Saturday, February 20, 2010

Yee Haw

  • Isaak says, "Yee Haw" when we go over speed bumps. I just started doing the "Yee Haw" thing.
  • When Isaak or I say, "Yee Haw", Mica says, "No Mommy and Isaak, that belongs to The Dukes of Hazard"!

New Words

  • Isaak now says, "It's time to eat" and "Put back".

Organic Kidz

  • New baby products are coming out all the time.
  • Now they have stainless steel bottles. They are better for the baby then the plastic one, which you never know if the plastic is BPA free or not. With stainless steel you don't have to worry about this.
  • My Organized Chaos is giving away one 4 oz and one 7 oz stainless steel bottle from Organic Kidz.


  • I woke up before the boys this morning.
  • I was on my computer, and I heard Isaak say, "Daddy...poop". He said it three times before Daddy came walking out of his bedroom.
  • Daddy said to me, "Mommy didn't you hear your son calling 'Poop'".
  • I said, "He was calling for Daddy".
  • Usually when Isaak says, "Poop" he's already went.
  • I have to say still more mornings then not, Isaak goes poop before breakfast on the potty.
  • He went potty off and on all morning on Thursday. He stayed dry. Even when he did go in his underwear, he came to daddy saying, "Pee". It was just too late.

Thirsties Diapers

  • I love the colors of these diapers!
  • My Wee View is giving away a Fab Fitted and Duo Wrap from Thirsties!

Huge Giveaway

  • Mommy Mandy is giving away a huge prize pack of all the stuff above worth $278.99.
  • Enter for your chance to win!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Steamy Farts

  • We went back to Mommy's work to eat our lunch.
  • The boys were really good!
  • Mica said, "I have to go potty."
  • When he was done I said, "Did you go potty?"
  • Mica said, "No...I just had two steamy farts."
  • Of course one of my co-workers was in the room.
  • She thought it was pretty funny. It's a good thing it wasn't someone that gets offended easily. She thought he used a pretty descriptive adjective.

Mommy's New Boot

  • So...I went to the orthopedic doctor today.
  • I found out I was wrong. I fractured my 5th metatarsal, which is by way back on my little toe, not my big one. It looks like the break is in my big toe on the x-ray. I'm not even going to put an x-ray back up here because it's hard for me to even point out with them right in front of me.
  • The break is by the arch of my foot that's why it hurts to have a regular shoe on that has an arch on it.
  • One good thing, I don't need surgery. If it would of broken a little further back it would have needed surgery.
  • But...I do need to wear a special clunky boot for 6 weeks.
  • I still need to cut off the excess Velcro.
  • I have to go back to the doctor in 3 weeks for a check up to make sure it's healing.
  • When Isaak gets his "Magic Shoes" next week, I'm going to take a generation shot of Grandma Spiehs, Isaak and I with our messed up feet.

Cheese-its Giveaway

  • Mommy Mandy is giving away 4 boxes of Italian Four Chees Cheez-its.
  • I LOVE Cheez-its!

Can You Believe it? I Heard Back From Robeez

  • I checked my email, and the first message that was on my page was from Robeez.
  • Can you believe that they responded so quickly?
  • For some reason this uplifted my day.
  • Here's what I said to them:
I'm a lover of your product! I've gone through 2 kids wearing your shoes. That is until my youngest started tripping over his left foot because it is bowed! He had to get stitches the last time he fell, and now he's in ugly corrective shoes. Please team up with whoever makes corrective shoes to design them better! They are so ugly, and your product is so cute! I sent them a link to my post showing what the corrective shoes look like.
  • This is what they said back to me:
Dear Alissa, We always enjoy hearing from our customers. In reference to your comments regarding your suggestion to associate with corrective shoe manufacturers, I will forward them to the appropriate departments for review. In doing this we can ensure that we are giving our customers the best possible quality and selection of our products. Once again thank you for you input. Sincerely, Cathy Consumer Relations
  • Now...I don't know if anything will come of this, but hey it was worth a shot.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tane Orgnanics Giveaway

Ok...So Art Students are a Little Odd

  • That statement in the title includes me. I was an art student once.
  • My students have a wall space in the classroom that has Richard Nixon images all over it. I have no clue why they chose Richard Nixon, but that's who they chose.
  • They are recruiting people to come up with Richard Nixon pieces.
  • I created one for them to put up on the wall.
  • Zach, the student in charge of the Nixon wall was so happy that one teacher actually did something to put up.
We All Scream for Ice Cream
  • I wanted to do something that would incorporate my cookies. All the ice cream cones are cookies I've created. The pink is actually strawberry frosting, the brown is chocolate frosting and the white is vanilla frosting.
  • With the cones I paint on an egg mixture that includes: The white part of an egg, brown food coloring (I have to make my own brown) and brown sugar. I paint it on before they bake.
  • I just saw this picture of Nixon, and decided that everyone needed ice cream cones to uplift their day. They look a little too serious, don't you think?
  • I thought about doing a Thanksgiving Day Parade with my turkey cookies, but I wanted something that would take little time to do.
  • This took 30 to 40 min. Cutting out the cookies in Photoshop took the longest amount of time.
  • Click on the image to see it BIGGER.

