Cousin Emerson had his 7 week birthday party on Thursday! We couldn't go because Mica had his Meet and Greet night at school. I don't have any recent shots of Emerson. I was hoping to see him tonight at Mica's birthday party.
Mica's party got canceled. Grandma Spiehs got Isaak's tummy flu. I just don't want Emerson, Great Grandpa Kent or anyone else for that matter to get sick! I'd really like to visit Aunt Terra, Uncle Tyson, Cousins Evan, Elijah and Emerson. Just in case I get sick with this tummy bug, I'm staying away. I may see them at the Meet and Greet preschool function that Isaak and Elijah have tomorrow. I'm not sure all of them will show up to that though.
Instead of a party tonight, we're going camping in our backyard. We're trying to make it up to Mica.
Back to Emerson: He's getting bigger. He's 9 pounds 13 ounces. He still has quite a snort, so his doctor is going to examine him pretty well to see if he can tell why. Then he's going to start working on his lucky foot. He has one club foot. Really all they do is massage it and set it in a cast to straighten it out. Then repeat the process. The process causes no pain. The only reason I know about treating club foot is because I watched a YouTube video on it when Isaak had all his bowed feet problems.
Our local news {channel 7} broadcasts birthdays on the 7. If your child's birthday is 7 months or 7 years, it's featured on the channel when you submit a photo. Aunt Terra wrote in to see if Emerson's photo could be on the news? They said that they only show 7 months and 7 years now. After she explained that his life may be short; they agreed to have Emerson on the news Monday morning! If you live in Omaha, Nebraska, Emerson will be on ABC at 5:53 AM! I'm so happy that they are letting this rule be broken. I just think his brothers in particular will love seeing Emerson on TV! If they have the clip on their website, I'll try and embed it.
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