The song may be part of a movie, a kid's video or just a song we like. It may or may not include words. I'll try and include why we like it and/or the history of the song/singer.
I had a few French bands picked out and was kind of tug of waring with myself as to what to feature this week. Then I happened to stumble across one of the prettiest voices I've heard in a long time.
He doesn't have any albums that I know of. Amanuael Visser was born in Ethiopia and was adopted and raised in Byron Bay. He sang from the moment his parents got him; when he was 18 months old. Then when he was 10 he tried out for a talent show in Sydney.
He doesn't dance or write his own music, but man the boy can sing! I've never heard a little boy be able to belt out a Whitney Huston song and not miss a note!
Rolling in the Deep
I Have Nothing
Did I mention he sings opera to?
There is an article about Amanuael Visser here.