Love Baby J Giveaway

Do You Ever Wonder if You Are Doing the Right Thing?

  • I've spent my whole motherhood wondering if I'm doing the right thing for both of my children.
  • It started when I was pregnant with Mica and he was breach. I laid upside down on an ironing board just to try and make him turn naturally. I got a CT scan to see if there was room for him to go through me. I attempted to have them turn him from the outside, just so I could deliver him naturally. Little did I know how bad it would hurt, cause stress on him, and I didn't think about how I lacked fluid inside me that would help him turn. Looking back, I should of just had the C-section.
  • With Isaak I just had the C-section even though he wasn't breach. Maybe that was wrong, but that's what I did.
  • When Mica was a baby I didn't want to feed him anything but mommy milk. Of course he was born with a cyst under his tongue, and tongue tied as well. The cyst was lanced, the flap under his tongue (frenulum) was cut. His tongue was misshaped, so he wouldn't nurse right. I literally went to the extreme of feeding him with an medicine syringe filled with my milk, so he wouldn't get nipple confusion. Looking back at that, I think I was crazy.
  • Then Mica had to visit lots of doctor about his tongue. Such a waist when all they told us was to come back in 2 weeks over and over again! I should of asked to see a Geneticist doctor right away. I would of saved so much time and money! He had to be put through an MRI where he couldn't eat all morning for nothing because he was just fine. God I hate the unknown!
  • With Isaak I had to resort to feeding him formula because he wasn't gaining enough weight. I felt like I was breaking the law, and was in tears over that!
  • Then of course my kids were both mysteries for the doc's. Mica's had a staph infection and Isaak had meningitis. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with Mica, and with Isaak's meningitis doctors were baffled as to if his illness was viral or bacterial. They never did find out.
  • Lately I've questioned what preschool to put Mica in. We ended on our decision to put him in 2 different ones for next year. We're keeping him in the same one he's at now for consistency, they know him and he knows them. The other one is less expensive, and will strengthen his group skills.
  • I really questioned Isaak's bowed feet. His pediatrician and many sources say, "Leave them alone. They will grow out of it", and "Corrective shoes do nothing". In fact some sources say, "Corrective shoes hurt them". Then other sources say, "Put him in corrective shoes". I feel like we have all this money wrapped up in something I'm still not sure on.
  • I've just been questioning myself so much lately. After awhile I don't know if helping my children is really helping them, or hurting them. It's so annoying!
  • I wonder why do my kids have to have such odd things happen to them?
  • I went to a baby group when Mica and Isaak were babies for support, and I was the only one with these particular problems. No one could really support me for what I went through.
  • I love my kids, and they seem normal enough. But...they have gone through some things that doctors don't even have the answers for.

Thank You Robeez!

  • I got an email from Robeez shoes this morning. The page had a picture of a very cute boy wearing extremely cute shoes!
  • I started thinking, "Man Isaak has to wear ugly shoes for 6 months"! I know a lot of other people have had to wear corrective shoes as well. But...I'm thinking their Mom's were probably thinking the same thing as me.
  • I emailed Robeez customer service department this morning. I told them how much I've loved their shoes, and how much I hated putting them away. I went on to say that I think they should partner up with the people who make corrective shoes for toddlers and babies. Their designs are so much better!
  • I'll probably never hear from them again, but hey it's worth a shot! I'm a firm believer that people's opinions can make a difference.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Summer Shoes

  • These are Isaak's summer "Magic Shoes".
  • We have 3 choices: White, brown and black.
  • For some reason I remember fringe things on the sides. Maybe I'm mistaken.
  • Right now he gets a brown boot for this season.
  • Definitely not as stylish as Robeez Trendz. I think Robeez needs to partner up with who makes the corrective shoes.
  • I definitely think when possible barefoot is better until toddlers are starting to trip over their own feet because they bow in too much.


