Daddy wanted to play with a flying disc. We went to the boy's school to play. Mica wanted to ride his bike. He hasn't been able to for awhile because he had a flat tire.
I think this upcoming spring the Easter Bunny will have to leave Mica a bigger bike. Mica looks too tall for it.
Daddy, Isaak and I played with the flying disc. Isaak's better at it than I am. Daddy was getting annoyed with me spinning it off to some other land. HA HA
Isaak had makeup on his face from earlier that day. He got it done at a Halloween shop. He was supposed to wash it off. He 1/2 wiped it off. His face looked so bruised. People gave us stares. His hair was still gold from the Halloween store as well.
Isaak likes to bounce a lot these days.
Here you can see his makeup a little.
Do you like flying discs? What outdoor things do you like to play with?
My son started riding dirt bikes on the local off the road trails somewhere around that age. Maybe a bit older. I'd drive him up there with the truck, off load the bike, and he'd ride while I'd sit around someone's fire and share coffee with them. Good times. Sometimes the women made food and there was always an invite to someone's camp. A little more expensive than frisbees, but worth it. I miss those days. Maybe your boy is ready for a first dirt bike. He looks like he could handle it.
Look at you with the fun facts :) I did not know that. My boys LOVE frisbee. We played a lot over the summer at the beach.
We used to play frisbee gold. Its fun.
I love playing Frisbee! I think that and badmitton are my favorite outdoor games.
I like flying discs (it's hard not to write Frisbees), and we have one that we toss around sometimes.
Your post made me laugh because my son put Halloween make-up on Sat. night (he did a really good job too, he's got an artistic bent that he did NOT get from me). We thought it was all washed out but on Sunday when we were out in public we saw that we had not, lol
ha ha ha...
the boys love playing frisbee...
and the makeup? nothing better than marc putting tattoos on broxton saturday night before church...
We've been teaching the dogs to play frisbee. So far, they just want to chew on it though!
I bought this HUGE frisbee for our Grandson on vacation. We were so busy no one got to play.
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