Friday, December 13, 2013

Random Tid Bits

  1. I'm excited because I get to leave work early today to go help Isaak's class make gingerbread houses. I bought some fun stuff to decorate them. 
  2. On Saturday I get together with my Mom and sisters to decorate sugar cookies.
  3. This last weekend I made banana bread galore. My Grandpa, my aunt that is single, my in-laws, and the boy's teachers all get 2 small loaves of bread + other things.
  4. Next week is finals week. I'll be busy!
  5. A local artist, college teacher passed away this last weekend. She died on her shows opening night. I didn't know her well at all. I don't know if she even knew my name. Every time I saw her she had a smile on her face. She looked like she loved life. I've been thinking about her all week. She was fairly young. I feel for her friends and family. Such a beautiful soul.


Masshole Mommy said...

Have fun with Isaak today!! I expect pictures.

~ Noelle said...

i want to do sugar cookies with broxton at some point :)

mail4rosey said...

I'm sorry about your comrade. :( It does affect us when we even know of someone who passed, and what a pity it was on her opening night.

Have fun w/the decorating. I'm sure you will!

Theresa Mahoney said...

Sounds like a lot of yummy food in your near future!

Harry Flashman said...

If her life was short she seems to have been happy and that is some compensation.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I want to make a gingerbread house this year! I never have believe it or not. Good luck during finals week! It's finals here next week too.


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