Saturday, July 18, 2009

Preschool Swim Party

  • We got to go to a big pool tonight. Isaak loved it at first, but soon pointed to get out. He was cold. His little lip was quivering.
  • I spent most of the time cuddling with my toddler.
  • Mica played with Evan on the steps with some pennies Evan found.
  • Travis and Tyson (my brother-in-law) threw a water football back and forth.
  • Terra (my sister) stood in the water with Elijah.
  • I went to the bathroom and asked Mica if he had to go. He said, "No Mommy. I already went." The next thing I knew; was that some lady was taking Mica into the bathroom because he did have to go. It's so hard getting wet trunks down in a hurry, then I had to hold him up because he's a boy and pees standing up. He was shivering, so his aim wasn't too great. Isaak tried to go for Mica's stream. Crazy times. LOL
  • Later that evening when nephew Elijah got out of the pool with my sister Terra, Isaak kept wanting to give Elijah kisses. Over and over again kisses. It was cute.

Ticket to Ride Thomas the Tank Engine

  • We're going to see Thomas the Tank Engine on Sunday at 1 pm in Freemont, NE.
  • Mica will be so excited. Isaak may not care, but he's free to get in, so oh well.

Friday, July 17, 2009


  • If he could he could talk, he'd say something like, "I'm cutting teeth, I'm tired, you took my toy away and I don't like my teeth brushed!"
  • Look at his eyebrow's! They say it all!


  • I went to give Isaak a kiss, and he bit my lip. I looked him straight in the eye's and said "No!"
  • I was getting ready to set him down, and he leaned into me, and bit me on the shoulder! I squeezed his checks, and said "No!" again.
  • He got set down, and cried.
  • I wish he'd just cut this molar through.

Firefighter Boots

  • So I caved and bought the firefighter boots at Target.
  • Mica had to try them on right away!
  • He called Uncle Eric (which Mica seems to mostly call Aunt Eric) on my cell phone during the ride home. He's a firefighter, and Aunt Angela has taken Mica and Evan to the fire station a few times. Mica rambled on to Eric for 15 min about his firefighter garb. LOL

Head on Backwards

  • I've been telling Mica stories about when he was born. A lot to tell!
  • Breech baby, external cephalic version (unsuccessful and painful!), C-section, cyst under his tongue, funky shaped tongue, MRI scan, tongue tied (frenulectomy), and of course there was the staph infection, CT scan's when he was 7 months old.
  • I put it all at his level. None of the big words are used. All the yucky details are left out. I also put it in the light of a success story.
  • The part that is funny is the breech part. I was explaining to him that he was not facing the right way. That his head was up, when it was supposed to be down. When he was inside me, he thought it was fun to kick me a lot in the bladder, so I had to go pee all the time. Mica laughs whenever I tell him that part.
  • This morning Mica said, "When I was in Mommies tummy my head was put on backwards." We corrected him by explaining that his whole body was just flipped. He said, "Oh." He's so goofy!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gene Leahy Mall

  • We decided to take the boy's somewhere as a surprise. I wanted to go to the Omaha Children's Museum because their theme right now is Elmo's body. But...Travis said he'd be home at 5, and didn't get home until 6, so we went to Gene Leahy Mall instead.
  • We had free entertainment.
  • It's not a mall at all. I don't know why they call it a mall. It's an outside park with water, sculpture's and slide's. Kids go down the slide's with wax paper to go faster.
  • Mica and I are the chicken's the family when it comes to being upside down or flying type things. I'm not sure about Isaak yet. I didn't want to go down holding Isaak. I was afraid he'd fly out of my arms. Mica didn't like going down himself. He did a couple times and that was it.

Mica Firefighter

  • I got Mica a Firefighter hat today. He asked me, "Where are my boots Mommy?" Gee wiz, is what I was thinking.

