Friday, October 9, 2015

Random Tid Bits

This one will be little things about me.
  1. I like dark black coffee with no sugar. If I have anything in it, I'll put in a splash of unsweetened almond milk. I drink my coffee out of a vase. It's not as bad as it sounds. I got a little Edible Creation bouquet once, and the vase was a ceramic one. It's the same size as a mug. I like it.

  2. I'm a paper slob. I keep clean with dust, laundry and more, but papers are always everywhere in my house.

  3. I like like most art supplies. The one things I've never gotten into is markers. I hate marker streaks, and how they dry out.

  4.  I love being warm. I like the summer time the most. I love flannel pjs in the winter. What's your favorite season?

  5. Sometimes I get beer just because I like the illustrations on the cans or bottles. 
Ralph Steadman did the illustrations for Flying Dog Beer. He also did the illustrations for the Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas book.

    Fat Tire is designed by Hatch Design, the Illustrator is Leah Giberson.

Brewed by: Cerveceria Mexicana. Illustrations by: Andrew Rose.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Flu Shots

This week has been crazy. I hate midterms, and finals. The stress of it all just sucks! I care more than most the students about their grades. It's sad really. I don't know if it's a generation thing, or if it's just the group I have. I love teaching. I show examples of what I want, what I don't want, talk about what I want, and what I don't want, and have a handout. For some reason the group of students I have is having a hard time with deadlines. I think in high school many art instructors gave their students as long as they wanted on projects. Ya...I don't do that. If you want a job in design, you have to get things done fast. Tomorrow most of them will get a swift kick in the butt to get things done!

I've been stressing, and tired this week.

There were somethings to do this week:
  • Test drive a Rav4 to replace our 12 year old Pilot
  • Go to the boy's school for Mica's curriculum night (Isaak had his last week) - that's tonight 
  • Wash all the bedding to add blankets on the beds - It's done 
  • Wash the drapes, iron and put them back up - It's done
I thought Travis was going to kill me in the cleaning process. He doesn't get spring and fall cleaning. For a long time Travis worked the weekends. When he worked is when I did those things.
  • Get flu shots - That's done
We all got flu shots.
Travis was first. His work all went together to Walgreens to get them, then they paid for them to all have lunch.

I always insist on going to the doctor to get the rest of our shots. That way it goes through insurance without hesitation. It's lucky for us, the boy's doctor has Saturday appointments. I had to take off a 1/2 hour to get it done on Monday.

Why get the flu shot at all?

Heck last year's didn't work...we all got the real flu minus Dad. Travis got the real flu when I was pregnant with one of the boys. I can't remember which one now. I think Mica (2004). They had a shortage that year. He missed 2 weeks of work.
When we were sick last year. Mica got it the least. He was the last, and I got him on Tamiflu when his symptoms started.

Last year the strain was off. It's really a guessing game each year to figure out the next years flu shot serum. I've never gotten the real flu before, so in my mind the flu shot works. 

My mom has always said that since I have year round allergies, and asthma I need to get this shot. My immune system isn't as strong as it should be. I'm around college students that don't take care of themselves as well as they should. 

Mica takes the shot like a champ. In fact he tries to talk Isaak into thinking that the shot isn't a big deal.

They didn't have the mist yet, and I don't know how I feel about it because it's a live virus. 

I'm a punk of a mom because I have zero sympathy when it comes to shots. I got allergy shots when I was a kid. That's not to say that I enjoyed them. I hid from my mom when she was about to give me one. It's just that after dealing with Influenza last year, dealing with Meningitis when Isaak was a baby, dealing with a staph infection in Mica's neck when he was a baby, and having a Mom that had Polio I don't want to deal with anything yucky if I don't have to. Nope!

Travis waited in the lobby.

I couldn't help, but to crack up laughing when Isaak got his flu shot. Here's how it went down:

Nurse: Who's going first?

Me: Mica can you go?

Mica: Really? Do I have to? I go first with everything!

Isaak: I'm not going to get the shot at all!

Nurse: Let's get the one who's not going to get the shot at all first.

Me: Ok

I grabbed him, and put him up on the table. Down his pants went. I held his arms, so Isaak wouldn't move on the nurse.

Isaak: Hold up! I haven't had a chance to think of anything nice, or good at all! {Insert shot here} Give me time!

Tears, and a slight scream came out of Isaak's mouth.

Mica: Really Isaak! Get over it already. It hurts way less then a bee sting.

I couldn't help, but to laugh.

Mica got his. 

Mica: See Isaak...I'm not screaming, or crying. 

Isaak: I can't help it. It hurt, and she didn't wait for me to think of anything good like you guys talked about in the car. 

Isaak limped to the lobby to pick out a sticker. 

Isaak: Mica do you want a sticker?

Mica: No! Those things are for babies. 

Me: Mica stickers are not for babies. Babies would eat them. 

Mica: Ok then they are for little kids. 

Me: Isaak is a little kid. 

Mica: Ok let's go. 

