I'm no expert on blogging. Especially compared to some of the other blogger's that are out there. I'm getting better though.
I changed my banner without huge issues. I only had to make one change after doing it. The font, "PLANET OF THE APELS" doesn't exist. I had to draw it in Illustrator. It was kind of a pain.
Here's my
I changed my button. I was happy that I only had to tweak it in a small way after I uploaded it. I remember the first time I did this I had a headache afterward! All I could get to show up was code and no picture, then picture and no code! You can grab my new button if you like me. ;)
I changed my background color from green to blue. It's my own background, so I did have to go into
Photobucket, re-upload and mess with the coding. I was putting it off because I did not remember how I did it in the first place. Once I looked at my html coding; I saw where I had put it.
Ya last year I messed around with my background, and my whole blog disappeared. That didn't happen this time! YAY!
Then I changed my Favicon. I didn't even know what that was a year ago. It's not a bird like it sounds. It's the little planet symbol up above. Nothing fancy, but now you can pick out my blog easier from your other tabs.
Here's a great tutorial on making a Favicon.
I want to learn because I teach my students how to do this stuff. Someday I'll dive into WordPress. I've already played with it. There are problems with it just like there are problems with Blogger. Then making comments are SLOW! Even with the added app. I don't know how many times I've made a comment, and it said, "You're making comments too fast! Slow down." Sorry! ;)