Full Fledge Melt Down

  • So...Mica is not one that has full fledge melt downs all the time. In fact I don't remember the last time he had one.
  • Today after Bible School he had one!
  • He was all mad that I wouldn't let him open his umbrella when it wasn't raining.
  • He cried all the way home.
  • Usually when this happens it's because he is tired!
  • Bible School has really worn him out.
  • I don't know what we'll do if he still needs a nap when he starts kindergarten. I'm hoping a couple years makes a big difference in this area. He's always been a sleeper though!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Village Inn

  • We decided to eat a Village Inn for dinner. There was a coupon for $4 off for two meals and drinks in the last newspaper I got.
  • When we got there...they told us it was free pie night. Travis and I each got a piece of pie; Mica and Isaak got to share a piece.
  • Travis ordered coffee. The waitress brought him creamer. It was a little too close to Isaak. Isaak was playing with it, and it exploded on him, my ankle and Travis' foot. Good thing it was just a tiny amount of creamer.
  • They had a person dressed up as a bear for Village Inn. Mica was all over that. Isaak kept smiling and pointing. The bear came over to our table. Mica had all kinds of questions for the man standing with the bear. Then when they walked off, Mica followed. I had to go get him.


  • I came in the door with two boxes of sample tampons my mom gave me.
  • Mica asked with lit up eyes, "What are those Mommy?" I said, "They're tampon's Mica". He asked, "Can I have them?" I said, "No Mica they are for Mommy".
  • Later Mica got disappointed when I put the tampon's away. He said, "Mommy I wanted those things!"

Baby Center Updates

  • I get updates from Baby Center on my email.
  • This week it said in regards to Isaak...
  • Spirited and mild-mannered toddlers alike will experiment shall we say it?...undesirable behavior. If your toddler indulges in fits of screaming, hitting, and biting, you can take some solace in knowing that his development is right on track. Discipline can be a challenge with kids this age, so try to build a little personal time into your schedule each week as a way to refuel your patience tank.
  • I think he's right on track!

Burger King

  • In Mica's mind...what's better at Burger King then the kid meal prize? The cardboard crown of course. He loves it!

First Hair Cut

  • Isaak got his first hair cut with me this morning.
  • I didn't get pictures because he was sitting on my lap.
  • No more comb over.
  • I'll be posting an after shot when he wakes up from his nap.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Naughty Isaak

  • Isaak was naughty today. I had him sitting up on my lap to read stories to him and Mica. Isaak kept grabbing the book, then slapping Mica.
  • What was worse, is he was laughing about it and repeating his behavior when we told him "NO!"
  • Travis took him over to where he was sitting. After he kept fussing, I told Travis to put him down for a nap.
  • He went to sleep in 10 min.

Watermelon Patch Turned into a Pumpkin Patch

  • My Aunt Becky emailed me and said that our pumpkin patch looked great on our blog.
  • I thought she didn't know what she was talking about because I was confused.
  • Sure enough...Travis and I went to go trim it back, and it was a pumpkin patch. There is acorn squash up there too.
  • Now I'm thinking...what am I going to do with all those pumpkins?
  • I'll be making pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie and Travis will make pumpkin soup. Lots of pumpkin's to spare if anyone wants one.

Get Outta Here

  • Mica told me when I dropped him off for Bible School, "Get outta here Mommy".
  • I was just concerned for him because Evan wasn't there yet. I didn't want to leave Mica there feeling insecure. He surprised me by saying what he said.
  • My little boy is growing up. No funky prancing around like last year. He seems pretty confident. Maybe too confident now, judging by what he said.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Stop Daddy!

Mica Told Daddy to Stop the Noise! Quite the Reversal Role.


Isaak Kept Spinning in Circles, Then Falling Over.

Stroller Class

Isaak Loves to Swing
Isaak Playing in the Sand
My Nephew Elijah
My Sister Terra with Nephew Elijah
  • My sister asked me to go walking with her for a stroller class.
  • I walked Isaak and Terra walked Elijah. I was behind everyone else in the class. Out of shape, allergies and asthma all played a roll.
  • Afterward...the boys played a little at the park.

Bible School

  • Mica had the start of Bible School today. Evan's signed up too, and is in Mica's class.
  • The theme this year is trains, so it's right up Mica's alley.
  • Of course I asked Mica what they did at Bible School? He said, "Un-a I don't know". I have to get very specific with my questions. So my next question was, "What did you do outside at Bible School?" He answered, "We blew bubbles." I also asked, "What did you do downstairs at Bible School?" He answered, "I drew a picture." Wow, I felt like I got somewhere with him.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


  • The boy's were watching Thomas, eating their cookies and sitting in the bean bag chair together.
  • It lasted about 10 min.
  • They are both tired, neither one took a good nap!


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