Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Wrapping it Up
Now that Christmas is done, I can sort of breathe. There's still random stuff laying about. It's a magical time, but I'm happy it's over to. I felt a bit overwhelmed with the Santa wrapping, a holiday concert, baking, last minute shopping (I try and get it all done long before the event, but there's always something I forgot about), getting my grades turned in, and taking photos of student artwork.
I decided to get a jump start on taking the Christmas decor down. I just want to feel like something is done! The tree is naked. All the beads, ribbon and ornaments are off of it. My mom gives me and the boys an ornament a year. We have tons of Hallmark boxes for ornaments. It takes some time tearing it all apart. I try and put like ornaments together, so that it's easy to put up the following year.
Travis hasn't been feeling the best, so he gives me eye rolls when I want to do something like tear all the stuff off the tree to put it away. I even said, "I want to do it. You don't have to!" He'll take the lights off, the tree down, so he'll do his part. ;)
I have 1 full class all ready to go for next semester. I mean I printed every test, changed PowerPoints, and printed every handout there is. I backed up my MacBook Pro, and updated the system.
I went shopping for our New Years dance party. We have this idea that parents can drop their kids off to dance the night away. Parents can go out if they want. They can even leave their kids at our house to spend the night. We're not getting very many RSVPs, so we don't know what to expect.
Snow is scooped. It snowed on Christmas Eve day, which was our garbage day. It turned around and snowed on Monday morning. I had tons of recycled stuff out on the curb. I saved boxes from reviews in case I needed them for Christmas gifts. Mica got a lesson on flattening boxes. ;) He also scooped for real. We have 2 gigantic retaining walls on the sides of our driveway that he couldn't reach prior to now.
The snow + a major holiday backed the garbage men up, and they finally came on Sunday evening. I had recyclable things that were starting to collect on our kitchen counter.
Everyone was happy with their gifts, each other, and the food. We had no family fights. Good times were had in Omaha, Nebraska. We just need to bring in the New Year!
I decided to get a jump start on taking the Christmas decor down. I just want to feel like something is done! The tree is naked. All the beads, ribbon and ornaments are off of it. My mom gives me and the boys an ornament a year. We have tons of Hallmark boxes for ornaments. It takes some time tearing it all apart. I try and put like ornaments together, so that it's easy to put up the following year.
Travis hasn't been feeling the best, so he gives me eye rolls when I want to do something like tear all the stuff off the tree to put it away. I even said, "I want to do it. You don't have to!" He'll take the lights off, the tree down, so he'll do his part. ;)
I have 1 full class all ready to go for next semester. I mean I printed every test, changed PowerPoints, and printed every handout there is. I backed up my MacBook Pro, and updated the system.
I went shopping for our New Years dance party. We have this idea that parents can drop their kids off to dance the night away. Parents can go out if they want. They can even leave their kids at our house to spend the night. We're not getting very many RSVPs, so we don't know what to expect.
Snow is scooped. It snowed on Christmas Eve day, which was our garbage day. It turned around and snowed on Monday morning. I had tons of recycled stuff out on the curb. I saved boxes from reviews in case I needed them for Christmas gifts. Mica got a lesson on flattening boxes. ;) He also scooped for real. We have 2 gigantic retaining walls on the sides of our driveway that he couldn't reach prior to now.
The snow + a major holiday backed the garbage men up, and they finally came on Sunday evening. I had recyclable things that were starting to collect on our kitchen counter.
My car almost got stuck on the bottom of a hill that has a spot that dips up all the sudden. I left myself plenty of room to get a jump start to drive up that little spot, and a car in front of me nearly got stuck, then the light quickly turned red. There I was with no jump start room, at a red light. Thankfully I made it happen.
Everyone was happy with their gifts, each other, and the food. We had no family fights. Good times were had in Omaha, Nebraska. We just need to bring in the New Year!
Friday, December 25, 2015
Holiday Program
Last week was nuts. I left work to go to a holiday program for the boys. It was my last finals day, so you can imagine how hectic it was.
Thankfully all of my students passed. Some students didn't do as well as they should, but they all passed. I didn't do any favors either.
The boy's holiday program went great. They sang their little hearts out.
