Mistakes Made:
Don't upload all your photos, if you have tons of photos. It took forever to upload them. I didn't want to stop the upload process in the middle, in fear I'd only get some of them to upload. Then it took a long time go through them all on Presto Photo's site.
I also had Presto Photo put my images in the book. Each single image went on a page, but they have a lot of different compositions to choose from. I had to delete a lot of pages.
Typically one wouldn't have these problems. I just happened to have tons of pictures!
Don't do what I did... Select your photos outside of Presto Photo, then upload your selected shots.
Presto Photo Has Quality!
I've had two books made by Presto Photo. They do not disappoint. Other companies have gone down hill in my opinion, with the printing process. Not Presto Photo.
They make, and ship their books really fast too!
Where to Get Presto Photo Books:
You can get them here: https://www.prestophoto.com/help/11x8.5+Hinged+Layflat+Photo+Book
Oh so Flat
This book lays nice and flat. It makes it easy to keep it on a bookshelf because it doesn't take up a lot of room.
The cost varies. The books start at $29.99, but it depends on how may pages you opt to make.
Where would you go on a trip this year, if COVID wasn't a thing?
We talked about going to Western Nebraska. It was so pretty when we went. It's very remote. I still doing know that it's safe to travel anywhere right about now. Maybe it won't be safe, for quite some time.
Disclaimer: I got this book for free in exchange for an honest review. I was not told what to say, all opinions were my own.