Last week I worried about my Dad's heart surgery. He's fine by the way. More on that tomorrow.
On Friday my husband's boss said, "We need to talk the next time you come in." This happened right as my husband was about to leave to pick up our kids. I can't stand when people say things like that right as you are about to leave. It's like saying, "I have a surprise for you, but you won't get the surprise until next week."
After I said that my husband said, "Now we all know what your weakness is." Gee thanks!
On Saturday my husband went to finish up his job. He goes in on the weekends, and in the evenings to finish up sometimes because the kid's get dropped off, and picked up by him during the week.
My husband was nervous. He's been working at the same dental lab since 911 happened. That day was his first day. His boss has been acting odd lately. Once he accused him of throwing away something they recycle. He didn't do it. It was like he was looking for my husband to mess up.
He and his boss talked. His boss said that he ran the business in the ground, and has to let him go. He hated letting him go. It's nothing my husband did. He's a good worker. In fact he called another lab to try and get my husband in there. One good thing - his boss will be a great reference for him to get a new job.
I'm worried; my husband is less stressed. He was so tired of working there. The tension has been so high because everyone knew that his boss paid his workers on credit.
There's a Few Things on My Mind:
1. How is any place going to work with our crazy schedules? Dad takes the kids to school, Dad picks them up. I know people do it. But I don't want my boys living at school. He always made sure all the work was done by going in on weekends, and evenings to do it. I don't know that all bosses would be as flexible as his current boss. His last day is Thursday.
2. Should I saturate the boys with camps for the summer, or not? Right now is prime season for signing up for camps. We've already signed Mica up for 2, and Isaak for 1. There's 1 more camp they can both go to. If we're low on funds, and Dad's going to be home anyhow I don't want them signed up for camps. If he gets a full time job we'll need the boys in as many camps as possible. Thankfully the camps here aren't too expensive. But it adds up.
3. He wants odd jobs, and I want security. He is an artist. He'd love to do workshops for the Kent Bellow's Foundation (which is only 4 hours a week), be a teach at Arts 4 All during the summer, teach a class at the art museum, and be a model for figure drawing. He of course wants to make more artwork to sell as well. I'd love for him to work steady hours, and have benefits. Save up for retirement.
One worry (my Dad) was replaced with another (my husband's current work status).
When the boys found out about Dad being let go they both said, "Oh I like going to Dad's work!" They go there on some snow days. It's like a home away from home to them.
We bought 2 thank you cards to give to Dad's 2 co-workers that have been by his side since day 1. They are going to A) Be pissed when they find out about Travis being let go. It's been busy. I don't know how they are going to manage without him. B) worried because they are next to be let go. They to have families to care for.
Everyone at his lab loves my cookies. I already made a batch. I just didn't decorate them yet. They are hearts. Instead of saying typical conversation heart sayings like I normally do...I'm going to say, "Miss You" and "Bye".
One chapter in our lives is about to close. It's scary, yet could be thought of as an exciting time. I'm going with scary. My husband would say, "It's about time."
Monday, February 9, 2015
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Sorry to hear he lost his job unexpectedly. I hope he can find something else flexible. I have the two part time jobs, which I can make work around the school bus schedule, and that is the reason I stick with them. Those kind of jobs are out there...they just take a lot of snooping to find.
So sorry to hear... I am like you, I would be worrying too.. but if he was not that happy, maybe it is a blessing in disguise?
I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers and hope things work out the way they are meant to be....
You have the same situation with your husband as I do with my parents. They'd love me to get a 9-5 job with stability and I wouldn't be able to stand that. Instead I have a lot of casual jobs. The difference though, is that I don't have anyone to help support but myself. So if I lose one job, I'll have to live a bit tighter for a while but there's no greater consequences.
I hate to hear that. Next to ill health, money is the thing most people worry about. I know that these recent events have worn you down. I can honestly say though that when such things have happened to us in the past, it always led to a better life for my wife and I. I believe it will work that way for your family. If you want I will research job opportunities in North Georgia in your husband's line. You just never know.
There is also this Alissa: It's obvious you and Travis balance one another really well; you have what it takes to make it through this. =)
Sending good thoughts that wonderful things will develop from this.
I am so sorry to hear that everything is happening all at once for you guys. I am sure daddy will find a new job, but right now while everything is up in the air, it can be hard to see that everything will work out.
I hope everything will work out better for you and your family. I'm sure he'll get better choices out there...
On one hand, that sucks about losing the job. On the other, I am glad he isn't stressing about it. Sometimes we need something to happen like that in order to move on to things that we are better suited for. Fingers crossed he finds a job he loves soon!
If it wasn't a happy place for him (his old job), this could def. be a good thing for him to move on to something that is a better fit. We spend so much time at work, might as well be happy there too! Good luck to him. :)
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