- Cousin Evan has been out of town for two weeks now. He gets back tomorrow.
- I asked Mica, "Do you miss Evan?" Mica said, "No Mommy."
- I think he really does!
- You see Mica's been caring around this character that he's been calling his BEST friend. It's an inch tall.
- This character has the same hair color as cousin Evan. ;) I guess he doesn't have hair, but his body is spiky like it's hair.
- It's Mica's imaginary friend replacement.
- Here's Mica and Evan and together.
This orange character and Evan sort of look similar in an odd sort of way. I even spotted Mica Watching Tom and Jerry with the orange character.
- Watch the ads.
- Buy a year before. When all the stuff goes on sale at the end of the season. I do this all the time. Especially since my kids are young, and don't pick out their clothing anyhow.
- I like to buy pants that are fairly neutral, so they'll go with a lot of things. Oh and jeans too.
- Buy adjustable waist for young kids! Oh my first born is skinny, and has a little butt. A belt makes it hard for them to go potty.
- Let them pick out a new book or workbook they can keep at home.
- Get a reusable lunch bag and sandwich bag. You may spend more money, but in the long run you'll save.
- I try and teach my oldest a big thing before school start. Something that will make my life easier, and give him more independence. This year it was going number 2 without the potty seat. Next year I'm shooting for him learning to tie his shoes.
- Organize your child's room. They feel better when they know where their stuff is.
- Put a coat rack in their room. We just did this! I know it will make a HUGE difference in the winter time because now he can hang his own coat up. Before I had a pile of them on the chair in the living room. I'd have to hang them all up, and get the coat down for him in the morning.
- Some insurances pay for a free eye exam. Doesn't hurt to ask.
- In the past few weeks Mica has really stepped up to the plate to be a good big brother.
- I think it's really helped that their cousin's are out of town; it gives Mica and Isaak more bonding time with less competition.
- I heard the boys in the bathroom talking:
- Mica: Isaak you should try and go potty after me.
- Isaak: O tay Bica. Translation: Ok Mica.
- Mica: Now we need to wash our hands Isaak. Now that Daddy put in a new facet we can wash our own hands. Come on step up on the stool.
- Isaak: O tay Bica.
- Mica and Isaak: They sang the alphabet together. (That's how long you're supposed to wash your hands you know).
- Mica: Ok Isaak step down and dry your hands on your towel. (there's a hand towel on the sink, but that's ok).
- Isaak: O tay Bica.
- How cute is that?
- It's moments like these that make me smile. :)
- It's Fun Follow Friday!
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- When you visit a blog that you like and want to follow, leave them a comment with your link telling them you are following from the Fun Follow Friday. Of course, they would love for you to follow both hostesses blogs, Simply Stacie and My Wee View, but it isn’t mandatory. If you do follow them, just leave them a comment and they will follow you back.
- The main goal is to have fun and follow the blogs that interest you!
- If you like this blog you might like one of my other blogs as well: Milking the Issue and Cookie Art.
- I have two giveaways that end on the 30th. They are both for a $40 gift certificate at CSN | 200 + Stores.
- One is here and the other one is here.
- Daddy got our salads ready to eat last night. He put kalamata olives on ours.
- He got the boys some salad and then some grapes. He put one kalamata olive in with their grapes to get a reaction.
- Both boys love grapes and they eat salad pretty well to. We didn't think they'd like their one kalamata olive.
- Mica was first. He was gobbling his grapes up, and wham got the kalamata olive in his mouth. He had a disgusted look on his face and said, "Man I thought this was a grape. I didn't ask for an olive!"
- Isaak was next. We were all watching him, knowing what was about to happen. He slipped the olive that looked like a grape into his mouth. Right away he had a look of disgust, and spit out the chunks of a half eaten olive.
- I'm usually the prankster, so it sort of surprised me that Daddy pulled this prank.
- Isaak wouldn't let go of his "Lellow" ribbon for anything!
- Not even to get out of his car seat, which usually he's happy to do.
- He picked the ribbon out at Hobby Lobby.
- The ribbon went on a tail of a kite I made for his room.
- As a mom I often feel like I need a time out when Isaak's crying and needy, or Mica's making too many sound effects.
- There's a site that has a t-shirt that expresses how I feel during these times of frustration.
- I usually have fun with my children. It's around dinner time that they can be trying. They haven't seen one or both of us all day, we get home late and need to get started on dinner right away. If we don't eat we all get crabby. We also all need time to chill. It's a no win situation.
- Two of a Kind is hosting a very cool giveaway! Flirty Diva Tee's.com is giving away a winners choice of a t-shirt.
- I'd pick this one:
- I have a giveaway going on for a $40 gift certificate to CSN | Stores on both of my other blogs: Cookie Art and Milking the Issue.
- The giveaway's last until July 30 at midnight.
- Anyone can enter! Even if you are not a blogger.
Bonding Time
- Aunt Terra, Uncle Tyson, Nephew's Evan and Elijah all went on a cruise to Alaska. Very cool!
- Those folks leaving means we don't have a babysitter for 4 days.
- I took some time off of work to cover for Aunt Terra.
- It's kind of nice because it forces Mica and Isaak to play with each other more.
- Mica and Evan are the same age. Elijah thinks he's one of the big boys. That leaves Isaak as the odd one out.
- When they are all together Mica says that Isaak can't play because he's a baby. Aunt Terra said, "Elijah is the same age as Isaak." Evan and Mica were like, "Really?"
- I feel for the little guy! No one likes being left out. Trust me we've talked, and read books to Mica all about including people.
- A wonderful thing happened. Mica's been asking when Isaak is getting up from his nap? It's like he just can't wait for someone to play with.
- Now they aren't perfect, and have argued too. They are different ages, so they are bound to play different.
Potty Time
- Another great thing has happened as a result of Aunt Terra being out of town. I've left Isaak nude on the bottom half. He's been going potty by himself for 2 1/2 days!
- He had a little puddle on the floor this morning, and said, "Potty!" He went and finished up in the bathroom. I'm ok with that! I don't know if he will stay this trained when he's at someone's house. He will be clothed then. But I'm happy he's potting himself here!
- This home project had Daddy cussing yesterday. I really don't blame him.
- He was supposed to be at work, and of course this project took twice as long as he thought it would.
- The new facet had a leak, and he couldn't figure out why. It was the new washer. He put the old washer back on, and the leaking stopped.
- It took 3 trips to the hardware store. If you're not used to doing this kind of work, you think you have what you need to do the job.
- Daddy has to figure these types of jobs out on his own. He's
stubborn independent that way.
- Here's our new faucet. It looks so nice!
- Thank you Daddy!
- Mica: "Isaak can you hand me Scooby?"
- Isaak: "Booby?"
- Scooby Doo is what Mica wanted.
The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com