It's not any one person's fault. I just want to scream. Scream because things just are not going right.
I've been so preoccupied that I didn't even know that
this happened today! I'm not going over it. It's just that it has to do with the flooding going on. The problem is getting worse.
Guess what? It's raining! Like cats and dogs! My allergies are going crazy like! Mica is now afraid of storms. Whenever it storms he tosses and turns in bed.
I took my boys and cousins Evan and Elijah out for a walk just to get them out of the house. We're a mile away and I heard thunder. Not really what you want to hear when you have 4 small boy's with ya. I started fast walking with the stroller and saying, "Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me because I'm Lissy Ann!" Lissy is my nickname by the way! I also made up all kinds of crazy songs that made Evan giggle.
Isaak wouldn't nap all weekend! He keeps pretending to be what he calls, "The Bad Guy!" I've pulled him aside countless times to tell him that I want him to be Momma's "Good Guy!"
I can't focus to get one single thing done.
This sweet little baby Emerson has me worried:
I think I can say that everyone in our family is lacking on sleep because they are worried about
Emerson and my sister's family. Emerson is sweet, cuddly and cute! He is also on O2 and a feeding tube. I just want everything to be ok, and I know it won't be. We're all taking turns to help out. I sometimes feel like I'm not doing enough. I took Evan and Elijah in a night and a day while they were in the hospital, I held the baby so my sister could eat lunch today and I took the bigger boy's for a long walk. Then Daddy spent time there last night. But my parents and my older sister have been there much more then I. That's why I feel like I'm not doing enough. They tell me not to come. I have my own two crazy kids! Like the one that won't nap! It's just so hard.
I remember what it was like having a sick baby or two. With my babies they got better, but at the time I didn't know if they would. One of my sister's was out of town when Isaak had meningitis and Grandma Spiehs was really sick! The doctors were stumped with Mica's staph infection and Isaak's meningitis (weather it was bacterial or viral). We got up in the middle of the night to mess with IV antibiotics. Many steps involved. I pumped, breastfed. It was a lot. Especially when Mica had his staph infection and was allergic to his antibiotics! Talk about scared! I was freaking out!
I love my family. Especially in times that are hard!