Thursday, July 5, 2012

How Was Your 4th?

Our kids got wet, sandy and sticky. Overall we had a good time.

We stayed at Aunt Terra's and Uncle Tyson's house to grill, play and make S'mores. Yesterday we bought the boys super soakers from Toys R Us. The time to buy stuff like that is now. Much of their outdoor toys are on clearance. The boys played with them.

Here's our Daddy holding his nephew Emerson.

Emerson loves to look at whomever is holding him. He really reacts when he is sung to. Especially the bumblebee song! Emerson's newish things are to be in the crawl position and rock back and forth, he walks when he holds an adult's hands, he sits up if he's positioned right.

When it was time to go home, we gathered everything up, but my purse. I had to drive across town one more time to get it. UGGG!!! Our neighbor's light off a lot of firecrackers. We opted to watch them instead of buying some this year. It's only been 2 years since Omaha decided to legalize firecrackers.  We bought some last year. Now Mica and Isaak think we have to get some. I grew up only getting them sometimes.


Kids are like little sponges. They do and say things they see adults and people on TV doing. Somethings we want them to do and say. Somethings we don't.

When Mica was 2 1/2 or so he was in the habit of saying, "God dammit!" We did our best to ignore it; not say it ourselves. I've read that not bringing attention to things like that will most likely make what they keep saying go away.

It was one week before Bible School. He was going with his cousin. Mica was at my parents house and said, "I want some God Damn chocolate." Grandpa Spiehs did his best to not laugh. He said, "Mica you really shouldn't say 'God Damn'." I was sure he'd get to Bible School and burn their ears with his taking the Lord's name in vein. Part of me couldn't stop laughing about it. I'm probably going to hell. Just saying. It was just so funny to me. Mica probably got it from Daddy or I. We had a talk with him about not saying, "God Damn"; after that talk he was fine.

Lately Mica has a bit of road rage. I was in line waiting for a fast food meal a few weeks ago. This particular place is never fast. I kept saying, "Come on! Hurry up. We don't have all day." Mica said something I know Daddy says, "Get with the program people!" Then this morning Mica said something I say frequently, "Come on lights; don't turn red!" We're always in a hurry it seems. Working full-time, swimming lessons, jujitsu, school, homework, open swim at the Y, Daddy works once a month at a gallery in the evenings, it just seems like we've generally got something going on all the time. I don't know how people do it with a lot of kids and kids being really into sports or some activity. We need to just SLOW down sometimes. We just can't do it all.

What about you, is there anything your kids have said or done that you didn't want them to? What did you do about it?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July

We had a wonderful breakfast. I made parfaits out of plain Greet Yogurt, with a splash of vanilla mixed in, blueberries and raspberries. Then Daddy made buttermilk pancakes. We rarely have buttermilk. We most always make it with milk and real lemon juice. Everything was really good.

Mica's been on a dress up kick. Here's what he looked like this morning.

It's going to be 100 degrees and he has winter boots on with a hat.

We're going to Aunt Terra's for dinner. Our boys and their boys (cousin's) miss each other. Yesterday Daddy took Evan, Elijah, Mica and Isaak to see Rango in the theater for a free movie. I guess it was packed. Tonight we'll grill out, have salads and watermelon.

It kinds stinks that the 4th is on a Wednesday! We have to work tomorrow. The whole point of the 4th is to stay up and see fireworks to celebrate our sort of independence. Tomorrow will be show up to work tired as hell day.

What are you doing today? Anything special going on?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

WW: Circus {Linky}

These images crack me up!

Daddy and Mica
 Mica and Isaak. I didn't even realize that Isaak's hand was over the clown's mouth.
 I always wanted a girl. Really I'm happy with my boys!
 Isaak got some lovely tattoos.
 A mini circus.

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Isaak stood a long time at this zapper thing:

It just wouldn't zap him!

Finally he turned to look away and this happened:

He figured this ball blower out pretty quickly though:

To Infinity and Beyond

I know my boys would love this:

It does remind me of something Buzz Lightyear would carry on his back! It's an Astronaut Spacepack Super Soaking Water Blaster from Aeromax.