Thankfully all of my students passed. Some students didn't do as well as they should, but they all passed. I didn't do any favors either.
The boy's holiday program went great. They sang their little hearts out.
Mica usually is all actions, and his mouth moves very
little. This time he sang. He has a girl in his class that asked, "Are
you Mica's Mom? You look just like him!" I usually hear that Isaak looks
like me. Later I ran into the same girl. She said, "Mica just got his
report card. You can go get it if you want." She's really friendly.
I especially liked watching Isaak. He sang Holly Jolly Christmas. It cracked me up whenever he got to the line, "Kiss her once for me." He giggled at home every time he sang it.
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays if you don't celebrate Christmas!
Random Tid Bits
- All the posts this week were written in advance. I'm pretty busy this week! It's going up on Christmas, so Merry Christmas if you celebrate that.
- Star Wars was fun! The boys and I loved it. Travis is and never has been a fan, so he fell asleep twice. I was wondering why the theater was so dead? Then I looked at the times it's playing, it's playing nonstop in every theater in Omaha. The theater by us no one much knows about, so it was really dead.
We never get food at the theater, but decided to go all out this time. I'm impressed with how many people didn't spoil the movie online. I saw more people say, "Don't spoil it!" than I did people spoiling it. Maybe it's just my group of friends. - Since I made Star Wars wrapping paper this year, I decided that my oldest nephew needed a Star Wars ship in his package. He only wants money, so I hand money to my husband, and he finds a YouTube video that has whatever it is online to fold. He's pretty good at it. As for me? I'm not so good about folding the money.
- Speaking of gifts...once upon a time I gave more gifts. A few years ago one particular person commented that she didn't want me to send anything anymore. They were trying to do less with Christmas gifts. Getting a new flat screen TV and many Playstation games is their idea of doing with less. They hadn't given our kids anything in years, so I didn't get them gifts any more. I was sad about it. This year I got a message from this same person saying that they have high medical bills, and her family won't have a Christmas at all. It was as if she was sending me a message to get them something. So odd! I don't play games, I'm out.
My sister messaged me in sorrow. She bought lots of food for someone that said that, that's what they wanted for Christmas. She asked several times, and he said he wanted food snacks. She went to Whole Foods and bought lots of great snack type gourmet foods. She spent $45 on him. He decided that he was going on a diet 2 days before their get together. When he unwrapped the gift he said, "I can't have that. I don't want that. I can't have that..." with everything in the bag. She was asking me, "What do I do? I'm expected to get him a gift, but he does this!" I told her to get him something next year that would make her laugh. Then sent her this:
She laughed alright. Do you have a difficult friend or family member to buy for? Someone that is ungrateful? This holiday is supposed to be about being positive, and giving. I hate when people trample on that!
- I did piss someone off this week. I'm most certainly my Father's Daughter. He's known to piss people off without meaning to. It was bound to happen at some point. Someone posted that they were mad that the Goodwill has Merry Xmas on a sign. I just read an article about how X means Christ. I said, "You can be mad at the Goodwill if so desire. Just please read this article first." I don't think they (the girl and her grandmother) read it before screaming at me over the screen, "TAKE THAT LINK OFF THIS PAGE NOW!" I sent the same link to my mom that has complained about the X taking Christ out of Christmas for years. She didn't cyber yell at me. Facebook is fair game is far as I'm concerned. Don't post something if you don't want a different point of view added to what you've posted. Do you get offended by Xmas? I say, "Merry Christmas!", but I don't get my panties in a bunch over Xmas. If you do fine, you're not the one posting on facebook about it, even if you did it's your right just like it's my right to say something to.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Warning Cuteness Overload!
I didn't even ask my sister if it was ok to post this picture, but she's always ok with it.
I hardly get good photos of my nephews. I see them mostly in the evening, when it's dark.
If you're new to this blog than you won't know that my nephew Emerson has what's called Trisomy 18 also known as Edwards Syndrome. In the hospital they call babies that have Trisomy 18 Incompatible With Life. Emerson now will be 5 in June.
He has homework on an iPad that he does every day. It's just to recognize shapes, animals, and colors. My youngest nephew Edison sat with Emerson to do his homework. This picture is just so cute!
I hardly get good photos of my nephews. I see them mostly in the evening, when it's dark.
