- I had our house phone in my pocket outside, so that I could hear if my sister called. My nephew Ethan was with us.
- I kept checking to make sure the phone was still with me.
- A big pet peeve I have is how shallow they make women's pockets!
- I went to go inside because it was getting dark, it was time to get the boys ready for bed and Mica had to go number 2.
- We got inside, and I had no phone in my pocket! :(
- I went outside with a flashlight. Isaak went crazy because I was leaving him, so I took him with me. He stayed on the lowest tier, while I searched. Thankful for cell phones, I kept calling the house phone to hear it ring. I could hear it, but couldn't see it! Finally I found it, it was face down in the grass, and by this time it was dark.
- I went back to get Isaak, and noticed he had eaten dirt! His face looked like he had eaten an Oreo.
- What a way to end the night. At least I found the phone! :)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Ringing in the Grass
Mica and Cousin Ethan
- Cousin Ethan came to visit late this afternoon on into the evening. My niece Kailey went to Home-coming, my sister Angela was her chauffeur, and Ethan stayed with us.
- Mica was so excited that as soon as Ethan came in the door, Mica ran out of his room. I don't think he even took an afternoon nap.
- They went to play in Mica's room right away. Then went outside to play.
- Later they watched Home Alone. This is the only time I could get pictures of them, because they held still. Notice the top picture they are on the couch. Ethan moved onto the floor, and Mica followed. Mica follows Ethan everywhere.

Baby Legs
New Words
- I heard Isaak say a new word this morning, "Baby" it sounds a little more like "Babyzz". He pointed at one of my dolls while saying it. It was so cute!
- He said, "Poop" last night, and pointed to his diaper. He just went. He usually goes potty just about every other morning and once a week in the evening. I'm just glad he knows what going potty is all about. I don't expect him to be a pro yet!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Mica Wants to Go See Payton
- Mica wants to go see his cousin Payton. You want to know why he wants to see him?
- Because we just bought Payton's Christmas/Birthday presents. Mica wants to go to his house, so he can play with them too.
- Kids!!!!!!!
Chatty Mica, Whinny Isaak
- Each son of ours is different when they get tired.
- Mica gets chatty, annoying, air headed and sometimes naughty.
- Isaak gets whinny (has distinct slanted eyebrows), needy and walks like he's drunk.
- Last night and tonight, both boys were all of these things.
- One positive thing, both boys love telling each other "Good Night", "Nigh Nigh" in Isaak's case. They love tucking each other in when they get a chance. They even give each other kisses. Too cute.
Olive Kids Personalized Mealtime Plate Sets

- Another cool giveaway at Jolly Mom. She's giving away a place setting of your choice from Olive Kids.
- I've never heard of Olive Kids before.
- They have really cool things on their site including bedding, rugs, clocks, grow charts, dishes and more!
Bye Bye
- My nephews Elijah and Evan usually stand by their front door to watch us leave. Elijah smiles and waves.
- Isaak's waves and says "Bye Bye" in the car. The sad thing is that they can't see him. He waves backwards, and below the window line. It's cute watching and listening to him.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Snotty Boy is Off to Bed
- Mica didn't get a nap today. So while Daddy was making dinner I gave the boys a shower.
- After dinner, Daddy brushed their teeth, read books, and off to bed they went while I did some dishes.
- Mica was so mouthy, I couldn't wait for him to go down!
Sonny and Reed Make Teething Fierce

- I'm a huge fan of teething bling. I think it's fun being able to wear something that your kid can chew on.
- A company called Sonny and Reed were reviewed at Now What Baby.
The Pleated Poppy GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
- Enter to win a check book cover. Makes writing checks more fun.
- The Pleated Poppy GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Daddy Said, "Shoot"
- Daddy remembered to take Mica to preschool today. I put a sign on his back this morning that said, "Mommy wants you to remember to take me to preschool". Of course it fell off as soon as Mica started running around, but it was funny for a minute or two.
- When Daddy left the house he said, "Oh shoot, I forgot the diaper bag!" He went back around the block to get it. Isaak's getting older, so I told Daddy that he really doesn't need it anymore for short trips.
- When they got into preschool Mica told his teacher, "Daddy said, 'Oh shoot, I forgot the diaper bag!"
- He's getting to be a real copy cat.
- Travis was so glad he said "Shoot" and not something else. Then he'd really be in the preschool house. LOL
Brown People
- Mica's starting to understand the difference between the colors of people's skin.
- I've heard him calling African American people "Brown People".
- I kind of wish there was more of a variety of skin colors and culture here in Omaha. It seems like most of the people here are white. I miss that aspect of living in Savannah, GA. So much culture there. I wish my kids could experience that here.
It Was Me!
- Yesterday at work an accident happened. I brought in a squishy ball the boys had in the car. You know those stress relievers filled with liquid. This one happened to be a skull full of fake blood, plastic maggots, roaches and a rat. Gross I know, but the boys liked it. I took it into work because I was afraid it would pop in the car.
- At work I was playing with it, and it popped all over my shirt and a white wall! Fake blood was everywhere. I quickly washed the wall, and me. The wall still had light pink marks on it. I just couldn't get it to all go away. No Magic Eraser to be found.
- I went into my office and just carried on with the rest of my day. One co-worker asked another what was with the wall? Then he asked another. I just sat in my office and chuckled.
- I got up to make copies. I held papers over the fake blood that covered my shirt. Then I just started laughing. I couldn't hold back any longer. I came clean. No one really asked me what had happened, so it's not like I was lying.
- They all had a laugh, and told each other, "Hey guess what Alissa did..."
- I had to remind one co-worker that what I did was nothing compared to when he burnt the break room counter with his coffee pot. Then we shared a bunch of memories.
- For the record, the fake blood came out of my shirt.
Play-Doh Burger Builder Giveaway
Toy Gift Certificate Giveaway!

- One of my favorite blogs: Pour Some Sugar on Me is giving away a $50 gift certificate to ecoTimeToys.
- Check it out and enter to win!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Play Ball
- We break all the rules and play ball in our house regularly. We only have soft or plastic balls around. Surprisingly nothing has ever gotten broken.
- These shots are hard because everyone is moving constantly. But with that in mind some of the shots are cool/different.
Isaak Throwing a Nerf Football

- Isaak loves this ball! We often times put things in inside it.
- He reaches his little fingers in to get whatever it is out.
Isaak Throwing Yet Another Ball

Thomas Stuck in a Snow Drift
- Mica was pretending his bean bag chair was a snow drift that Thomas was stuck in.
- I love when it gets towards the end and he says, "Oh no his number 1 is covered in snow"!
- The middle part where he's screeching Thomas' wheel's is annoying, and typical boy play. Full of sound effects.
- It's fun when they pretend!
Man Hole
- For some reason the kids were fascinated with this manhole in the Target parking lot.

- The kids do not have full reign in the parking lot. Daddy thought this photo looks like they have full reign. There were no cars near by, and it was a car stall right next to where we were parked.
- I learned my lesson yesterday- Don't go run errands before a Husker game. Everyone in Omaha I swear was out trying to get things done before the game. It was like it was the day after Thanksgiving. I'm exaggerating a bit, but it was pretty bad!
- I ended up getting this skeleton nutcracker. I love nutcrackers. We have a few for Christmas. I saw some pilgrims, but didn't get those; I was tempted to though. :)

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The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com