There was a writing contest. It had to include a talking animal. Mica wrote a rough draft on his own. Then we talked about ways it could end, since there wasn't much of an ending. He went off, and wrote a more exciting ending on his own. He writes like he talks. He doesn't separate his paragraphs, but I separated them, so it's easier to read.
Jungle Rescue!
By Mica Apel
One fine day when beams of light filtered through the canopy, two baby gorillas were born and their names were Tommy and Carmen.
Carmen can see what is wrong in the world. Tommy had a happy life playing with Carmen, but began to see fewer trees.
Then there was a day when Tommy and Carmen were ten, they were playing with a moss covered ball. Suddenly they were startled by the noise of chainsaws that changed their minds about being outdoors.
The next day Carmen stayed home but Tommy wandered a little more than usual and encountered a logging crew. With curiosity Tommy peered into a tent surprised to see a boy sleeping. Suddenly the boy woke up and looked at Tommy. Then Tommy tried to destroy the conflict on gorilla: "Ok I'll see what I can do". said the boy with concern. "Look, I just want to see the boss around here". said Tommy as they were inside Johnny Yank's office. "Dad can you stop the company"? said the boy. "My goodness what for"? said Johnny. Then Johnny looked at the gorilla. "Just yesterday we had to move out of our shelter because of less berries and more chainsaw noises, we are too frightened the noises were unbearable.
"I'll think while I go for a walk", said Johnny During his walk, Johnny found some seeds. As Johnny walked back he dropped the seeds in a puddle. The next day the seeds were sprouted into small trees.
Johnny was so inspired by the new growth that he grew many more trees instead of removing them. This is how the jungle was rescued.
The End of the Story
We got a letter that Mica won 1st place with our college here - UNO's Strauss Performing Arts Center. Here an author speaks, and they award the winners of the writing contest. Mica's manuscript gets published in a book.
At first we didn't know if he'd be disqualified because a teacher was supposed to submit the manuscript. Dad talked to the Contest Chair. She said he is a first place winner.
Mica's teacher is so excited for him. She's going to the award ceremony to.
Fellow students were asking for his autograph. That's pretty silly.
Isaak has been jealous. We told him that he just needs to keep working on reading to be a good writer.