- We got Mica a weekly dry erase calendar. We write in the things he's done for the day. It's pretty fun. We talk about what the weather was like for the day, what he had for lunch and dinner, what he played with and what special thing we did for the day.
- It's just hard finding the time to work full time, make dinner, pack lunches for the next day, do something special with each kid, work on the calendar and have their bedtime routine's.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Dry Erase Calendar
Friday, July 24, 2009
Holy Poop
- Isaak went poop on the potty for the first time!
- I heard him toot, so I asked him if he needed to go potty?
- He actually walked to the bathroom, and pointed!
- I took him in, and he went poop!
- Such an exciting event!
Good Site!
- This is a great site for all topics on breast feeding: http://www.kellymom.com/
- Including weaning, which is why I looked it up.
- It explained that sometimes a mother can feel sad during the weaning process.
- I feel this way. Just sort of sad. I'm going to miss Isaak and me (the closeness). I'm still nursing morning and night, but I know it's not going to last forever. By starting the weaning process during the day it is like I'm letting go of my child in one way. Closing a chapter in his life. :(
- I'm excited to stop in a lot of other ways too. :)
- I think you have to go through nursing awhile to understand the connection it can truly have.
- It was such a struggle initially, and now I feel like I'm giving up what I worked so hard for.
- I get a lot of mixed reviews about nursing. My mom and sister Terra are huge supporters. Then there are a mess of other people (family and work people) that think it's about time to stop.
- I've taken it upon myself to stop the day time feedings. It's just time. I try not to listen to what other people say.
- I don't want to feel guilty for stopping and I don't want to feel pressured either.
- Everything I've read indicates to stop ever so slowly. It sometimes takes months to wean. I certainly do not want to get mastitis from stopping too quickly. If you think about it I started weaning the moment I gave Isaak baby cereal for the first time, so months is right!
Party Time
Happy Birthday Grandpa Kent!

- It was my Grandpa Kent's 83rd birthday yesterday. We partied it up at my Aunt Sam's.
Where's Mica?
- The funniest part of the evening is when Travis came inside after being out there for like 45 min. asking, "Where's Mica?" Daddy didn't even know Mica came inside.
- He was so absorbed in his own world that he wasn't paying any attention to his kid's.
Hold Still Mica!

- Mica's always got his feet swinging, his mouth running, or his arms moving!
Isaak with His Great Grandpa Kent

- Isaak doesn't always look like this. Earlier in the day when he saw Great Grandma and Grandpa Kent he wanted nothing to do with his Grandpa!
- All my family loves kids, and Isaak is kind of a mommies boy.
Daddy Finally Decides to Come inside to Look After His Children

- Always at a party the balloon is a success for kids.

