- Isaak kept saying tonight, "Mommy, Daddy I love you".
- He was trying to get out of going to bed.
- He really knows how to work the system at a young age!
- The preschooler's got to pick out a book to read with their mom. We played Hokey Pokey. Mica's favorite game was when we sat in a circle, passed a heart around. Music was playing, and when it stopped whomever had the heart had to hug and kiss their mom.
- Then the preschooler's passed out our gifts. I got a flower pot that was painted on by Mica, with a little plant inside it. Mica was so excited to give this to me.
- After the party I took Mica to McDonalds. Then had to go back to work.
Western Union is giving FIVE
Go Graham Go readers a $50 Visa Card.
- Western Union is giving FIVE Jolly Mom readers a $50 Visa Card.
- Western Union is giving FIVE Two of a Kind readers a $50 Visa Card.
- I won a mattress cover, 2 pillow protectors and a pillow. All allergy safe from the company Aller-Ease. My thank you's go out to them and the blog And Twins Make Five.
- I took all my bedding apart, washed it all.
- I sprinkled Baking Soda on my mattress, and vacuumed the heck out of it.
- Then put it all back together again.
- I'm most excited about the mattress protector. I've always wanted one, but they are so expensive to buy.
- So...I'm prepping to work on Isaak's big boy room.
- I took down all of Isaak's Lamb's and Ivy nursery set. :(
- It's a little sad because this bedding has been up since Mica was born. Grandma Apel bought it. I did take apart the bumper pad, and made wall hanging's with them since they aren't supposed to be in a baby's crib. I did the same with the blanket. We didn't have everything pictured here. Just the bedding, rug, window hanging, crib sheet and diaper holder.
- The Lambs and Ivy bedding gave me dreams of giving birth to a bull frog when I was pregnant with Mica. LOL
- For a year, or so Isaak's going to have this robot bedding from Target (see below). The whole set was only $20. He'll get this bedding for his birthday.
- I'm going to paint the top part of the walls blue, and leave the bottom part green. It's a transitional room, so I'm going to paint rolling graphic hills.

- Later on Isaak will get his big boy bedding seen below.
- It sort of fell into place.
- I won a vinyl tree to put on Isaak's wall for his big boy room from Now What Baby. I may be taking the pink butterflies out.
- The rolling hills will go perfect with this bedding and tree.
- Shortly after I won...I got a catalog from Pottery Barn Kids. This is not a store I usually get things from because they are expensive, but they had bedding that was sooo cute and was on clearance!
- The bedspread and tree both have dots on them.
- The sheets have Doctor Seuss characters on them along with balls.
- We're doing a park scene on the walls.
- We're hanging plastic balls from the ceiling with fishing line, and I'll make a kite that will hang on the wall.
- He's in LOVE with balls, so this is perfect!
- We'll get him a twin bed with drawers on the bottom. Not sure if we'll get him a metal bed like Mica's or go with wood.
- "No" seems to have overtaken Isaak's vocabulary.
- It's only worse when Mica eggs him on by saying, "Yes" after each, "No" Isaak says.
- Two of a Kind is having a Where's Spot? 30th Anniversary Edition DVD giveaway.
- This time two winners will win the DVD.
- I got Mica socks today. He's a 10 1/2 in shoe size. It's so confusing trying to get socks for his size.
- I ended up getting a 9 to 2 1/2 size. They switch from kid sizing to adult sizing.
- I turned around and looked at underwear, and got all the more confused! In some brands they go from extra small to extra large and in other brands they have numbers for sizing. In the number ones they have size 4-6 and 6-8. Well if 4-6 is getting kind of tight, I have to move up to the next size that will be swimming on him. Where is size 5?
- I think it's incredibly confusing!
- Isaak's been saying, "Peet" when he needs to go pee.
- There have been a few times when I miss understood what he was trying to tell me.
- I thought that maybe he is running pee and potty together to form the word "Peet".
- Then I felt really bad the other day when Isaak was saying, "Pee" while in his chair eating peas. He was trying to tell me he had to pee, and I thought he was talking about the peas he was eating. The poor boy peed all over himself. Silly English language!
- We are all sickies at our house.
- Mica and Isaak have a slight fever, achy and whiny.
- I had a IBS attack yesterday. I'm still waiting for it to go away. Stress triggers this off. I've been stressed because the semester is wrapping up, I had one student that is leaving early to go to Iraq - that means I had to give him test early, I have had 3 students hit 5 absences lately, which moves them to taking a summer course and my own kids being sick is another factor. Needless to say, my tummy is in knots.
- Daddy is in the clear so far.
- I called Mica during lunch and asked him how the play, "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake" was?
- He said that he didn't like the beginning because they said a bad word. He wouldn't elaborate.
- I found out from my sister that the bad word they said was, "Stupid". To me this isn't too bad of a word, but awhile back he got told not to say, "Stupid".
- He was calling his cousin Evan, "Stupid".
- To Mica the word, "Stupid" is now considered a bad word.
- Mica's going to the play, "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake" on Wednesday with his preschool class.
- It should be fun. We have the books, "If You Give a Pig a Pancake" and Mica got, "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake" for Christmas since I knew he'd be going to this play.
- Laura Numeroff is the author of the book and Felisha Bond is the illustrator.
- The style of writing is so simple, yet clever. I love how the beginning of the book ends up being similar in the end.
- Isaak woke up in the middle of the night. He felt feverish.
- Yesterday I thought he felt warm as well, but I brushed it off because he was playing, and it was warm in the house.
- I took the boys to Aunt Terra's this morning, and she said cousin Elijah had a slight fever as well.
- This time his grumpiness wasn't from cutting teeth. I should of known because all Isaak wanted was for me to pick him up, cuddle with him, which I did all that. I did need to set him down here and there. He didn't like that.
- I opened Mica's preschool bag, and found a gift for me at the bottom of it. How cool is that?
- It was big pretzel sticks, dipped in chocolate. They were all wrapped up. :P
- I'm not a huge fan of Mother's Day. No offense to the mothers out there. I just think with birthday's and Christmas that seems enough for me.
- But...I'll take a homemade gift anytime, and love it.
- It's bath time. This is what it's like trying to get two crazy boys ready to take a bath.
- It's both funny and annoying. Isaak has to do a lot of what Mica is doing.
- Isaak runs around some evenings with his underwear and boots on. He has to wear them 12 hours a day and is potty training.
- Here they are after their bath. Mica's a frog and Isaak's a duck.
- Mica had his first t-ball game today. I tried to take up more of a roll of assistant couch. Daddy helped to.
- I helped with the line up. Daddy helped out in the field.
- I also brought a treat bag. I hope I'm doing my part now.
- Mica played against his cousin Evan. LOL
- We don't take score, so who knows who would of won.
- Isaak has been wanting to cuddle all weekend. When he's not cuddling with me...he's a grouch!
- I had to take this photo with my arm extended out to capture him. Otherwise he'd be grumpy when I'd get up.
The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com