Monday, November 30, 2015

The Case of the Grumps

I've always heard about people being grumpy this time of year, and never really got it. It's a happy time of giving.

This is the first year I have the case of the grumps. I'm not trying to get people down. I just haven't been feeling the cheer.

While I know I should be focusing on the positive, I'm grumpy.

I was trying to reflect why I'm grumpy. I'm trying to switch everything I feel around to being a positive, instead of a negative.
  1. It's about time to switch health insurance. OMG I can't get this horror of an expense out of my mind.

    *I'm thankful that we have good health. 

  2. Ever since Travis got his newest job his boss has been in and out of the hospital. He's been putting in more hours because of it.

    *I'm thankful that he's making more money by going in the extra hours. I'm extra thankful that they are finding out what's wrong with his boss. Most of all I'm thankful he has a job!

  3. I went to get our photos taken for our Christmas cards. These are some of the photos I got:

  4. When I asked Travis for help with the boys he said, "I don't think they want to do this. It's your thing." I'm sure the writing on the back will be the same way. Never mind the fact that the cards get sent to his family and friends to.

    *I'm thankful that I did get a few photos to work with. There is a drum in front of Mica. This is almost done. I'll share tomorrow. I still have the writing on the back to do.

  5. I made something I thought was good for breakfast: Blueberry Lemon Breakfast Quinoa. It tasted like oatmeal. I made mine with almond milk. Everyone else complained big time. So much for trying something new.

  6. Blueberry Lemon Breakfast Quinoa can be found here.

    *At least my family is fairly open minded about food most of the time.

  7. I want to run errands so bad, but ice and snow happened.

    *At least we've had great weather up until now.


~ Noelle said...

I know what you mean... it's been a bit of a struggle here too. I need to get the tree up, but really have no desire. It makes me so sad that I feel that way this year

Harry Flashman said...

Life's a trade off, isn't it. Always some good and some bad, but not often just one or the other.

Most of the responsibility for Christmas falls on the woman in a family. I'm sure that's making it harder on you. But I've been reading your blog a long time now, and I am impressed with you. I think you do a super job.

You know me. Lacking tact, I'd say so if I didn't think you were a great mom and wife.


Janie Junebug said...

I went through a bad grumpy phase before Thanksgiving, but I think it was because I'm depressed. I'm alone most of the time, but that's the way I like it. Besides, I shouldn't say I'm alone because I have my two pups who love me. I hope you don't feel you HAVE to send out photos and cards. As I get older, I have fewer "have tos" in my life. I'm happier without have to.


Theresa Mahoney said...

I am usually happy this time of year as well, but I've also developed a case of the grumps. I am thankful that the snow and ice have all melted here. I hope it stays that way!

mail4rosey said...

I love your strategy to remove the grumpies. I think it's a splendid idea. :)

Kristi Maloney said...

I know what you mean about the grumps. I get them when I think about all the stuff that I have to do this holiday. I do love your strategy though, it's all in the way you think about things.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well the breakfast looked yummy. I would've tried it too! It is so frustrating when you put the work into making something new and it flops.

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

is it snowy already there? It's great that you feel grateful for everything you have :). I sometimes become easily grumpy as well, especially with the work stress but now switching negative energy into the positive one is managable and I'm grateful for that..

Cascia Talbert said...

I get grumpy this time of year too. I think it is due to the colder weather and less daylight. I'm also more tired in the winter too. I'm glad you were able to find some positive things! It is important to focus on the positive. Have a great week!

Masshole Mommy said...

I am kind of with you on the grumps this year. The Christmas season really snuck up on me fast this year and I just am not ready for it.

Eat To Live said...

Just call me Scrooge. Christmas is no fun without kids in the house

dd said...

It's good to read I'm not the only one. I'm not grumpy but certainly lacking in the holiday spirit and it's almost Christmas so no hope for me to find it. Hoping the New Year brings a refreshed spirit and keeping my chin up!


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