Friday, May 2, 2014

Random Tid Bits

  1. My cousin had a baby girl, another cousin's wife is due anytime (she hasn't found out the sex of her baby) and my sister is due anytime with a boy. It's baby central around here. We have a small family, so cousins count in the scheme of things. I know some people that do not even know how many cousins they have. When you have a small family, cousins are seen during every major holiday.

    Do you have a big, or a small family?

  2. The boys are busy doing extra things this week.

    Isaak is in an after school club for 4 weeks on Tuesdays called Garden Club.

    Mica's in an after school club on Wednesdays for 4 weeks called Edible Math. Anything that involves food, Mica is all about.

    Mica tried out for the Talent Show. He wanted to box with another kid. I said, "Ummmm...No!" I mentioned that he could do a reading. He's a great reader! When he looked down about that I said, "You could do Jiu-Jitsu. He tried that. He counted to 40 in Japanese, and did blocks, kicking, and punching. When he practiced he counted pretty fast, and wasn't loud enough. I kept prepping him. He's still young, so I can't expect him to be the best presenter. I don't know how he did. If he makes it great, if he doesn't oh well. At least he tried.

    Then there is the Science Fair during school on Friday. Mica's did a study on water evaporation. Isaak filled a balloon up with gas using vinegar and baking soda. If you missed that, you can see it here.

  3. The boys aren't on our diet, but they do have things that we have. I don't know that it's really a diet. It's more just eating healthier. They never complain about steamed greens. Daddy can't believe they just gobble Kale and Callard Greens down. Did you know that greens are better to eat steamed? I didn't. Now I do. There is an article here.

  4. I'm writing this on Thursday. Tomorrow I'll be sleepish. I have to stay at work most of the night. We have a thing every year called Portfolio Review Night. The school gets about 13 pros, and the students take their portfolios around to get reviewed. Some students get jobs out of the night. I have to help schedule the students after 2 reviews, and show them where to go. It sucks when an interviewer doesn't show up! Then I have to reschedule a lot. Plus it sets such a bad example. Then I help gather students to get their pictures taken between their portfolio reviews. The photos are for a graduation slide. Since most of them are dressed up, we get photos of them. I teach the next day, and I'm always sleepy the day after working all day and most of the night.

  5. Isaak's getting his pictures taken Friday night. Little man will be 6 on May 19!


Cascia Talbert said...

Sounds like you have been busy! My neighbor just had a baby three weeks ago. In the winter time everyone around here stays in their homes so I wasn't aware that she was even pregnant.

My kids are trying out for their school's talent show too. The auditions are next week and the talent show is on June 10. My daughter is doing a comedy skit that I wrote and my son is singing. We'll see if they make it into the show.

Have a terrific weekend!

Masshole Mommy said...

Congratulations on your new niece! That is awesome. My inlaws were like that, too - they all started having babies around the same time.

~ Noelle said...

yes - it is baby central around yall :) growing up, we were really close to our cousins, but as we got older, it just seems like people grow up and apart...

Theresa Mahoney said...

It's raining babies over there! I have a lot of cousins, but I don't see them often. Now, my girls are besties with all of theirs. It's funny how close knit my girls are with my siblings kids because us siblings hate each other lol.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh wow they never complain about steamed greens??? Even to this day you couldn't get me to eat a steamed green lol. I could have learned lessons from them when I was younger.

mail4rosey said...

You've got baby central, and we've got wedding central. Seems like every young person we know is getting married, and we're not the 'old generation.'

Ah well, I'll get to dance w/my husband. That doesn't happen near enough. :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

My boys LOVE kale.

Edible math sounds fun!

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