I'm ironing for the first time in like a year I think.
Grandma Spiehs would not be proud! She irons her sheets before putting them on her bed! Strange I know...you sleep in them to make them wrinkled. She always said to me, "Oh, but they feel so good laying down for the first time after ironing them".
I'm sure she thinks it's strange for me to iron once a year!
I have a technique where I put the clothing on, spray it with water, and pat it down. Wrinkles out! ;) It's the slacker way!
I like the way the iron sounds and steams up after I've sprayed water down. I hate when I iron wrinkles right back into the clothing!
We went to Kohl's tonight to get a few things for our big family pictures (on my side) this weekend, and Daddy got something to wear for his one man art show that's in one month.
Mica saw an outfit in his section that he wanted to try on. It was a vest, tie and well the whole nine yards.
I let him try it on since I had to go try on something anyhow. He was pouting because he wanted the tie out of the vest. Can you tell that this kid has only ever worn a tie once? He wore one for my cousin Stacy's wedding when he was 3 years old.
He cleans up good!
Mica wanted what he tried on. The trouble was is that the pants that went with the set were huge! I told him, "No. We're not buying that".
Tears filled up his eyes and he started to cry. It's been awhile since I've seen Mica that way. I've never seen him cry over not getting a clothing item.
I told him that he could get a shirt and tie, just not that set. Then that way he could wear it to Daddy's show.
We found a blue button down shirt and an orange tie. I'm so glad because orange is his favorite color! His tears dried up, and a new smile formed on his face.
Isaak's been dry most of a week now when he is awake that is.
Today he tried going pee standing up three or four times.
Daddy said that when he first tried just a little tinkle came, but early this evening he made his first official bathroom call standing up with success.
Isaak just turned two May 19, so I think he's doing really well with potty training.
Here's our Mica. He's 4, will be 5 in August. He's so tall! We're waiting a year to send him to kindergarten. He's going to look like a giant compared to the other kids next year!
Mica always runs ahead on walks and...
Isaak's always behind. He has to look and touch everything.
Daddy said that Isaak's a lot like Grandpa Spiehs is on walks, and Mica's like he is.
Both boys are not afraid to climb! Mica climbed this himself, and Isaak tried to.
Isaak wanted no help!
He got mad when Daddy pulled him off.
They kept going down the slides.
Mica on the Zip Line.
At the end of our trip to the park Isaak kept trying to go back. Even after we got a 1/2 a block away he was trying to go back.
The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com