  • I talked to Mica on the phone today at lunch.
  • Mica was having a really good conversation with me, he was telling me about what other people brought for show and tell for preschool. Then all the sudden the conversation ends with, "I have to go now because I need to finish my chocolate pudding."
  • Really urgent, right?
  • Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs and I were cracking up!

Night Night Moo

  • I took Isaak in to tuck Mica into bed.
  • I sometimes call Mica, Mica Moose, sometimes Mica Moo and other times Mica Z (for his middle name Zachary).
  • I was saying to Isaak, "Tell Mica Moo night night."
  • Isaak said, "Night night Moo." He said it about 5 times over again.
  • Isaak still won't say his own name, or Mica's.

I'm Mica's Girlfriend

  • Mica informed me last night, "Mommy, Alison is Isaak's girlfriend now. She has to be his girlfriend because you are my girlfriend." Alison has been Mica's girlfriend since last year. She is his preschool friend. I thought it was pretty cute.
  • Daddy said, "Mommy isn't your girlfriend Mica. She's your Mommy."

Daddy Talks to Trash Cans

  • We went through the drive thru for dinner tonight. We were waiting for a car to order, and then were up.
  • Daddy pulled up to the trash can, and acted as though it was the speaker.
  • I asked Mica, "What is Daddy talking to?"
  • Mica said, "Daddy you're talking to the wrong thing! Move up Daddy!"
  • Daddy kept giving his order to the trash can. Then he proceeded to sing to it. I was wondering if the car in front of us could hear him singing.
  • Mica and I were laughing at him.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Metatarsal Fracture

  • I fractured my 5th metatarsal also known as the march fracture. It is a type of stress fracture.
  • The name refers to military recruits who developed stress fractures after long marches.
  • The doctor said that I may not heal on my own, and may need a screw in my foot.
  • I have to see a Orthopedic Doctor on Friday. I scheduled to see the same doctor that's been seeing Grandma Spiehs (Mom to me).
  • Click on the pictures to view larger.
  • Ahhh...laptops make great light boxes!

Magic shoes Tomorrow

  • Issak goes in tomorrow for his "Magic Shoes".
  • Daddy was going to take him in on Friday, but no one was in their office to complete the task.
  • We're going there at 7 AM. An early start for the Apel's.
  • I have no clue what they are going to look like, and if he'll actually get the shoes tomorrow, or if he'll just get fitted for them.
  • I returned all of my nephew's shoes today. I'll need to put all of Isaak's shoes away too.

Doctor Time

  • I just called the doctor's office about my foot.
  • I mentioned how my toes are purple, and she said that I need to come in.
  • I have to go in today at 3.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wet Butt

  • Mica went to go potty (number 2). He came out of the bathroom looking very upset and his pants were down at his ankles.
  • I asked him, "What's wrong Mica?"
  • He said, "Mommy I forgot to put the potty seat on the toilet and my butt fell in and got all wet!"
  • I said, "Honey don't worry about it, I'll help you get cleaned up and will wash your clothes."
  • We've been trying to wean him of this seat, and now this certainly doesn't help. At least he pees standing up and will use the urinal.
  • A funny, butt not so funny moment. Notice my play on words with that last sentence.

Valentines Day

  • This morning Mica helped me make homemade waffles. It was nice that he helped me before Isaak woke up. Usually Isaak steels Mom's attention from Mica in the mornings.
  • I told the boys that I saw Valentines in the Pilot. Mica swore that he could see them too. There is no way that he could see them because they were sitting in the seat.
  • I got them each a heart shaped box that had three chocolates in them. One box had Charlie Brown on it and the other one had Snoopy. Perfect size for little kids.
  • Daddy gave me a card with earrings that he made!
  • I took the boys out to Toys R Us. We got a gift for one of Mica's classmates and both boys got to pick out something small with Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs' $10.
  • Mica wanted $50 items, so he had a temper about it. He slowly came to his senses. He just doesn't understand what's expensive and what isn't. In the past he thought we could just borrow things from the store. In the end we got a Optimus Prime Transformer. I'm glad we got this because he's been playing with it all day. It's easier to transform then his Bumble Bee Transformer.
  • Isaak picked a Duplo mail carrier set. It has a mail box, package, postal man that fits on a bike. He too played with his when I got it out of the box.
  • We got Mica's preschool friend an Ariel doll and a Hello Kitty flashlight that projects images on the wall. It's been a long time since I've gotten a little girl gift! I of course got a gift receipt just in case she already has this doll. Mica picked her out. He's asked for this doll and Snow White with the Seven Dwarfs before.


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.

If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: