Monday, May 6, 2013

Yesterday I Was Totally Off!

I had some stomach issues yesterday. I have no clue where they came from: Something I ate, just a flu thing, or allergies. Allergies are horrible right now! Everyone is getting sick from the weather changing back and forth from hot to cold, and cold to hot. On Sunday morning I woke up at 3:30 AM and just could not go back to sleep. Then it was sharp stomach pains from that time on out. Just as quickly as the issues came, I woke up this morning and they were gone.

At least this happened on a day I didn't have to teach. BUT I didn't get a whole lot accomplished on Sunday. Usually on Saturday I run errands. Then on Sunday I work on cleaning. I did get the laundry and dishes done. It wasn't a total loss.

The boys were overall very good yesterday. They played together well and picked up.

This morning I dreamed that I was at an auction for old books. Each time my alarm went off, someone won something. Since my alarm was part of my dream, I woke up later than usual. Has your alarm ever been part of your dream?

Daddy usually helps me with breakfast. He said his throat hurt, so he took the backseat on that job. Mica offered to help with breakfast. This is a rarity.

Mica usually whines complains about wanting to eat breakfast, but doesn't want to help. I usually find myself saying, "Mica if you want breakfast so bad HELP out with it!" He usually replies back, "I don't want it THAT bad." Something was different this morning. He kept saying, "What can I do next Mom?" and "How can I help you now?" To be honest I got so caught up in the fact that I was running late, that I didn't remember if I thanked him, or not. BAD Mom! Busy, distracted Mom that I am, I left the house in a hurry.

I called him and told him how proud I am of him. Then I thanked him. I think he took in what I was saying. I could see the smile in his voice. 

It's never too late to thank someone.


Masshole Mommy said...

Good advice - it's IS never too late to say thanks. Our allergies have been in high gear over here, too! It stinks.

Theresa Mahoney said...

I agree! A late thank you is better than no thank you at all :)

~ Noelle said...

i agree... thanks is best whenever... not just never... like BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. :)
so glad you could hear his smile.. doesn't that mean the world?

mail4rosey said...

Aww, that's sweet that you called him. :)


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