- Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs stopped by to look at Isaak's new room. It still isn't totally finished. But most of it is done.
- We decided to take them out to dinner. We went to Olive Garden.
- I had their new Five Cheese Crespelle with Chicken. I usually never remember what I get, but this was the dish on their website. It was soooooo good!
- The boys must of loved what they had. They ate a small salad, bread, with mac and cheese. I always get one meal for them to split. It's always enough. Sometimes...too much. This time they ate it all except the broccoli. I didn't mind because they had salad.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Twinkle, Twinkle Star
- Isaak's been singing, Twinkle, Twinkle Star all day! Yes...he skips the word, Little every time.
- I was in a graduation ceremony today for work.
- I usually don't say too much. I just introduce myself and announce a video that we have of the student's. This year I decided to say a little more.
- I mainly talked about how as an artist...you're never done with learning. They should always work on building their portfolio, resume and making connections.
- I also talked about how much growth I see from the associates to the bachelor program. I hope to see many of them come back to receive their BFA.
- I teach them in 1st year, skip the 2nd year, so I enjoy having them come back to continue their education. They just grow so much in both their artwork and maturity wise.
- The hardest part about graduation is knowing that you won't see the great students that you had for a long while.
Hair Cut
- Mica got his first professional hair cut on Friday. Quite the opposite of Isaak, who has only had professional hair cuts, minus one trim.
- Daddy's always cut Mica's hair. He does a pretty good job. He just doesn't like to cut longer hair. Grandma Spiehs likes Mica's hair a little longer, and it just needed to be shaped up a little for our big family pictures next weekend. We're getting family pictures of everyone on my side of the family.
- Mica did pretty well getting his hair cut. He was really excited and kept saying, "I love getting my hair cut!"

- Here Daddy is keeping Isaak entertained with a book.

iStyle Originals

- Feisty, Frugal and Fabulous is giving away one winners choice of a t-shirt from iStyle Originals.
- I happen to like, "italk." "uListen." They have many other fun t-shirts on this site.
Friday, June 4, 2010
- Isaak's been dry for most of 3 days now.
- Pretty good for a toddler that just turned 2 May 19. I'm really proud of him!
- With Isaak we didn't use any stickers, or rewards. Just good old fashioned praise and a high 5. That doesn't work for some kids. Isaak gets a smile on his face when we praise him.
- I start potty training early with both of my kids. It does seem to take awhile just because there are a lot of inconsistencies in his little life. Daddy watches him 2 days, I watch him 2 days, Aunt Terra watches him 2 days and Grandma and Grandpa watch him 1 day. All to save on daycare and most importantly the boys are taken care of by people that love them!
- I leave him in just underwear because we have all wood floors, but everyone else that he is watched there is carpet and I would never expect them to have a toddler walking around with underwear and the chance of him pooping or peeing on their carpet.
- The inconsistencies do make potty training more difficult. He goes the best for me. He tells me and Daddy when he has to go sometimes, which is great. Of course he's little, so he gets into playing and doesn't want to break for the potty sometimes.
So Cute!
- Our two year old Isaak did one of the cutest things yesterday.
- He was in his car seat, and I could hear him talking. He said, "It's ok owie boo boo".
- He leaned down, and brought his knee to his mouth and kissed his own knee that was skinned.
- He pampered and kissed his knee about three times. :)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Looking Like Mommy
Review to Come
- I'm so excited because a company called CSNStores emailed me to do a review of their site and products.
- I am really impressed with the fact that they have over 200 stores.
- They have almost anything you can think of when it comes to your home!
- Since there are three artist's in my family, I had to check out their cool track lighting.
- Their Baby and Kids section stood out to me since I'm in the process of changing Isaak's room.
- If you are thinking of buying any products for your home CSNStores.com is a great place to check out!
- I'll be posting a full product review soon.
Let's Hear it For My Man!
- Mom4Life is putting on their second Let's Hear it For My Man!, that's full of prizes to select from.
- Daddy is so deserving of this! He works his booty off!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Watching 2 More
- I switched places with Daddy today by taking the day off to watch 4 boys. I have our two, and my 2 nephew's. Mica and nephew Evan are 4 and 5. Isaak and Elijah are 2 and 2. So...it's sort of like having 2 sets of twins. Except they act nothing alike.
- Mica is animated and full of sound effects all the time. Evan is like a cheer leader (excited about everything), but when he gets in trouble he is really moody.
- Isaak is quiet, doesn't care about watching TV, he plays pretty much at his age level. Elijah thinks he's one of the big kids, loves TV. Usually Isaak gets left out. They are both Momma boy's.
- I've kept Isaak dry all morning, and Elijah had two accidents. Elijah's been potty training longer then Isaak, but Isaak's more used to his Momma.
No, No and No!!!!!!!!!!!
- I figured out how to create a button...I decided to try and mess with the coding to make my side bars skinnier, and now my blog is all messed up.
- Well...my side bars are skinnier. I like the layout of this template. But...I liked the pattern and colors of the other template.
- I kept hitting preview before I saved anything. Everything looked great. Then I came back after a few hours and I couldn't even read anything.
- I got a little too confident, and messed it all up!
- Every time I try and revert back to go to the template I had, everything is unreadable.
- It's hard to learn all the ins and outs of web stuff. I learn, and mess something up in the process.
- I wish I was that person that knew the foreign language of HTML coding, but I'm not.
- I think I like this whole layout better then my last one. Now that I changed the background color to something more neutral it is growing on me.
Yes, Yes and Yes!!!!!!!!!!!
- I feel like dancing around!
- I finally figured out how to get a button on my blog that works! I'm so happy! :)
- I've been wanting one since I started a blog, and have tried incorporating one off and on for a half a year. It just wouldn't work right. I'd get a button, but the coding at the bottom wouldn't work, or their was coding, but no image would show up.
- I wanted to do it myself because I have a class where one of the assignments is for the students learn how to make a blog.
- Now I know!
- The tutorial that finally helped me to get it right was on E-how.
Another Novica GIveaway