If you're new to this blog than you won't know that my nephew Emerson has what's called Trisomy 18 also known as Edwards Syndrome. In the hospital they call babies that have Trisomy 18 Incompatible With Life. Emerson now will be 5 in June.
He has homework on an iPad that he does every day. It's just to recognize shapes, animals, and colors. My youngest nephew Edison sat with Emerson to do his homework. This picture is just so cute!
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
WW: Chess {Linky}
Mica has a friend at school that has been teaching him Chess. He's been wanting us to learn. Santa bought him a Chess set. The boys decided to make a set on their own.
Cardboard, Marker, and Lego Pieces
Humm...maybe they don't really need a Chess set when they can make their own board. At least the Chess set Santa got has 3 other games you can play on it.
Monday, December 21, 2015
Full of It!
Last week when Travis went to pick up the boys he saw Isaak in pain. He was hunched over, and just complaining saying, "My bladder hurts!" Isaak said he just started hurting about the time school was about out. Travis rushed him home, had Isaak sit on the pot to go to the bathroom.
Our Conversation on the Phone:
Me: "Does it burn when he pees?"
Travis: "No."
Me: "Then it's more than likely not a bladder infection. I hope it's not his appendix! Ask him where it hurts?"
Travis: "In the middle below his belly button."
Me: "I'd think it wouldn't be his appendix then. That's off to the side, but kids act different than you'd think they would. When my sister had her appendix out when she was little she hunched over like that to. You said he pooped right?"
Travis: "Yep."
I drove home.
I repeated all the same questions to Isaak. I made him some tea. I told Travis to set up a bed for him on the couch, plug in the heating pad, and to call the nurse. Thankfully the boys' doctor's office has a nurse on call all the time. I was trying to get the rest of us some dinner, and coddle Isaak at the same time.
She told us to go to the ER. I had my doubts thinking, We're waisting our money! Then I thought, This is our kid! It's best to be on the safe side. Travis gets annoyed with me because I'm not quick to rush to the emergency room.
Sure enough the doctor didn't think it was his appendix. He wanted him to get a scan just in case. I was thinking, Are you sure this is
necessary? Isaak was happily bouncing over to get his scan. I was thinking, I'm paying for this. He's fine! If I don't have him get the scan it seems like I'm that Mother that doesn't give a crap!
The boy was full of crap! We've hardly had constipation problems in our family. If anything the opposite.
The boys eat really well actually! BUT last weekend I told the boys they could eat my broken cookies. If you remember I dropped a tin. They were eating way more than they should. Like shoveling the pieces in their mouths. I cut them off, but I think they snuck more behind my back. I know the cookies were the culprit. They just are not used to eating that much sugar and flour.
We had a choice: An enema, MiraLax (a stool softener), and/or fiber bars. I decided that MiraLax would be the best choice. I wasn't sure how Isaak would go for an enema. Then I told the doctor I'd put Benefiber in our smoothies in the mornings.
The doctor was talking to us like it happens to all boys much of the time. Being full of it has never happened to us.
Isaak was so worried he'd miss school the next day. He has perfect attendance so far.
He went to the bathroom 4 times before school. (Thank Goodness) Every time he went I said, "That was the most expensive poop EVER!" I'm scared to get the bill on that ER stay!
Travis walked him into school to talk to his teacher about letting him go potty whenever he needed that day.
I found out Travis was giving the boys my cookies for after school snacks. I said, "Nope! Only at Christmas time, and New Years! Let them eat fruit, nuts, seeds, or veggies for a snack!"
Our Conversation on the Phone:
Me: "Does it burn when he pees?"
Travis: "No."
Me: "Then it's more than likely not a bladder infection. I hope it's not his appendix! Ask him where it hurts?"
Travis: "In the middle below his belly button."
Me: "I'd think it wouldn't be his appendix then. That's off to the side, but kids act different than you'd think they would. When my sister had her appendix out when she was little she hunched over like that to. You said he pooped right?"
Travis: "Yep."
I drove home.
I repeated all the same questions to Isaak. I made him some tea. I told Travis to set up a bed for him on the couch, plug in the heating pad, and to call the nurse. Thankfully the boys' doctor's office has a nurse on call all the time. I was trying to get the rest of us some dinner, and coddle Isaak at the same time.
