The remodel in the kitchen. We got the floor done; the woodwork is back up to. We still have the landing, we also bought enough to do the backslash above our counters. Then we may have enough to do the steps. I'm in no hurry for the steps.
Then it was scape, clean, prime and paint the outside of the house. It's all primed now. This week we're going to be painting it.
I got an old locker that a gym was discarding. I started sanding that down. Mica wants it Dukes of Hazard - General Lee orange.
Just for fun!
I started having Mica sand the locker with me. The problem is, is that he's not a worker with this type of thing. He expects things to get done automatically. I know he's just shy of being 8 years old. Many kids don't like to work. But this locker is for his room. I have memories of reworking on furniture with my Dad. I wanted him to just help. Let's just say that project lead to frustration.
Mica's been a whiner with other chore type things.
Whiny because he doesn't want Isaak playing in his room.
And down right annoying when it comes to food. He eats all the time. I feed him like he's an adult. It's not that he's hungry that annoys me. It's that he whines and puts out that bottom lip that I want to pull on; it bothers me so much.
Mica said right as I started making dinner, "Mom I'm HUNGRY!" I said, "Mica you just had a snack. I'm starting dinner right now." He pouted some more. I said, "Listen, you can just go outside to play if you are going to whine like that. I just can't listen to that; when I'm working on getting you food." Isaak chimes in and said, "That's a good one Mom!"
Isaak loves to play outside. Mica, not so much.
I am so thankful that both of my kids like playing outside. But only together. If one wants to come in, they both do.
The summer whining must be trending right now. Allison has her whining kicked into high gear too. I seriously need a vacation away from her when that whining starts!
broxton has been a whiner lately..
LOL.... I used to hate it when my Daughter whined.... made me want to give her something to whine about.
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