The next day Daddy taught Isaak how to blow up a balloon. He blew one up, and hasn't been able to blow another since then.
Mica has been blowing them up all weekend. Then he's been letting them go. Both boys giggle at the farting sound.
Here's Mica trying to teach Isaak to blow one up:
Then Isaak wanted me to take a photo of him blowing up a balloon that was already blown up. Silly boy!
Here's my nephew that got the package of balloons with money inside. He didn't sit on them to pop them. Instead he popped them all with a knife.
Well they both get an A for effort, one for teaching and for trying, lol. :) Little cute, guys! You're in for it when they get old enough for the little girls to start calling. :)
Very interesting way to give money as a birthday gift. I don't find blowing up balloons easy. I tend to get a pain in my face!:) I love to see balloons and have decorated with them at Christmas time. A good week to you and your family Alissa.
Mica looks exasperated with his student at times. LOL
"I don't think Isaac has enough air" Oh trust me he has enough air, too too funny! Zoe can't blow up balloons yet either.
ha ha ha...
"I almost died" love it...
that is classic.. kids and balloons....
How cute! Isaak is like my son, I don't think he could ever blow up a balloon! But I do think that is a clever idea about putting money in the balloons, I would have never thought of that!
twinkle at optonline dot net
LOL.... Isaak puts his eyes into. So cute.
I know how Mica feels about almost dying. I have blown so many up at one time that I almost passed out.
quite some fun.. I'm pretty lousy at blowing up balloons, it was much easier when we were kids ;)
I stink at blowing up balloons myself, so I don't even think I would buy the kind you have to blow up in the first place. I usually get them blown up at the party store if I need balloons for a party or something.
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