Monday, April 6, 2015


A lot of times I see school papers long after a holiday is over with. Last week Isaak brought home this:

I admit the first time I read it, it said, "Who is worth more to you than gold? I love my mom because she cuts with me every time."

Then when I got it, it melted my heart. I actually says, "Who is worth more to you than gold? I love my mom because she cuddles with me every time"
It's not the prettiest picture, but it's the message that I love.
By the way I tried to cuddle with Mica this weekend. Oh my goodness that child is a giant. He seems just as long as me on the couch. They grow up so fast!


Unknown said...

Aw that is the cutest! Enjoy it while it lasts, because they won't like cuddling Mum once they hit puberty...

Theresa Mahoney said...

That really is so sweet! And yes, cuddling is much harder when they get giant sized lol.

Masshole Mommy said...

That is the sweetest thing. I am sure you will treasure that forever.

~ Noelle said...

How sweet!!!! I know that is something you will treasure forever :)

Eat To Live said...

So nice to know you are loved!! He is so cute Alissa!

Terra Heck said...

So sweet! I miss receiving those kinds of handmade treasures from my kids. I still have the ones they made me when they were younger.


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