- It's funny that kids this age always want to pose!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
No Bottle's Anymore!
- Isaak is offically off the bottle. He's been taking a tippy cup for a long time now, and less bottle as time went on. It was just a matter of taking it away.
- I pumped 7 min. on Mon, 5 min. on Tues., 3 min. yesterday and today.
- I think by next week there will be no pumping! :)
- That means 1 less thing to remember in the morning (my pump bag), I won't be using someone else's office space (seeing that I have a cubical) and I can go run more errands during my lunch hour.
- I just hope that Isaak doesn't beg too much during the weekends to nurse!
- I would of never gotten through a year with either of my kids if it weren't for the Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump. Their website and customer service is the best!
- Whenever I had a problem they could answer me!
- I had problem's initially with both of my kids, and we hurdled over those issues. :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Potty Seat
- This is the only potty seat besides a potty chair that I've been able to find that works for boys. There really has to have that cup looking thing in the front of seats and potty chairs for boys. Otherwise they pee all over!
- I've only been able to find a good seat at Babies R Us.
- I've bought other seats, and simply returned them to the store. I just said, "This does not work for boys" and they took it back.
- As soon as I can start training the trainer by having them stand up on a step stool to pee I do. Mica really took off with training when I taught him to stand up to pee. Mica just holds on to the toilet, leans over and pees. Getting a step stool that is adjustable is great. I have a shower seat that doubles as a step stool. It has 2 levels. Now Mica uses the lower level, but when I start training Isaak this way he'll use the higher level.
- My next step with Mica is to have him learn to aim. A good way to do this is to drop a Cheerio in the pot. They can be flushed down. Good aiming devises.
- Isaak went potty in the potty chair once last night and once this morning. He looked excited when we praised him.
- I totally have a different view on potty training then most people.
- In my mom's generation kids were potty trained so much earlier then now a days.
- Why? Probably because kids wore cloth diapers (could feel when they were wet). Most mom's stayed home with their kids to work with them.
- I'm a firm believer that when little ones have a pretty dry diaper and it's been awhile since they've been changed, I set them on the royal thrown to see if they'll go. This gets them comfortable with the potty and extra time for me to read to my little tike.
- I read on a site all about how we train our kids to go in their diaper. The site was right.
- Read: http://www.dy-dee.com/Benefits_of_Cloth/Skin_Care/Toilet_Training_The_Complete/toilet_training_the_complete.html
- I think as long as the experience stays positive. Why not attempt?
- It doesn't have to be a, do it in one weekend thing for me.
- Later on we can get more serious about it. Now is just a time to explore and have fun with it.
Sing, Sing Outloud
- For a few weeks Isaak's been trying to sing. Of course no words come out, it's just babble.
- It's pretty cute.
Hair Cut
- It was Mica's turn to get his hair cut last night.
- In the middle of the cut Daddy had to stop what he was doing to go get new shears. The other ones were pulling too much.
- Mica kept on crying up a storm. He hates getting his hair cut. But he loves his hair once it is cut.
- This morning Mica was asking everyone to feel his hair.
- With Mica, I like his hair short! His head sweats so bad when he outside playing. I've heard people ask why he has water all over his head? It's sweat. Disgusting, but true.
Sweet Kisses
- Isaak has been such a sweet boy with lots of kisses.
- Especially at bed time, or when I get home from work.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Foot Scrubber
- I won a foot scrubber from www.toomuchsugar4u.blogspot.com
- The button is on my sidebar.
- It's coming from the company: www.gildentree.com
- This is something I really need because I have majorly flat feet!
Sock Monkey
Sunday, July 19, 2009
- So I've been making fairly decent breakfast's lately since I've been off of work. Today homemade blueberry muffins, hash browns with ham, and a strawberry on everyone's plate. Yesterday was pancake morning.
- Travis says to me tonight, "You've been getting your way with breakfast lately. When am I going to get my way?"
- What does he want? Cereal.
- I didn't simplify enough for him these last few weeks.
Oh No!
- Isaak didn't poop all day. He farted in the car, so I knew it was coming soon.
- I had his diaper off; I was getting his pj's to put on.
- He walked over to the corner of his room, and dropped a brown poop. I looked over at him, and rushed him to the potty chair to let him finish his task.
- Too late, it was on the floor. I think it was easier cleaning it up there then in his diaper.
Let's Go Outback Tonight
- Mica got two coupons for free meal's for going to Bible School courtesy of Outback.
- We used one of them.
- Mica and I usually get lemonade when we're out to eat. Isaak got a taste of Travis' lemon off of his drink. He loved it. He cried when it was gone.
- Mica loves steak, so I got him steak and sweet potato to split with Isaak. I felt like the boys ate good, and there was still enough for me to have a lunch tomorrow.
- Travis got an Outback Cheeseburger. Per usual I don't remember what it was called that I got. It was good though. It was some kind of sandwich you dip in Auju sauce.
- Mica got a free Sunday that we all split. YUMMY! Isaak kept wanting more!
Back to Work
- Tomorrow my two weeks are up.
- My vacation time is over and I go back to work. I think the boys and I will miss each other.
Thomas the Tank Engine

- There was a lot to do before riding on the Thomas train.
- Many booth's were set up. The boys got fake train tattoos on their legs, they got to play with tables full of trains, they did rubbings of trains with crayon's, got to see Sir Tom'm Hat, jump in a bounce tent, story time and the end was a gift shop.
- Mica loved looking at Thomas the train. Isaak loved Sir Tom'm Hat (you can see in the photo he is reaching for him).
- The boy's had a busy day. Now they are conked out asleep.
- I really hope someday they have Harold the Helicopter rides. That would be a lot of fun.

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If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com
I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
If you have any questions about this blog, or want to get in contact with me please email me at: anapeladay@gmail.com