Jolly Mom is giving away one of these on her site!

Summer Fun

Have you ever heard of the company Hog Wild Toys? I haven't. I really want everything on their site!

Especially this:
I've been shooting rubber bands at my coworkers desks just because it's fun. I don't do it all the time. I don't shoot rubber bands at them. I shoot them in the air over their desks. Then I hear this, "Who shot that at me? Where is this coming from?" They've figured it out now. Shucks!

Go Graham Go! is hosting a giveaway for one winner to win these toys:

I know Isaak would like the bear and Mica would like the gun! Isaak likes Nerf guns, but he's not coordinated or strong enough to reload it and cock it to shoot it.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Nerd Alert

Mica's pose, the fact that Isaak's 3D glasses are WAY too big for his tiny face and that his shirt has a brain that says, "Closed for the Season" cracks me up!

While we were on vacation we saw 2 movies. We saw Tornado Alley at the Omnimax and a short version of Happy Feet in 4D.

I didn't know what a 4D movie was. I'm going to pretend like you don't know either. If you do, sorry I'm talking down to you.

We saw everything in 3D, but wind picked up, flakes of white landed on our laps when it snowed, water hit us when pigeons hit the water, there was a lever in the back of our seats that poked us when the pigeons got shoved. The last one totally freaked me out! I don't think the boys felt the lever; they were sitting too far up in their seats.

The boys really loved this experience!

Since our trip, they saw Happy Feet in the theaters. I recently found out that they have free flicks for kids in the summer at 9 AM. Daddy took them to go see Happy Feet last Monday.

Playing Transformers

Mica's on another roll of playing with Transformers. They are not my favorite toy. I can't figure out how to transform them. So when Mica says, "Mom I can't get this one into a truck!!!" I stand there with a big question mark over my head.

Why can't they just go back to playing with Thomas? His characters teach good lessons. NOPE! Transformers it is. Whatever Mica wants to do, Isaak's interested in as well.

We played Transformers. Mica played the part of, "Bumblebee". Isaak was "Optimus Prime". Isaak quickly wanted me involved. I know very little about Transformers and I quickly followed Isaak's lead and became, "Optimus Mom". I was fighting off the evil germs that were in the house. Really I was cleaning and talking like a robot along the way.

Mica as Bumblebee

For some reason "Bumblebee" and "Optimus Prime" kept fighting. Aren't they both supposed to be good guys?

They were both being, BOYS.

At lunch Isaak spilled his milk 3 times.  You would have thought after him spilling it twice I would have thought about taking his drink away. For some odd reason I didn't think of that. Instead he had to clean it up, he was sent to time-out after the third time of spilling it, and he had to stand to finish his meal without milk.

Isaak was getting out of hand, so he went to rest at 2. Usually I don't put him down until 3. He was battling everything, and we had somewhere to be at 3.

In bed, Isaak kicked his wall. I got after him for that. Isaak spit on his bedding. I have no clue what that was about and I got after him for that as well. It was just a naughty behavior day for Isaak. Off went his sheets to be washed. When the boys act like this it's usually because they are tired. Spitting isn't normal behavior.

We went over to see yet another new baby. My cousin Brent was in town. They had their baby 3 days after my cousin Brad and his wife. Two babies 3 days apart.

After holding little Brooklyn, the boys went outside to play. They were a sweaty mess when they were done. They played hard with their cousins; plus it was hot outside.

We went home, I gave them baths, brushed their teeth, and they did the neti pot.

Isaak thanked me for sweeping his floor and making his bed. He had a total behavior turn around.
Isaak was off to bed. He went down without a fight at 6:30! That boy was tired!

Mica was about to follow Isaak's lead. He was laying down. I said, "Mica it's kind of early to go to sleep, why don't you come help Mom make bread and clean?" He he did.


The opinions on this blog are my personal take on products and topics relating to motherhood. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me.

I am not compensated to provide opinions on a variety of topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. If I claim to show knowledge of certain topic or product I will only endorse products or services that I feel, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.

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