She told us to go to the ER. I had my doubts thinking, We're waisting our money! Then I thought, This is our kid! It's best to be on the safe side. Travis gets annoyed with me because I'm not quick to rush to the emergency room.
Sure enough the doctor didn't think it was his appendix. He wanted him to get a scan just in case. I was thinking, Are you sure this is
necessary? Isaak was happily bouncing over to get his scan. I was thinking, I'm paying for this. He's fine! If I don't have him get the scan it seems like I'm that Mother that doesn't give a crap!
The boy was full of crap! We've hardly had constipation problems in our family. If anything the opposite.
He was watching Alvin and the Chipmunks.
We had a choice: An enema, MiraLax (a stool softener), and/or fiber bars. I decided that MiraLax would be the best choice. I wasn't sure how Isaak would go for an enema. Then I told the doctor I'd put Benefiber in our smoothies in the mornings.
The doctor was talking to us like it happens to all boys much of the time. Being full of it has never happened to us.
Isaak was so worried he'd miss school the next day. He has perfect attendance so far.
He went to the bathroom 4 times before school. (Thank Goodness) Every time he went I said, "That was the most expensive poop EVER!" I'm scared to get the bill on that ER stay!
Travis walked him into school to talk to his teacher about letting him go potty whenever he needed that day.
I found out Travis was giving the boys my cookies for after school snacks. I said, "Nope! Only at Christmas time, and New Years! Let them eat fruit, nuts, seeds, or veggies for a snack!"
Friday, December 18, 2015
Random Tid Bits
- I used the nice, very expensive camera at work. I attached it to a tripod, and continued to show each student that turned in their work how to use the camera. I sat down after showing a student how to use it, and BAM the camera did a face plant into the floor. I tested it. It turned on. The black plastic on the lens towards the top was shattered. :(
I'm on the last season of Dexter. The thought occurred to me to play dumb, and pretend to not know what happened to the camera. It could have fallen when I was out of the room. Reality slapped me in the face. What was I thinking? Tis' the season of giving, and here I am thinking of covering up something that wasn't my fault, but happened in my care. All weekend I stewed over the situation.
On Monday I went right into the boss man's office to confess what had happened. He was ok about it. Then I felt awful about the thought that I was even thinking about covering up the camera's face plant. I told him that I was afraid of how he'd react, and that I should have told him right away. - A student that isn't even my student right now has been really disrespectful to me twice this week. (I'll call her non-student because she's not my student right now).
She keeps coming in to talk to my students. That's not usually a big deal, but it's finals week.
The non-student came in to talk to one girl that owed me 4 major projects, my current student always has people around her talking to her, and she is the type that can't say, "I have too work to do. Leave me alone right now." She's too nice. I would have liked to of said to the non-student, "The girl you are talking to owes me 4 projects. She can't focus when others talk to her. She's too nice to tell you that. Be a good friend, and leave her alone, so she can work." BUT that's none of my non-student's damn business! I asked my non-student politely to leave the room, so my students could study and get their artwork done. She flat out refused. When I was more stern in my request she said I was so rude to her. I don't get upset very easily. How she was talking to me made me shake inside. I said, "The first time you were in here I said nothing. This is the second time. I have students that need to get their work done. I would have never talked to my teachers like that. It's time for you to leave. Get out!" She mumbled, "I'm not disrespectful!" She stayed for another few minutes then left, came back 10 minutes later, saw me see her, and left again.
That's the part of teaching I don't like. They are college students, so many think they know everything. They are "adults". Those same students think they are free to do anything.
There's a reason why this one student was in my classroom, she's rubbed her own classmates the wrong way. I also found out from her teachers that she owed them a major project, but wanted to do the minimum on it. - I'm not a HUGE Star Wars fan, but I like it. When I was younger I'd beg for my mom to give me Princess Leia buns. I'm not the fan that collects all things Star Wars. Travis knows the boys want to see The Force Awakens. He secretly got tickets. The boys know nothing. It will be fun to surprise them tonight.