- My Organized Chaos is hosting a giveaway to Novica. It's a wonderful store filled with artist made products.
- I really like their Rhodochrosite Flower earrings, 'Rosebud' by artist: Carmen Anocibar!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Drinking From a Cup
- Last week after I took Isaak to the doctor, I was telling Grandma Spiehs (My Mom) about the fact that Isaak doesn't drink from a regular cup like they mentioned at the office.
- I just didn't want to mess with the spills. This is silly on my part because I'll let my tot run around in underwear, and clean up accidents.
- She said, "Just put a little water in a cup, and start him out with that."
- He now drinks from a big boy cup. No sippy cup while we're at home.
- He's good about not spilling while he's at the table. It's when he gets down, and he tries to take his cup with him to walk around with it that he spills.
Bakit Balls
Happy Memorial Day!
A Picture From Last Year - Taken at Memorial Park

- Usually we go to Memorial Park for Memorial Day. They have a few local politicians give a few speeches, then then our favorite part, 2 people jump out of a helicopter and parachute to the ground. It's pretty neat to watch.
- Today we're doing something simple. Since Daddy and I have a rare day off together, we're going to get the boy's pictures taken, and pick out clothes for a BIG family picture we're going to do on my side of the family later this month.
- I will be thinking about my two students that have to skip a year of school to serve for our country. They will be going to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Show Off's
- One of Daddy's co-workers came to our house today to get firewood.
- He brought his little boys, that came in to play with Mica.
- Mica was showing them his room, and then showed them Isaak's room.
- Mica got out a book to read to them, Five Ugly Monster's.
- Mica read them the book very animated like.
- While Mica was reading, Isaak came in with his Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star book, and started to sing the song. Isaak was trying to out due Mica.
Fly Away Fly
- A fly got in the house today.
- Mica was trying to swing karate chops in the air at it.
- Isaak was crying, and pointing every which way the fly flew.
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The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com