But what do you put in a boy's stocking? Let's face it underwear and socks aren't that fun!
I'm not giving my boys all these things featured. I'm sure the Easter Bunny will leave a few of the things. All the things are stocking stuffer size.
Stuck on You pencil cases. I love things that can be personalized!
A Stuck on You Bag Tag. {Front and Back}
Crafty things. My boys love tape, so they've gotten it the last few years. You could get colored pencils, fun cutting scissors, markers, single hole punchers, Model Magic, Play-Doh, clay and more.
Fun erasers, pencils, stationery are all fun for boys, or girls. Below I found a Lego stationery set. The erasers are shaped like Legos. I am thinking the Easter Bunny is going to leave these sets (I have two).
Lego Minifigures work well for stockings, and gift toppers. I keep them around for birthday party present toppers.
Knucklehead Wrist bands. I thought Isaak would like these.
Sure socks can be boring, but slipper socks with their favorite characters on them become fun.
Books! Reading is good all the time.
Movies! You could have a whole stocking prepped for a movie night. Put in a DVD, movie theater candy, and microwave popcorn.
Other ideas:
- Fruit
- Fun Refreezable Ice Blocks for their school lunches
- Cloth Reuseable sandwich bags for their school lunches - I found Marvel character ones last year.
- A Tooth Fairy box
- Gift Cards
- Character Band-Aids
- Temporary Tattoos
- Stickers
- Flashcards
- A Character Switch Plate for their bedroom
- Polished Stones
- Travel Card Games
- Video Games
If you celebrate Christmas, what do you put in your Christmas stockings?
I have a son and a daughter. My wife used to do their stockings. I know they both got Christmas candy, things like magic markers, and glitter, my son got little vehicles and soldiers, my daughter got little ponies and cats. It's been a long time since we did Christmas stockings and that's all I can remember. Your kids are getting lots of nice things!
I hate having to fill the stockings LOL. This year they are getting flashlights, batteries and some other little crap that I found in the dollar section at Target.
I haven't hung a stocking for years - I miss it sometimes!
I think the boy stockings are easy to fill too. My oldest wants a chocolate orange in his no matter what, and I make sure eveyrone gets a DVD and other little treats. Hubby tops them off w/candy on Christmas Eve (so they're not sneaking any before Christmas). :) I love the personalized pencils!
These are great ideas! I got some double decker buses that were on sale at Barnes and Noble last summer and some Mighty Beans for ours so far.
Lots of stocking stuffers. It is a good thing your boys don't read your blog.
Random things go in Broxtons... A couple hot wheel cars... a movie... just random toys... it is never really FULL - that might change this year though...still trying to decide ;)
Those are all great ideas! I like the idea of putting in a dvd. Those little Lego packs are a genius idea too!
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