- It most certainly feels like winter this week. Christmas most certainly crept up on us. When Mica shouts out how many days there are until Christmas every morning. I panic every time. I have most of my cookies done, but had to make more because my sisters, mom and I are decorating them this weekend. It's ok if I have too many. We're having a kid New Years party. In the deep freezer the cookies will be. I have wrapping to do as well.
- The boy's holiday program is today! I'm writing this on Thursday. It will be a hectic day for sure. Their program times are 10 and 1:30. I have to give my final at 1. 10:30 is the time I go. With it being the last day of the semester it's a crazy time to have to leave work to go to a concert. I do want to see it though!
Are you going to see it?
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Thursday, December 17, 2015
'Elephant Stack' 24k Gold Plated Earrings Review
Recently I received 'Elephant Stack' 24k Gold Plated Earrings, for review from NOVICA.
The earrings are fairly lightweight. They dangle down a bit, but aren't heavy. They don't even get hooked on my clothing, or tangled up in my hair.
About The Earrings:
- Sheets of gold vermeil receive a brushed texture, and three whimsical elephants are cut out by hand.
- They were made to celebrate Thailand's heritage in 24k gold plated sterling silver.
- .925 Sterling silver 1.4" L x 0.5" W
- Hook earrings
- Brushed-satin finish
NOVICA, in association with National Geographic, works together with talented artisan designers around the world to produce stunning, keepsake treasures. NOVICA gives credit to the artists that make their products. Since I have an art background, an artist getting credit is super important to me.
Many of the items I've gotten from NOVICA have come with a thank you card from the artist.
Novica has always impressed me with their packaging. The little bag that the earrings came in is special. It could even be used to send another gift to a friend or family member.
The earrings are
Have you ever bought anything from NOVICA?
What the Product Means to Me:
Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for a discounted rate in exchange for a review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
- I've taken a special interest in elephants lately. They stand for wisdom, loyalty, sensitivity, peace, determination and more.
- Considering that I'm getting ready to have a pretty invasive nose surgery, I need what elephant's offer in a symbol.
- I plan on wearing these earrings every day, up until I have surgery.
Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for a discounted rate in exchange for a review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Model Molecular Organic Chemistry Student Set Review
Inside it's filled with pieces.
Set Contents:
• 1 - Storage Box with Four Compartments
• 22 - White Hydrogen Atoms
• 14 - Black Carbon Atoms
• 6 - Red Oxygen Atoms
• 4 - Blue Nitrogen Atoms
• 2 - Yellow Sulfur Atoms
• 4 - Green Halogen Atoms
• 1 - Purple Phosphorus Atom
• 1 - Gray Metal Atom
• 28 - White Small Connectors
• 30 - White Medium Connectors
• 12 - Gray Long Connectors
• 1 - Molecular Tool (For Disassembly)
It has instructions on the inside of the case that explains the pieces that you need to make different molecular structures. The company also sends a PDF that shows pictures and instructions of things to make. Their website has models on it as well.
Product Highlights:
• The set contains 54 atoms to provide students a visual, hands-on experience for learning chemistry functional groups and molecular structures.
• The durable, high quality plastic atoms are color coded to universal standards.
• Instructions are included on the inside cover to easily identify all of the atoms and connectors included in the set.
• The box contains four compartments for simple storage and organization.
• Molecular tool included to quickly disassemble molecules and atom connectors. I read that some people had trouble getting the pieces apart, but we did not. They were snug, but not difficult to get apart.
Product Description:
The Model Molecular Student Set will bring to life concepts such as chirality, conformations and isomers to help you relate the physical and chemical properties of compounds to their molecular structures.
Get hands on experience with three dimensional topics covered in Organic and General Chemistry courses such as Lewis structures, Newman projections and wedge-dash diagrams. The versatile molecular set accelerates memorization by allowing you to visually create common functional groups such as ketones, aldehydes, alcohols, thiols, amines, aromatics and most other families of organic compounds.
What We Thought:
My husband loves this! He asked, "Why can't you give this to me?" Then he thought that Isaak would enjoy this set along with him. Here I thought Mica would love it. Now I don't know who to give it to? It's a fight for this Christmas gift. They all would want it. If you're a regular reader you know my family, who would you give it to? Maybe Santa should just set it on the coffee table with no name. It could be a family gift.
- It's a Chemistry Set
- It's an Art Set
Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free in exchange for a review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com