I’ve been making Kombucha for awhile now. I’ve never great with remember the steps on making things that have extended processes - in the kitchen that is.
My mom got me this starter set a few years ago. I think I waited a half a year to use it. Mainly because I got it at Christmas time, when very little options of fruits can be purchased.
I’ve made three flavors. I happen to like peach, orange, mango, ginger, and cardamom. Any recipe you find online is great. You can substitute different fruits as long as it’s the same amount.
What You Will Need:
•A kombucha starter kit.
•Inside it will have a code to get the scoby. You do not need to get this until you are ready to make your first batch. It does not cost extra for the scoby. Inside the box there is instructions on prepping the scoby.
•Organic black tea either loose or bagged.
•Organic sugar. This helps activate the scoby.
•Organic fruit, and spices when you are ready for the last step.
•Jars, which I’ve been keeping Italian soda bottles, and fancy vanilla bottles just for kombucha.
First Step:
•Boil 4 cups of water in a big pot.
•Cool for 2 minutes.
•Add 6 bags of organic black tea, or equivalent of that for loose leaf tea. If I use bagged tea, I tie the strings together. Steep for 15 minutes.
•Pour 8 cups of filtered water in with the scoby to the big jar that comes with the kit.
•When the 15 minutes is up, pour in 1 cup of organic cane sugar. Stir with a wooden spoon, until it’s dissolved. It took me around two minutes of stirring.
•Pour the tea, sugar water into the big jar that has the scoby and additional water.
•Put a cloth over the jar, add a rubber band, and place it into a dark place for a week. We usually put it into the box the kit came in. Don’t forget about it.
I have never made my own, but I do buy it from the store because it's supposed to help with my gut inflammation. I'm in remission currently, so I don't know how much it actually helps, but in any case I do think it tastes good so I'll continue to use it. Don't think I'll have the time to try my hand at making my own any time soon though.
I didn't even know that you could create your own. I've only tried it once and it was harsh for me but it wasn't homemade. I wouldn't mind trying it again.
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