Thursday, September 15, 2011

Open House

We had an open house at Mica's school this evening. I felt kind of sorry for Mica's teacher. She has a head cold. She had to be there all day, then all evening. She was a trooper. She greeted us very cheerful.

I know what it's like being a teacher. I have to stay late for certain events even at college level.

Mica was super excited to show us around! Just listening to him show us things made me realize that he's learned new things already.
  • He rattled off the seasons and months in correct order. He's heard both these things before, but would mess up the order every time before. 
  • He's starting to be able to count by 5's. Then he counts normally higher.
  • He now knows the difference between his coins. 
  • Starting to be able to tell time.
  • Learning how to use a computer. I've never let him just play with my laptop.

He told me that his teacher lets them use the point stick as long as they used it for pointing. Mica pointed at all kinds of things. He loves to play with Kenects, which we don't have any at home.

Mica also introduced us to all kinds of people and the class bird, which Isaak thought was, "Cute!"

Mica's wanted to wear this sweater for two days. I told him to put it in his locker for when he gets cold at school. He's warn it home both days. Daddy asked Mica why he likes his sweater so much? Mica said, "Because I look like a Daddy when I wear it." He's so funny!


Mica wrote this on his chalkboard yesterday. Daddy helps him think of his sentence. Then he helps him sound out the words. He wanted to only put one "l" in "will." Mica then reads it off and on. Daddy said that he can tell Mica's trying to pick apart the words he wrote. His wheels are spinning. He's getting something out of the words he wrote.

Writing and putting together his Lego sets are Mica's newest loves right now. It's funny how kids go through stages. In the spring and early summer Mica loved to draw. He went through paper like crazy. I'm sure he killed a tree. Before that was puzzles. He was a master puzzle putter together. I know "putter together" probably isn't the best of English.

*Side Note: Our language is horrible! Just saying! Teaching Mica how to spell reminds me of how bad our language is. Think about the word, "Wind." It's used for two entirely different things. "The wind blows." "Wind your clock back an hour." There are many spellings of the word, "There, their and they're" depending on how you use it. Tons of silent letters. Then letters we don't use often {q, z, x}. Why do women go by Miss, Mrs and Ms; when men only go by Mr? So lame. Really if I want someone to know if I'm married, I can just tell them. Then Daddy told me I mix up "Then" and "Than" on my blog all the time. Sorry! He tells me how to use them and I just forget.

I hated learning Spanish in school. I figured I had enough problems with our difficult language. How in the world could I learn a new one? If it were my choice, I think hearing people speak French is the most beautiful. That language will never rule though. The rulers seem to be Spanish, English and Chinese.

*Side Note 2: A cold front came through. That's why Mica wrote what he wrote. Isaak was crying because he was so cold this morning. I said, "It's only going to get colder dear!" :(

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mica Was Awarded

Mica got this award last week:

We didn't exactly know what it meant. Did everyone in the class get one? Was he the only one that got one? What did he get it for?

Mica said that he got the award for following instructions.  I said, "Good job!" I was thinking, "Aren't you always supposed to follow instructions?"

Tonight there was a small letter saying something about these awards. I guess the principle picks someone that got the award to have lunch with.

Daddy's response, "How scary!!!" I'm like, "What?" He's like, "The principle is someone the bad kids go to. I was always scared of her in school. I would have never wanted to eat lunch with her." We of course were talking about this while the kids were sleeping and in bed.
I always liked the principle where I went to school. She seemed nice. I never had to go to her office. She ate lunch with us on our birthdays and in my case, my 1/2 birthday.