Travis: Isaak stop limping. You're fine. 

Isaak: But my leg feels like it's going to fall off. It hurts.

He milked the limp for a few hours.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

WW: Science {Linky}

We got back Mica's science work. I guess he put in more detail than what his teacher expected. 2 kids from the class were chosen to go to the zoo to study lemurs. Mica is one of them. He is pretty excited!

Did you like science in school?


The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel's

Neale Woods

Last weekend we met up with some friends to hike around Neale Woods.

I haven't been there since I was a kid. It's too bad that they just aren't getting the funds. The house that someone used to live in that was their nature center is under construction. It's been under construction for 2 years. It looks as though no one has touched it. 

I found this information here:

Neale Woods was begun with a donation of 120 acres of land by Edith Neale in 1971. Neale's father had homesteaded the land in the mid-1800s. An additional 60 acres of contiguous land was given by Carl Jonas, whose father had been one of the founding members of Fontenelle Forest. After his death, a bequest from Jonas' estate made possible the purchase of 112 acres of additional land. Of that amount, 25 acres were cleared and designated as prairies, planted in a way thought to be representative of the land in the mid-1800s. Jonas' former home now serves as the Neale Woods Nature Center.

Part of the Omaha sky line.

I think all their funds go into Fontenelle Forest, and not into Neale Woods. 

We still had fun hiking around. We hiked down Jonas Trail and more.

I get fascinated by the simple things like moss growing on an old log.

This tree was interesting.

This isn't the house of Edith Neale thank goodness. It is an old barn that was left uncared-for.

It's neat to walk around with hardly anyone in site. The place is pretty. I hope one day it's restored.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Who Would Play You in a Movie of Your Life?

A Life Examined asks a question a month. 

This month the question is: Who would play you in a movie of your life?

This is a tough one. For one I'm not very good with actor's names. I don't read up on their personal lives too much either.

First off here I am:

I'll do my best. I was once told that I look a lot like Mindy (Pam Dawber) from the old show Mork and Mindy. It's hard for me to see it. She has a long skinny face, so do I. Her hair is brown, mine is brown brownish grey.

How interesting it would have been to work along side Robin Williams!

My husband thinks I have Liv Tyler lips. That's all I have that Liv Tyler has.

If I could pick someone based on looks, and their acting I'd pick someone that doesn't look like me at all. I have a girl crush on Mary-Louise Parker. I've liked her since she was in Fried Green Tomatoes. She can play a southern, classy, conservative girl to a bad drug dealer. 

I know Mary-Louise Parker had some plastic surgery, but not too much. She looks great for being 51. 
Who would play you in a movie?


RELAX: Deep Relaxing Mandala Coloring Patterns and Calming Designs Review

I always loved to color when I was a kid. Oh who am I kidding? I like to color now.

I got RELAX: Deep Relaxing Mandala Coloring Patterns and Calming Designs (Adult Coloring Book Book 1 to review. It's made by Craft Haven. 

I think that even a non artist would love this coloring book! It's purpose is to help adults take their mind of of everyday tasks. 

Ideas on Where to Use it:
  • Take it to the doctor, or dentist office to use in the waiting area.
  • Take it to the kid's swimming lessons, or other sporting event. 
  • Color while watch a movie at home.
  • Take it on vacation to have something to do in the car if you are a passenger.
I colored along side of Isaak when we watched the musical Oliver. Isaak loved that I was coloring along side of him.

A Few Other Pages:

Things I Like About RELAX: Deep Relaxing Mandala Coloring Patterns and Calming Designs:
  •  Each design is different. You'll never find yourself coloring the same image over and over again.
  • Craft Haven has additional pages that you can download for free off their site! 
  • The cost is reasonable.
  • It's a great gift for artists or non artists. I could see my sister that's into health and wellness liking this!
Things I Wish This Book Had:
  • I wish it had perforated edges. Then if you like your design you could take it out easily to hang up. If someone else wanted to try coloring, you could easily rip a page out for them to color.
  • Making the paper thicker to again last longer, and make it more permanent to hang up.
  • I think it would be great if a small set of colored pencils, or gel pens went with it. They could up their cost just a little bit to accommodate the coloring utensils.
How to Pick Out Colors:

I'm a teacher for Color and Design Theory. I can see where it may be hard for some people to pick out colors. I picked out a triadic color scheme, which are 3 colors equally spaced on the color wheel that form a triangle: Red-Violet, Yellow-Orange, and Blue-Green. I veered a little, but pretty much stayed within those colors.

I tell my students to pick out ads they like in magazines/online to use in their projects. 
There's also an online adobe resource called Adobe Color that's free online to use. It gives you colors that work well together.

Cost of RELAX: Deep Relaxing Mandala Coloring Patterns and Calming Designs:
  • $9.11 on Amazon
Overall I love this coloring book. I haven't had a coloring book of my own for years. This is just a great way to relax. I just kind of shut my brain off, and colored. 
Do you like to color? Did you like to color when you were a kid?

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for a discounted price. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.

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