- I'm hooked on the show Dexter. Have you ever watched it? It's sick, and twisted. I always watch it before bed, which is probably a bad idea. It took a season to get Travis into it. He doesn't like CSI type shows as much as I do. Now he's hooked.
- I had a first year student tell me that her mother told her the night before that she has breast cancer. I responded with, "That's not an easy thing to hear about. If you need to leave the room for any reason while I'm in lecture please feel free to." It's hard enough to leave to go to college, get out on your own for the 1st time, and then hear that. At that age they take burdens on their shoulder like they solely own it.
- Isaak has been a singer lately. The boy has never been into singing. Lately he sings and sings. It was getting on my nerves last night. I was getting ready to yell out, "Isaak...can you stop it!" Then I stopped myself and yelled you, "Isaak.." He said, "What?" I said, "I love your singing voice." I should get mad at someone for singing. That's just silly on my part. It was that spot in the day when I was just feeling done.
- I won a membership to the zoo for the year. We went this last weekend. Our zoo has been rated #1 in the world, so it's good that we go there. Right? They are in the middle of building a whole new section. You really can't get through it all in 1 day that's how much there is to see. I took a lot of pictures, but will get to that this weekend, or next week. I'll give you a tour of our zoo as we go.
We parked, and didn't pay attention to where we parked. I was honking in the air trying to find our car. We finally found it. - My nephew Emerson had surgery this week. He has a tethered spinal cord. The spinal cord is attached to other things when it shouldn't be. The doctors freed it up as much as they could. He had a lot of nerves hitting it. Little man is in a lot of pain. He has to lay down on his back for 2 days. I just feel for him. :(
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The day before surgery
He doesn't look so happy now.