The two people I didn't care for: 
  1. I didn't like the librarian for not letting me pick out a picture book. She said I was too old. I went over to the bigger books and grabbed the first one off the shelf. I didn't even look at it. I was so mad. I got home and I remember my Dad (Grandpa Spiehs) saying, "You got a book about Muhammad Ali? This book is long!" The pictures in picture books were my favorite part of reading. It wasn't until my fifth grade teacher talked to me; that I started reading bigger books. She told me, "Oh you can come up with pictures in your mind, while you are reading." Somehow that approach did it for me. She acted out historic things in class, and switched her voice for the characters. She had me reading 500 page novels by the end of the year.
  2. I also disliked one of the resource ladies. Yes I was in the resource room a lot when I was a kid. I'm a bad test taker! They even talked about holding me back. The resource lady smelled like coffee and cigarettes. Not a great combination! She held me after school for coming up with the word, "Enormous." She thought I copied it off the board. Really I came up with it the year before, and used it again because that teacher praised me for coming up with such a great word. I never looked at the board. HECK to be honest, at that age I probably thought up the word, but didn't know how to read it. Then the resource lady got on my friend for leaving school early to go to Disney World. She thought he shouldn't be leaving to do that; since he was having problems in school. Truth, he had heart problems. He had open heart surgery that summer and passed away. As a kid, I never forgave her. The next year she wasn't working there any longer. I had an inner celebration. WOO HOO!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

WW - Indiana Jones {Linky}

These days Mica doesn't want to be called, "Mica." He wants to be called, "Indiana Jones" aka "Indie."

This is his Halloween costume that he's worn 2 days in a row and off and on before then. I really don't think he'll get sick of his costume before Halloween. He's REALLY into character! Everyone on the playground was calling him, "Indiana Jones." He told me that I'm the lady he saves in the end. ;) He knows he can't date until he's 16, so I'm the next best thing.

Oh...that is not a purse. It's a satchel. He keeps artifacts in it. This weekend his artifacts were plastic Halloween bones. 

The only part of the costume he doesn't have yet is the whip. Yes it came with a whip. I'm not about to get that out early. I can see some damage done with that weapon.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Daddy Introduced the Kids to a Burrowing Wolf Spider

This is what Mica wrote about it:

Nebaska = New Balanace

I was taking a shower this morning and Mica comes walking in. YA no privacy!

He said, "Hey Mom look! I tied my shoes!" I peer out the crack of the shower door and said, "WOW Mica that is cool! Go tell Daddy!" I was thinking that he's pretty funny because last night when we told him to practice tying his shoes, he wanted nothing to do with it. Maybe he only wants something to do with it on his terms.

Mica couldn't even get Daddy to open his eyes for like 5 minutes. Finally he did. Mica said, "Look Daddy I tied my Nebraska shoes!" New Balance, Nebraska; It's all cool that our 6 year old got their branding wrong! ;)

By the way these photo's were not taken while I was in the shower. ;) I took Mica outside after I was dressed!

The Web It Designed

This was off our front porch this morning:

I'm always amazed when I see a spider web. Something so small created such a cool design. They don't even make webs to look ascetically pleasing. They just are cool!

Side Note: Isaak walked into a spider web last week. He freaked out!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Today We Went to a Farmers Market

One of my really good friends Mark went with us to the farmers market at Aksarben Village.

I got zucchini, basil and grapes. Later Daddy said we have basil. I didn't realize. He told me earlier that it didn't do well.

The boy's had lemon aid and a chocolate croissant roll. Isaak kept licking all the chocolate out of the croissant and ate the croissant last. Sounds like something I would have done at his age.

There was some cool music there.

Then the boy's played, while Mark and I talked. Mica was running around with the other kids. A few kids were calling him, "Indie" and "Indiana Jones." His newish obsession. He dressed like Indiana Jones again today. Isaak was unlike his brother. He was playing the shy card. It took him awhile to play, but he finally did.

Mica's behind there.
Then we went over to see Aunt Terra's clan. I wanted to see Emerson because I don't know when I'll get to during the week. Next weekend we have another wedding to go to. This time it's a college friend. At Aunt Terra's house the boy's got crazy together. Four boy's = Fun and Wrestling. All the sudden all their wild sides come out. It's not like it's fighting. They are just being crazy boy's. When there's two of them together, they aren't like that. When there's four of them together they are just crazy! I know they don't get to see each other as much as they used to. Today was particularly nuts!


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

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