group of students. I'm ok with that. I'm not going to lie, it's stressful being unpopular. 
I had one instructor say to me, "Would you rather teach them during the summer?" Quite franky the answer is, "Not really for my sake, but if they deserve it then yes for their sake." No one wants to keep negativity around them. My job as a college instructor is to make sure they can get a job when they are done with college. If they can't get my assignments done, then they shouldn't be passing my class.
How do you feel about about the No Child Left Behind policy? Obviously I teach college level, but that mentality from those younger grades move on up to upper levels of education.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

WW: Undies {Linky}

I'm putting this up earlier than normal. It's finals week. I'll comment on other people's posts over lunch.
I noticed Isaak had something on his backside. It was undies hanging out of his pants. It's a good thing we caught that before he went to school!

Please Check Out My Giveaway on the Sidebar 

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Happy Birthday to Isaak

Dear Isaak,
  It's hard to believe that it's been 7 years, since I've had you! 

You're in a phase where you hate getting your photo taken, so I'm lucky to get these photos. 

You've grown so much in the past year. Everyone thinks you're a year older than you are.


You love playing board games: Skip Bo, UNO, Monopoly, and a game that's in between Chess and Connect 4 are your favorites.

You love paper. I thought this was going to be an interest you'd give up. Nope! You make books, color pictures, make paper kites, and all kinds of things with paper. 

Your favorite color is gold.

You won't tell me a favorite food that you have. You like a lot of things. You did tell me that you don't like cake because you don't like frosting. You asked for me to make Crêpes with mixed fruits for your birthday party. An odd request, but I can make Crêpes.

You like to play outside.

You like playing with your brother, but you get annoyed because he likes to read on his own.


We got you a deluxe scratch board set, a Lego set, and a book that has your name in it. 

I love you my big brown eyed boy! 

Happy 7th Birthday!


Sunday, May 17, 2015

HomeStyles UltraPlush Waterproof MattressProtector Review

I've mentioned a slight problem we have before; Isaak wets the bed. I say a slight problem because it doesn't happen all the time. He'll go for months being dry, and boom he wets the bed for a week. 

I am super happy to review HomeStyles UltraPlush Waterproof MattressProtector


We got the Twin size to review: Cost: $79.99 | Sale for $39.95 | 38 x 74

They also have sizes: 

Twin XL: Cost: $89.99 | Sale for $44.95 | 38 x 80
Full: Cost: $99.99 | Sale for $47.95 | 53 x 74
Queen: Cost: $119.99 | Sale for $49.95 | 60 x 80
King: Cost: $139.99 | Sale for $59.95 | 76 x 80
California King: Cost: $149.99 | Sale for $59.95 | 72 x 84

HomeStyles UltraPlush Waterproof Mattress Protector is truly a higher quality product than the others, UltraPlush has a very flexible and silent backing, and a very soft sleeping surface that adds comfort and protection to any mattress.

  • Super Soft Super soft fibers | naturally absorb moisture
  • Noiseless No crinkling noises when moving in bed | Does not feel like plastic and won't change the feel of your mattress 
  • 100% Waterproof Mattress Protector Stops Leaks  Spilled Drinks | Bedwetting | Incontinence | Perspiration | Pet Accidents
  • Stops Dust Mites & Allergens in their Tracks Eliminates Dust Mites | Great for Asthma | Eczema | Allergies | Protects against Pollens, Bacteria and Mold | No PVC's, phthalates, or vinyl
Backed by a full 10 year product replacement warranty. Machine washable. 

Isaak loves this new addition to his bed!

     The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel'sThe Apel's

    I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.

If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: